
COTECA THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Editor: JOS THOMAS WIZZ YEAR IX LIMON, JUNE 10th. 1944 The traveller who resolutely folows a rough and winding path will sooner reach the end of his journey than he who is always changP. BOX.
ing his directions, and wastes the hours look 426 ing for smoother and shorter passages.
VIZATIMIZ WWW. Hitler Western Europe Under Invasion was comcan as ATTENTION PLEASE!
The long projected, much fortifications, opened thetrocips continued over an discussed and anxiously way for the invading troops. area as far as thirty miles Complaint has been voiced by a number of awaited invasion of Western Several divisions of para southeast of Caen. Heavy housewives and other interested parties that Europe has occurred. It chute fighters were success. reinforgements, in manenitiated during the fully landed in the rear of power as well as equipment matters in connection with the Fresh Fish earlier morning hours of the Hitler defence line.
trade are not as they should be.
are being constantly, disTuesday last, the 6th. Meeting with but little embarked at various points It is claimed that the very limited amount instant.
enemy resistance, the in wilthout serious trouble.
of this essential article of diet, which has been Transported and convoyed vading forces quickly occu The strategic position of reachinf our citl market for some time is due »y 4, 000 ships and thous pied about twenty miles of Bayeux situate nine miles to the extensive sales conducted along the bends of landing vessels, all the coast line with a pro inland in the Cherbourg ach where the fishermen land their catches.
fundidy of from eigth to The complainants declale, and we think ten mies.
with justice, that this should not be, as it is The general operations are not only most inconveniente to the large majo under the supreme mand of General Dwight rity of buyers, but may prejudice the financial Eissenhower with General interests of the Municipalty and menace our One Sir Bernard Montgomery, general health conditions.
the hero of the North AfriOur Municipal Authorities have expended campaign, in direct a very large sum of money in the erection of command of the fighting the present City Market, and it is, therefore, ab forces.
solutely necessary that every effort should be It has been reported that made to safeguard the expenditure. Even if but a very few of the enemy the regular fees are chargeable on the beach, it air units were encountered during the earlier stages not likely they can be effectively collected of the invasion.
Genl. Sir Bernard Montgome for want of proper facilities and efficient super ry in direct camand of Allied vision. Nothing should also be permitted The beach heads are being Land Forces.
which might, in any way, impede or retard the General Dwight Eissenhower appreciably extended labours our Health Department we in Supreme Comimand of the also the advances inland.
should accord them the closest co operation.
Allied Invasion operations. The important points of area has been taken by the It is hoped the required atention will be giCaen, Deauville and Hom Anglo Americans. In the protected by the huge num fleur were among the early area of vn the maten Caen the first ber of 11, 000 planes, successes, gains, Caenis counter attacks of the Ger250, 000 men of the Anglo located 120 miles from Pa man had been successfully American troops, based in ris.
withstood England, lauded on the coast of Normandy in Fran At the time of thes writ gress.
All the territory Powerful Offensive ce, in the most audacious ing, wehe have the advice occupied by the invading amphibious operation in his that more than seventy troops is being firmly held tory. The guns of the British miles of the coast have been against the increasing ef.
Moscow reports that the The military news organ states and alied battle ships, as cleared of the enemy, while forts of the Nazis.
German operations in Ru of the Soviet Army mania had greatly de intensive well as the 10, 000 tons of the landing of large numoperations win all bombs rained on the Nazi ber of additiona parachute Large concentrations of creased in intensity, the soon be underway by United latest attacks having been the forces of the aer units incessantly raid enemy air fields, railways, repelled with heavy losses Nations, as Russia is ready to the enemy, in the vioinity to throw the full strength communicating lines, miliof Iasi.
of her armed forces against tary deposits as well as the The recent raid by the Germany.
troops on their way to the North American planes, In keeping with the Tefighting front.
based on Russian territory, heran aceord Russians are The losses suffered by the is said to have almost enti reported to have initiated Allieds of the time of initiat rely destroyed the German an intense offensive in RuTo Members of Cacao Cooperation sing the invasion are report airport at Gaatiin Ruma. mania as an aid to the inMixta)
ed as exertaordinarily lownia.
vasion of Western Europe.
The British admiralty admittOur prices for the following Products are ed the loss of one ship, and the North Americans destroyers and one small ves CACAO, per quintal. 47. 00 colones sel. The losses in air units COCOANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00. Colones averaged, it was officially an OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT nounced, one por cent. Up COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones LOWER PRICES to mid fay Thursday, it is sta ted the loss had amounted to Ame All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense 289 machines. North First class Merchandise and best of rican troops had cut the road of the Cacao Co operation between Clarentan and cher Courtesy always bourgy in many parts, while Please ask for anything in Grocery or other other Allied units had cut Articles of General dietry not readily sen.
RAUL VELAZQUEZ the railway between Carentan Manager and coast. The Allied advan LA PROVEEDORA ces continue we are assured LIMON CITY on all fronts.
fighting es reported in pro Russia Ready to Launch MIMIZ25 Notice two La Proveedora WM Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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