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Page 12 Arcea you to ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, June 10th. 1944 WIMCA BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Colonial Co operation Underground War Kin fear wa Kin; for Nazi mo a soon 01 able Japanese Navy. res and boy the time Nazi Europe Versalite Mosquito Voice Of Britain Invaded Under war conditions fal ar For four years, ever sino During the night from The Mosquito is probably the deeper significance than in pe June The first Report of the Anglo April 9, 1940, Denmark 5th to 6th the Allies invaded most versatile plane in the worid actime ataches to the inden American Caribbean Commission waged an indirect but incessar It is used as a night fighter, as tification signals of a radio stais a most promising record the German held northern sho of war against the Nazis. Unt res of France, thus initiating a photographic reconnaissance tion. Big Ben is known all co operation by representatives his imprisonment the the last stage of the drama plane, đay fighter, longrange over the wor It strikes the of this country and the United himself fought in the front lin wich will end with the over night instruder and as trainer quarter hours more than fifa States, Here is a region in which the crowned fader of this throw of the totalitarian regi That it is already being used times each day in the various British and American dependen underground. His utter for civil purposes is therefore Overseas Services, as well ansi mes in Europe and Asia as cies lie close together and the lessness and his refusal to com the liberation of all the counno surprise. number of Moschiming certain of the hours. Americans, have acquireti naval promise were inspirations to th tries overrun by the Nazi war quitoes have been demilitaris. And it is always heard live bases is some of the British resistance movement. Three before became ed by British Overseas Airways through the permanent micro islands. Apart from the military years Denmark machine since Hitler Nazis, the the for special duties on civil routes phone installed in the 320 foot problems arising in an area of overrun by the sinister overlord in CON PAN high clock tower of the House great strategic importance it is Christian said frankly that hi Third Reich.
Post warr prospects are good. of Commons. It was this fact decided to treat the area as one small country had little hope o economic and Official issued The technical excellence of Bri that made its voice a reassuring from an social resisting a German invasion, bu information tish aircraft, the continued de one of by the Staff Headquarters throughout the Empire, point of view; and it was to deal he hoped Denmark would rou and to many neutrals, during with this side of the question too unimportant Hitler the Alied Expeditionary Forces velopment of the overseas the the hazadous times, that the Commission was appoin ambitions. In 1940, the lindicate that the three dimen tes for the needs of war, ted in March, 1942. It consisted promised not to interfere wit sional assault on the French establisrment of more and the of two sections, an reair bases throughout American the internal government or tl beaches was a complete sucInvasion Map and British, which have democratic system of his coun cess, and that so far the losses British Commonwealth, and the While it is true that RAF worked closely together on, try. But Europe most pro sustained by the attackers have fortunate geographical posireconnaissance planes have made matters of common concern. First gresive. agricultural count tion of the Dominions in rela been sprprisingly small. The the biggest contributions of data there was set up a Reseach was being systematica air borne troops and those land tion to the Great Circle routes for the invasion map, showing Council, with Netherlands mem lly plundered. It is estimated a ed by the ships, protected by all these factor build up details of the coasts of Europe, bers included, which got to work that in three years of occupatio the accurate fire from British promisse of cround the world they were not the only contri on technical questions. The Com Hitler robbed the tiny country and American warships, have Hylng under luxury conditions butiors. In addition, hundreds mission then proceeded to cope of about a billion dollars in pro been able to consolidate the using Commonwealth airfields of British holiday makers, who with the task of maintainning duce. The King was often beachheads and join them along alone. ODES took their cameras with them imports of food, encouraging lo the point of abdicating, as the coastline, thus establishing on prewar holidays, have turned cal food production, and arrang demostration against the Nazis in their snapshots. Bit by biting a fleet of schooners an uninterrupted front. The air for But his ministers and his peopl borne detachments were an extraordinarily detailed pic better distribution. It is exa feared that without the Kip. Unprovoked ture of the coast has been fitted mining long term problems con conditions would be even worse to take some of the important bridges leading over the river together. The enemy anti air cerning the use of natural In 1942 a crisis was reache Berlin broadcast on Seine before they could be des April craft positions have of course sources, the improvement of when the Nazis confiscated tw the provision of troyed by the Nazis, an they 24 recorded by the United Press been revealed by their opening agriculture, torpedo boats of the small Danish the coastal houses, prevention and thunkline quoted a Japanece spokesman as fire on Allied aircraft; Navy and also occupied the incorporated then Ameri. craft and detroyers. All with saying, in reference to new treatment of disease, and the railway connecting Paris into the Nazi fleet. The King in broadening of education.
These advisers had all they could do the Channel port of Cherbourg. can naval operations in the Pa photographs are scrutinized stereoscope and similar questions are being to restrain him from quitting a This action represents a great cificó, that. has been shown tensely under the camou jointly examined and experien once. Finally, however, the Kir advantage to the Allies, becau, very clearly that the Japanese to discover changes in flage and positions of Germance pooled, though the separate told them: Al right, ll sav Germans north of the Navy cannot be provoked.
defences, all of which are duly Administrations are responsible my abdication for a more im river are now obliged to take noted on the map. The Germans for carrying out recommendaportant matter.
a roundabout route east of Pa At the time of going to press have themselves witnessed the tions. In the work of the Combatle. It will also aid the Allies is going to happen next, when RAF reconnaissance with a job of to in bringing over more troops the reader may be sure that nes have flown over, and have do the British and American re Negro troops are now fight and supplies before the main the best brains on the Allied been most painfully aware of presentatives have been able to Jing in Northern Burma. Thes German counter attack can be side have planned the great commando raids picking up in collaborate as a team and pro have a hero Roy Lee Smith launched.
attack to the most minute de formation and prisoners. Per duce results which may have operator of one of those flat In the initial operation more tall. Our soldiers carry the best haps some other data has been iarreaching effects on the stan bottom boats that ply the forest than 4, 000 ships participated equipment that British men and gathered without their knowing dard of living of a population lined rivers with cargoes and although the Channel was women can produce. They know it. by continental patriots of osme four and a half million tired men, essential supplies an rather choppy the landings wel that they are fighting for people. That this kind of co Chinese wounded.
a who have escaped across the Smith ha re efected without a hitch. Bri righteis cause. They are an Channel or the North Sea, not operation is working well in only been in Burma for thre tish, American, Polish, French xious to take revenge for the to mention some other workers limited sphere is very encourag. months but he has alread and Dominion troops under tre retreat from Dunkirk, and they whose activities are the ing to the advocates of a gene cheated death besttwice and ha direct ral system of Regional Colonial saved the lives of many Chines command og General are desirous to get this jcb kept secrets of the war.
Sir Bernard Law Montgomery over with and return to their soldiers. His comrades are una form this powerful Allied strik peaceful pursuits and to their nimous in thinking that Smit tion. To day her sons still com deserves some ing force, and the accounts wri families across the Channel, in special kind The dramatic story of ourmand the seas, their tten by the war correspondents the United States, in Canada, heritage recognition. Once when navig. human torpedoes. has en unbroken. Courage coupled with ting a accompanying the forces ear in Australia or New Zealand and particularly dangerou witness to the gallantry of the all the other parts of the world of Britain. Young men in divingtain surest weapons. In thralled and inspired the people unbroken. Courage coupled reach of a river, the shallo Commandoes and Rangers who where they came from. It has suits sitting astride electrically. dark days after the draft boat capsized and its nin made up the first wave of the been said that the British al driven torpedoes, have penetra had to rely on stubborn resis thrown into the raging torren Dunkirk, we occupants including Smith wer invaders, Pill boxes and beach way loose the first battles of ted the enemy strong harbour tance and a genius for improvi. Three Negro and two Chiness fortification spit fire at the lads, the war, but they have never defences and sunk and damaged sation. Now that we are ready lads never came up again, bi but nothing in the world could yet lost the last one. And that their ships.
for our greatest attack, the finest Smith managed to keep afloa have kept them from smashing is what is going to happen in Here are deeds in the finest weapons, handled by men up the Nazi defenders. They the present conflict. Nobody can tradition of the Navy. Through high courage, will give the vi as they floated helplessly of He grabbed two of the Chines b)
were in great fettle and the long say when the war will be over, out our history, native skill in tal impetus to our assault. The and got them ashore. Then, dis wait before the invasion was fi but the world of free nations seafaring, backed by notable roar of the torpedoes, steered to carding his heavy equipment, nally launched made them is confident that it can only powers of invention and never their targets by dauntless men, returned to the water and savec eager to join battle and bestend with the final and decisive failing courage, have made Bri wiņi echo across a liberated con the remaining member of th their foes.
victory for the Allies.
tain the supreme maritime na tinent.
outfit se the ris in order to deploy for the it is too early to predict what sathering of much of the data. mission definite been open werkth00 Now They re in Burma a We a pons Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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