
1. 9989 Page 11 Saturday, June 10th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE KIZI GERMANS IN DRAMATIC FLIGHT FROM ROME MUL. EN. OL FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC ant 070i berca ylice NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR From the Italian battle fighting area, despitelostiff Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
fronts we have the adviees enemy opposition. it Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash Disappointment that the defeated Germans The number of Germans and Dentrifice.
are in full and dramatic taken prisoners since the ALKALINE TABLETS Our sporting public expo flight; northward from Ro last drive toward Romied is IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND rienced great disappointment me, and are being closely given as 8, 000. Delen PLEASANT OF TASTE.
last Sunday, consequent on pursuede büy tadi triftir Ar. powexful Ailed fleet the cancellation of the game my whai naa reached the was reported moving to MA. TA RAL of football listed for presen cinity of ċivita Vecchia, ward the north of Italy off good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, tation between the Indepen forby miles northwest of the the coastal region of Genoa diente of Tres Rios and the Eternál eiweiblid)
It is the growing belief that The TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it. Barcelona of this city. reports AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS to have advanced made in the south of FranM PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A. We learnthat the advice about thirty, miles in their fee.
VAG bina of the inability of the Tres SAN JOSE Rios players to keep their en minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after gagement, was received at EXCELSIOR TAILOR EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS so late an hour the previous og Soon CLIFFORD STEELE day that there was not suffi cient time to effect a general un Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
tand by us iest, we fall support us with your united strength notificationo the postpone To enhance the charm of every manais a well designed Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon littlement of the match. We, too, and fell titored suit with a guarantee behind it.
place West of the city Market.
are sorry.
BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, hel 191x9 at BEST WORKMANSHIP We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout. caps, Scull caps. Sailor cops and werking caps of all kinds. 58 230 VAB Cairo Mourns Death of Mr. Richardson TO special to me came to ப ய லய 2020OWHOZ Terminating the span thére continuously in the cau vice was conducted at the hou AVAT os ito of sixty two years of life on se of suffering humanity. It se of mourning at Siquirres JAMAICA SUFFERS LOSS OF SEVERAL this sin encompassede earth is said Mr Richardson lived and at the grave in Cairo by PROMINENT SONS Mr. Richardson (Doc and worked in the full reali the Rev Forde Resting in tor) succumbed to his linger zation of his own injunction beatiful coffin, the remains Profoundly we regret 10 19000). Von the ber of years yas prominent ing illness on Tuesday, the and along the lines of of the deecased were conve receipt of the information among the clergy of the Me 30th of the recently pass yed to Cairo by a that the Grim Repaer has thodist Denomination Mr.
ed month, at his residence Suffer the sick to come un that the Grim Raper has been sakitig tolle among Astley, Clerk, a widely. epin Siquirres.
without money and loved him and interred in the many of the Island precoiated Musician atooand The deceased was the son without price; and forbid the local cemetery in the pre of Jamaica, whose illustrious Poet. Mr. Herbert Georges De of Mr. Patrick Richardson them nor for such is the true sence of a large gathering activities earned them outs Lisser, the famed, editos si of and Miss Rebecca Archer of spirit of my profession. of mourners and sympathitanding positions in their the Gleaner newspaper, Old Harbour in the Parish of The people of Siquir, es, sers. Dr. Aubrey Shaw Jsland home.
நபரம er nguorts Planter Punch, an annual St. Catherine, Island of Ja Capiro and the several suround and Mr. Peter Smith paid The deaths of the follow publication, and the author maica, and this ding districts were not, we glowing tribute to the servi ing well known sed nomi personages of several works of fiction.
country about thirty nine understand, unmindful of his ce and exemplified career of are reported The Ven The Atlantic Voice exyears ago. He took up resi good deeds and pais oustand Mr Richardson.
Archdeacon. Hy Ramson tends its deepest condolence dence in Cairo and laboureding tribute. The funeral ser The Ationtic Voice extends sorrowing of the Angloan Denomination to the families its deep condolence to the so and long associated with the and relatives, and to the Isrowng relatives wherever do DOG BURIAL COSTS 145. 00 St. George Church in the ci le of Spring in general, for miciled. May the soul of the ty of Kingston. The Rev. the irrepparable loss sustain departed rest in peace everMcLarty who far a long num ed.
lasting. Trixie. TRITION the twelve year of 145. 00 dollars The burial old pet dog of Mrs. Cecile took place ah the Hartsdale BRIEFS OF INTEREST WELCOME TO GOOD CITIZEN Miller of New York City, Canine Cemetery, near White died recently and was Plains, Trixies body being high grade oil is being. Mr. Leslie Angus, of the treatment. This, we are very buried at a cost of 145, 00 do transported there in a limousi manufactured from Sunflow People House. is again glad tosay, was most success lars, the equivalent of more ne in which Mrs. Miller ander seeds in South Africa The with us; he came in by last fully performed in the Clini than eight hundred colones. a couple of her friends also re are said to be 10, 000 acres Wednesday regular passen ac Biblica by the skilful travelled.
under cultivation ofth e plant ger train from Cartago, hands hands of Dr. Alberto The pet is said to have Mr. Sterret, the undertaker, in the Union, and the yield As was earier mentioned, Oreamuno.
been cloroformed by Dr. Ji declared that more than 2, 000 of seed, per acre, averages our good and popular todns The ATLANTIC VOICE nanny De Kiralyi, Park persons visited his place to from 1, 000 to 1, 500 pounds. man yeft us some five weheartily welcomes friend An Avenue Society canine doc have a look at the dog.
ekks or so ago for theCapital gus and hopes he will enjoy tor, and arrangements for its Mrs. Miller is said to have The 000 parts of the All in the interest of his health, the best of health during burial, made with the Clau spent 150. 00 dollar on the fu ied 35 pounder gun are manu which necessitated a surgical lengthened period of years.
dius Sterrett. Funeral Home neral of another of her canine factured in two undred and of Seventh Avenue, at a cost pets in the year. 1929.
seventysix factories in Great Britain, and the work occupies 3, 000 working hours.
BROWNE ABRAHAMS soo zIn response eto an urgent call from Russia, Britist oph gestoletteFrente Unidad Sanitaria Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar thalmic manufacturers are ru TO Ciudad de Limón Agentes shing trough anorder for hu nreds of thousands of specta MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL RECIBIO: cle lenses and frames. Advan Frente Unidad Sanitaria tage will, itsis said, me tawen CAMISAS CORONEL LA MEJOR CAMISA of the industry latest promet arrods First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets duct, the plastic lens, recent butunda 10 Apartado 362 Limón ly made available to civilians ROGELIO TASIES in Britain.
biya ol 21 LA FAMA 3019 20 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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