
Saturday, June 10th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page ZUNLAR gipto TRIBUTE TO MY FRIEND AND BROTHER NOTICE ROIG Vw a was a The nated by Mrs MeGregat, apart Gemeed with morning dewy throughout the Reich for the to the mightiest armed nation odmerely on the lightning Caribbean Packing Co. Europe RAICILLA. IPECACUANA pall of gloom overshado Des Landes even the feeble ones wending Aadress all your EngPara todos sus trabajos wed the district of Siquirres their way in a drenching ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase a and the adjoining ones on shower of rain to deposit their the night of the 30th. ult brey Shaw (Doctor. who had humble oferings of tiny bou Sata17 ROIG mo, when the bell of the An been asociated with the deceas quets on the crave.
glican hurch tolled the de ed for a considerable time, The Benediction of the Rev BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 parture of Mr. Ri gave a stirring address. Mr Mr. Forde, at the grave, was SAN JOSE chardson (Doctor)
Peter Smith also spoke of his all that could be desired, and hdmisure 10 The name of the deceased worth, and wondered if his there was a feeling that Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicosic household word, not place will be filled.
great impression had been only in these districts, but At the close of the foreg made.
till throughout the Atlantic Zo oing proceedongs, the corte Teugh the tomb be dark and JUNE 1940 JUNE 19145 ne. In his profession, he was ge left for Cairo where the dreary, In the month of June 19401 a single great purpose. 53 regarded as in a class by remains were interred. The And the shadows o ver it France lost her freedom and overseas Dominions himself. He wass possessed train was donated by the re bend; traditional honour to the and Colonies of the British of the admirable trait of sidents of that district in ap Resting there the worn and br aggre being very humane with preciation of his long and weary, ny and Italy. At the fall of tiated a flow of men and ma little or no regard for fees mertorious services among Calmly sleep until the end. Paris the Nazi High. Com terial into the Mother Country when his services were re them. It was capacity erowd Curtained round by summer mand, Herr Adolf Hitler, or and so continous was this that quested. He never knew how ed. The beautiful wreaths do roses, dered joy to dan or sue.
fram conventional usage, spo tears, space of three days. This was the world has ever seen. Hi ZA funeral service was con ke volumes of his worth it. And when vesper twilight probably followed by the then ter tehretened an invasion ducted at the home by the was an impressive sight, too closes, Italian Dictator. Benito Musso but failed to make good the Rev. Forde. Mr. Au to see the young, the old, and Grasses lift their vernal spears lini.
threat. Time moved on and ola the United States of America The Totalitarian depend entered the fight. This threng mo thened the indomitable will vements of their well prepar of the British, and, together, ed and armed forces to conti they went forth to meet the nue the subjugation of huma Axis. The aggressors were dri nity. England tight hing ven from Africa, all the Itaed on time. By some extraor ilian possession, located in the CACAO dinary method of expansion. Mediterranean area were seiz the British people sheltured ed and on the 3rd day of and comforted the bulk of the mont of June 1944, RoThe Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao the escaped peoples of the me, the Eternal City, was li Nazi trampled countries of berated from Nazi fascist while what was left control. True to their fine tra oftheir man power, their ditions, the Leaders of the navies and aerial forces we United Nations are RUBBER re merged into one whole for good their promises.
Brilliant Programme by Methodist Girls League We are Agents for ral months, the THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOYT Methodist voices of the Misses BK Girls League reappeared on ke and Wallace harmon the entertaining agenda, on zed beautifully.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE the night of the 30th. ulti Much was added to thi m, with brilliant program evening enjoyment by the Rey, Holmes, portrayal of the Play Th the Minister of the Circuit, New Minister Arrives. TH presided over the splendid setting brought to memor entertainment HA the tale of Cinderelle, on wh FOR MEN RESUMES CONNECTION WITH MIKITARY BAND owi se foot was slipped the Pri We feel it incumbent to ce discovered Golden Felt and Straw Hats.
We extend a sincere wel sonnel, he has been selected mention the literary accomper. Great wast the desir Shirts and Underwear come to don Trinio Jimenez, to once again occupy the plishments of Miss Pearl Ed of the maidens into whos THE LATEST, CHEAPEST after his absence of about same position.
wards in Invocation; Miss circle the new Minister ha AND BEST two years. Don Trinio former Don Trinio is accompanied Dorothy ani Wallace in Live appeared each ordentl Do your shopping at ly held the position of Assis by his much esteemed wife. Young Dream; Miss Adeline wished to be the chosen brid tant Director of the city The Atlantic Voice wishes Rowe in Elogy of a Mad Dog The cast of character THE PEOPLE HOUSE Military Band, and as an out them a lengthy and very Miss Maud Rose in The Grea brought forward Miss BI come of the changes recen pleasant stay in our commu test Trouble and Miss Elena ke as the Mother Mrs. Gree tly made in the leading pernity.
Reid in Her Name. In their Her daughters, Ellen Pegg and Sarah were respectivel personified by Mrs. Fi lay, Miss Dorothy Wallac Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back and Miss Hilda Lewis. Mis de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: Larlaine Dixon, was Dot Thir hill must be paid at our office before Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro vén, a friend, while Miss the 10th of the month da Brown did the part de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so gcou as to comply with this request and do not the Minister, Bob Hove Le rogamos recordat esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
The servant, Briggett, oliwr Miss Linda Monros, and turned out that the real nister was a Cra dell, a role efectively playe by Mss Leleth Marklond, After an absence of sever, rendering of Wonder Why, th a me. The SA Sli Mouble and make COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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