
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, June 10th. 1944 Death of Sexagenarian tho 00 war, From Matina HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA The residents of our dis City of Limon trict of Matina have extended On Friday, nine days ago, mains accompanied by a con a jolly welcome to our new there passed into the World course of mourners and sym Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
Police Judge, don Livio Barto Beyond, the esteemed doña pathisers to the cemetery.
li, and we are firmly of the Manuela Mora vda. de Gutie Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms She has left to mourn her opinion that the highest mu rrez, at the advanced age of loss, her son in law and daugh Special Dining Room Service dtual understanding will exist seventy years. Taken sudden ter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boza WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE between him and our generally and seriously ill, she was also eleven grand children, AND FOREIGN LIQUORS populace. He has already com admitted to the local hospital one of whom, Eduardo, is con 199 menced to demonstrate aand died there shortly after. nected with this weekly news ERNEST CECIL LEWIS keen interest for the welfare The funeral service was held organ. To term and all Proprietor.
of the community.
in the Cathedral, and her re other sorrowing ones the The fact of don Livio being ZZZSZINTESET ZWNTINUE Atlantic Voice extends its sitno stranger to the orignal lan Children Day profound condolence.
guage of a large majority Return of the Rev. Evans Celebration of the people within his jurisdiction will, we further be lieve, efectively grease the Children Day will be obSayings We learn tha the Rev. weeks in the Capital.
axle of right and justice served bythe city Baptists to James Evans, Rural Dean of Matina wholeheartedly morrow, the 11th. In addition Jend of the Costa Rica and Panama, has At the We are glad to again ha thanks the governing Person to the services at 11 a. and returned, along wth Mrs. ve them with us. The Recnel for sending us this Judi7 m. an afternoon program whoevre may be in office will cial Officer me, with the Young People have the greatest task which Evans, to the St. Mark Rec tor will conduct the services RESIDENT participating, will be presen has fallen on any Governmsnt tory, after passing several tomorrow, at St. Mark ted in connection with the an in the history of the world. At niversary that moment we have got to Among the Vacationist SYDNEY BECKFORD CABINET MAKING The usual cordial invita build a peace which we hope tion is extended the general will be permanen. Minister AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP During the earlier days of public.
of Labour.
Not only for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our the week in course, we learn Chairs lie comfort; while technique of the worknianed that a number of the em We arent advertising. we are sppealing. Please give us ship guarantees strength and durality.
ployees of the Costa Rica Ba benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA Dixons little place West of BE WISE. remember every item of nona and Northern Railway the City Market Companies domiciled in this ய Beckford built furniture Zone, were about to go on va Rev. Cooper on ON THE SICK AGENDA remains a prize in office or home.
Due no the scarcity of Shellac we are giving a brilliant Wax finish.
Visit The following have left to spend a part of their period Our esteemed citizens and SEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE at rest and recreation in San Among the arrivals by last collaborator, Mrs Hannah 4th. Street at entrance to Gamez Jose. Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Wednesday passenger air Manning, is, we much regret Lumber Yard.
Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Days plane was the Rev. Cooper to mention, on the sick agen ley, Mr. and Mrs. Hilarion of the Almirante Anglican UNTITIDIEKU MINTA da. She left last Sunday for and Mr. Gouldbourne. We Cure.
the Capital for special medi Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support, wish them a very pleasant Though his camng was en cal treatment. We wisk her we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink stay in the cooler clime of tirely unexpected, he is assur a speedy and complete recove at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the city the Capita. ed Limon hearty welcome. ry.
20W ய மய லய ப வம ம யம யம a MATINA ART AND UNIQUE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT De Witt Pills quickly relieve MINTO JOINT PAINS The charm in the appearance of a man is a well designed and smartly fitted suit The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring Establishment guarantees, at all tinies.
BEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP Our central location makes it convenient for the mer of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal with us.
PRICES TO MEET THE TIME CERAMOSLSLSLSLLERSHENGSHERISHNACHLOSSIBL0T. Visitor from Panama GRAL. ROMMEL Joint pains and backache warn you that your kidneys are out of order.
They are getting sluggish and allowing impurities and poisons to escape from the bloodstream and lodge in the muscles and joints.
20 These poisons (especially uric De Witt Pills not only clear away clogging acid) may bring on painful rheu impurities and poisons they actually tone up and strengthen the kidneys. You get matic swellings if they are not evidence of the direct action of De Witt quickly cleared out of the system. Pills within 24 hours of taking the first The way to tackle the trouble is dose. This gives positive proof that a wonderful internal antiseptic is getting to to go at once to the root causework at the very root of your trouble in the unhealthy condition of your the kidneys themselves.
Once your kidneys are restored to healthy De Witt Pills are specially prepared to activity, those joint pains, rheumatic correct kidney disorders. That why they completely. And because the cause of twinges and depressing backaches banish have proved such an effective treatment your trouble has been removed you can for Joint Pains, Rheumatism and Backache.
expect more than temporary relief.
From the neighbouring Re public of Panama, where she has been residing for several years, Miss Ion Cmristie arri ved here recently on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Christie of Caiiro, meantime the house guest of Mrs. Shaw Ibank. She left to resume her responsible duties, in the land of her adopthion, last Wednesday by air transporta tion. We wish her a safe trip Marshal Rommel. in charge and continued success in her of the Nazi Defence agains: actives the Allied Invasion, DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all forms of Kidney Trouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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