p. 12


Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, June 3rd. 1944.
Kuz BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN GARNER WITH ய ய ய 19 us now service brilliant.
HENRY WICKHAM STEED WRNS prepare landing. Good Team Diplomatic Tie SO Craft Invasion team includes not Costa Rica is the fifth counti 12 Members of the WRNS (Wo only British and American but of the Western Hemisphere, in Iso Canadian forces in consi cluding the United States, th: men Royal Naval Service) are now being trained as ship me derable numbers, and presuma has recognized the Soviet Unio chanics for the repair and main bly will also containunits from The others are Mexico, Cub tenance of landing craft at Bri the armed forces of other Allies. Colombia and Uruguay. It SET intensive and tish ports. After an Montgomery Eisenhower indicated in diplomatic circl course of training, these women clicked at once, back in the that other Latin republics 200 mechanics are working days of the Tunisian campaign. shortly follow Costa Rica e alongside the men in ports all The two of them make a team ample. It has been pointed o 16 over Britain in the in themselves. Eisenhower is a repeatedly that one of Mr. OL carpentry tomansky tasks. if not ti shops, blacksmith forges and natural strategic chairman, a joint general main one. is that of obtainin dinghy repair shops, as well as preside over on the welding and painting on staff. Montgomery possesses the the recognition of the Sovie board qualities of a Union from the Latin. Ameri the landing crafts. Qua complementary tactician and lified ordnance WRNS field can republics that have so fa the guns and close. range weageneral, withheld it. The diplomatic mis pons which are carried on the Two other old. timers from sion with which he has bee In the moment, when the cement of the century was alallied nations are preparing the ready making a world. wide landing craft. These women are the Mediterranean team are Air, entrusted is stated to be regar the greatest operations ever known reputation as a political obser now working on an eight hour Chief Marshall Sir Arthur Ted as highly important by Sir Bertram Moscow government in view with a view to invading Wes ver: At the age of 30 he had day shift but are prepared for der and Admiral duty throughout 24 hours when Ramsay. The role of air in the its ultimate purpose which, tern Europe, the man in the aiready been Times correspon the attack opens on the conti coming operations is bound to is said, is that or paving the wa street should listen to qualified dent in Berlin. lin, Rome and Vie nent.
be vital, and there is universal for postwar trade relations with observers and expert interpre nna ang during the World War agreement that for this reason Latin America, ters of world events in order to No. hi was foreign editor of that Tedder was the ideal choice as follow the news that is being influential newspaper, becom. The Battle of Nerves Eisenhower deputy.
The fact that Mr. Qumansk broadcast from London day and ing editor. in chief in 1919.
All indications are that he is was chosen as the Russian re night. It is recommended, there Mi Steed is an authority on The Germans are nervously proving completely successful in presentative for the negotiatior fore, that our readers listen to European history and an ex fishing with reports that a the preliminary work of co or with Costa Rica confirms the weekly commentaries given perts upon Central European great Allied invasion fleet has dinating the combined Allied airview that in the opinion of Mo, by Mr. Wickham Steed, ack affairs, 08028 assembled on the coast of Briresources and integrating them ow he is the ablest and me nowledged to be one of the Tune in therefore? to the tain, or that masses of men and with land and sea forces for the important Soviet diplomat in tk outstanding and most experien BBC English programme from equipment are pouring over invasion. Ramsay is the man Western Hemisphere.
ced men in matters of interna London every Thursday even British roads and railways to who planned and executed the tional politics, social and labour ing at 6:30 Costa Rican British ports, or that other masnaval side of the Anglo Ameriaffairs, and a man who has time) on frequencies 25. 53, ses are piling up in Anzio and can expeditions in North Afribeen the intimate adviser ot 31. 55, 40. 98 or 48. 78 and to a Corsica, or that the date set is ca.
many governments on political Spanish version of the same Junel. Only a handful of men Burned Books These are just a few of the affairs.
commentaries on Friday even know when and where it will staff around which the invasion This well known publicistings at 8:15 on frequen happen. Only they know how Eleven years ago Germa team is built. Obviously the in.
and broadcaster at the commen cies 41. 96 and 4942. much of all these occurrences students, marched in the proce tegration of interleaved co ordi are the real thing and how sion. They swung in an arc abog nation is closest at the top. But cockfighting Fable much may Railway Prepare for be the feints and the pyre and a representati it isn confined to the staff.
false alarms predicted by the of the students Bund denounce Monarchy Day Special efforts have been made Prime Minister.
the false ideas of freedom to bring American GI and BE Student after student hurl.
British opposite methods of Tommies together in The immediate problem of Several books into the fire. Disadvantages for government have been their training and other prepartried the railway companies in Britain was declared on freedom cout now on the Filipinos, one is to ensure that no delays shall Japan atory work for the second front.
thought and humanism, qualit.
by America and the other by interfere with the movement of One of the most successful ex un. German and soul di Japan, and an American descri supplies and personnel when Japan is fighting in enemy periments in this respect has stroying. Significantly the ba bes these methods something Day comes. Very careful country. Deep raids of been a sort of lendlease ex struck up an accompaniment these like this. The American said to planning has been required to forces leave the rear and flanks change of personnel between the the crowd to sing a verse the Filipino, Cockfight! m deal with British and American armies in Volk ans Gewehr. In oth the immensely in exposed. Japan small aircraft a foolish waste of money. And creased traffic already being production and the need for the European theater.
countries there were meetin reaching his hand into his poc carried and a complete Tommies and Gr were mixed of protests; authors signed st sha planes on all other fronts does ket, he gave him a peso, slap dow service of freight trains not permit sufficient protection up together at British camps ements denouncing the book bic ped him on the back and con which can be put on the line in against bombing and strating and lived, worked, ate, slept, ners; free men in free lanc tinued, Okay, Romero; go buy a few hours has been built up which already has taken a conand talked together.
expressed their displeasure. yourself another fighter. by the railways in collaborationsiderable toll of men and ve. Just as Americans and British in Germany a calendar carrie Then the Japanese came with representatives of the Serv hicles.
who fought together in Tunisia, vis line. man of Germa along and said: Now you are ices. Material from ordnance Finally, China has something Sicily, and Italy got along well character scorns to be an inte!
our brothers. We have come to depots and stores dispersed she never had before, freedom and usually became good friends lectual.
free you from the wicked white throughout the country may be of the air over Japanese forces so here at this invasion base man and to give you independ required at many ports and the and possibly even decisive air Americans and British are work ence in the new order in East total probable journeys running superiority. The Chinese forces ing well together from top to Asia. Tell us, what do you like into thousands have all been do not show evidence in this bottom, and can be counted on trasted with Hitler ruthles: to do? The Filipino, shifting classified, routed and timed and area of organizing widespread to fight as a team when the day ness, has been the deep mor his straw hat from one hand to can be put into operation when guerrilla interference with ene for the big attack finally comes. issue in this war. Triumph the other, haltingly said: Well, ever they are required.
my communications or of using right over ruthlessness, defe.
we Filipinos like to cockfight.
the advantage of superior numof ruthlessness as a cult, as So! said the Japanese bers to close in behind the ad THEIR FINEST HOUR. code of conduct by nations From now on, there will be no vancing Japanese spearheads that will be the largest sing more cockfighting. And reach. sos and slapped the new brother Instead the Chinese forces are Britain patient forbearance, result of the victory of Britai ing his hand into Romero poc in the face for not bowing low moving westward to the hills, her respect for the neutrality and the nations that later join ket, he took one of his tow pe enough in addressing a superior. clearing the whole area. of other nations that, con her.
Two NIR Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanyGuerrillaHitlerInvasionItalySovietWorld War

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