
PLON fine THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK COOTECA ATLANTIC VOICE Sleep, the chief of all earthly blessings, is justly appropriated to industry and temperan ditor: JOS THOMAS BOX ce. The refreshing rest and the peaceful night, MOTIONZ are the portion only of him who lies down we.
EAR IX LIMON, JUNE 17th. 1944 NO 427 ary with honest labour, and free of the fumes 22 of indigested luxury.
Vazi Defence Lines in Italy destroyed THE ALLIED WAR RELIEF FUND AND THE PART on more than 100 kilometers Front WE SHOULD PLAY The troops of the Fifth and Narni, to the southcast of Ter, Rome.
ighth Armies are continu ni, has been taken by the Military experto doubt if their successful advances. Eighth, while the Fifth have Marshal Kesselring will be We note with profound appreciation and ome reports they have bro occupied the important posi able to reorganize his badly interest the marvellous efforts in progress by en through the Nazi defen tion of Bagno Reggio, and beaten 10th and 14th, armies the Central Committee of the Allied War Re along a frontage, ranging threaten Orvieto, six miles to offer effectve resistence lief Fund, with which is associated the names om 80 to 130 kilometers, further north. The capture in North Italy.
of Mr. Green, the genial Manager of the orth of the Eternal City. of Orvieto has since been reſundreds of the worn out ported. The vital nazi line Northern Railway Company, and Mr. Alberto MEDIUM OF oldiers of the enemy rear in Florence is menaced.
Dent, the well known Agriculturist of San uard are being captured. In the coastal sector betINFORMATION Jose.
Enemy resistence was des ween Qirreno and lake Bolse We are confident the people of this Provinoyed from the Sea of Tirre na the Fithy have cleared the The Rector of St. Mark ce will readily contribute, as best they can, to to Terni, which is located enemy from the communica the Rev. Evans, has the highly deserving cause. cause destined 12 kilometers eastward and ting lines and taken Magliano announced that beginning ioto provide a measure of relief and resuscitation ghty direct north of Rome. Bengodi 160 kilometers from morrow, Sunday the 18th. to the victims of the United Nations, whose Evengsong will be conducted NAZIS INTENSIFY RESISTENCE IN WESTERN at seven o clock instead of at purpose for pursuing the titanic struggle and five in the aftornoon.
enduring the outstanding sacrifices is well FRANCE The resumption of the ater known to all.
Another week has gone Nazis, while desperate figh hour has been made possible As the Vanguards of our liberty, the weary, sinee the invasion of Hi ting is reported in progress by the reillumination of the worn and maimed brethren of the democra Western Europe be in the towns of Caen and city streets.
cies are paying the price in their fight against wn, and despite the more Troan.
hitlerism and shintoism two evils which itensified efforts of the After several hours of a nemy, the invading forces violent battle, the fortified be effected.
would destroy our civilization if they could con re not only holding their position of Quieneville The advances inland have trol the universe. If Great Britain and her sound, but are steadily ex captured by the North Ame reached, in places, to Allies had not stemmed the flood, in Europe, nding their beach head ricans; this victory signifies depth of over twenty miles. at the early Nazi rush, the swelling waters penetrating deeper in is said, at the German 11, 000 tons of bombs were would have, ere this, overflowed our hemispad.
positions behind the beach on Thursday launched here to our utter ruin.
The fight for the strate head are being broken. the nazirearguard and va We earnestly appeal to every truc hearted. port of Cherbourg goes In their advance across rious important objectives.
it is described as vio the Cherburg peninsula the The fort of La Havre suplover of freedom, justice and happiness to gen in Montebourg, midway, invaders have reached the fered severely. Allied High erously respond to the call of the Central Com ween Carentan and Cher vicinity of Sauver. Valognes Command declare their con mittee.
arg, where the North 18 kilometers off the port, fidence in the safety of the As a further aid to the noble effort, we throw cican forces are said to has also been reached. It beach. head and also out the suggestion that the deeply regarded ninate the principal road is expected that the peninsu nounce the imminence of a Manager of our Railway System arrange for y, which leads to the la isolation will shortly, general offensive movement.
the running of an excursion train, say from Caumont to the this city to Turrialba. We believe such a verwest THE PROPOSED TAX ON ALL VEHICLES en, the British are firmly ture would be overwhelmingly supported.
Iding their ground against If the National Congress will, the project presented by e furious attacks of Sancho, all the vehicles used for transportation purposes, Moscow announces the of supposed to have reached a in the Republic, will be taxed fensive against the Finns has point only twenty miles off after the following manner.
reached a point about thirty the Mannerheim Line, after 3. 00 on each automobile miles of the strategie port of having destroyed the outer used privately, and 50 on Vilpuri, where furious fight trenches. Fierce fighting is those which trade as taxis. ing is in progress. The Red said to be progress in the sec Each autobus will pay 00 Army are also stated to Le tor of Kivennapa.
To Members of Cacao Cooperation and cargo trucks 3. 00 Mo operating in the sector of Advices, by way of Stostorcycles and bicycles will Lisa, between the artic ports kolm, declare the majority of Mixta)
each contribute 00. The of Murmansk and Petsamo. the Finnish people are bringrailroad, shipping and air number of Finnish posi ing pressure to bear on MarOur prices for the following Products are transportation interests will tions are reported captured shall Mannerheim to open nepay after the rate of one per during the past days engage gotiations which will given CACAO, per quintal. 47. 00 colones cent of the value of the tickments them immediate peace with ets or passages sold by them.
The Russian advance is! the Russians.
Olon COCOANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00 Colones These amounts are payable COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones quarterly or every three months.
BROWNE ABRAHAMS was a on anit.
the approves. as it is expected it Deputy Lic. Eugenio Jimenez Soviet Offensive Proceeds against Finland Notice All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation The entire proceeds of the tax will be ear marked for the purposes of the National Red. Cross, whose managing personnal are finding it exccedingly difficult to carry on their humanitarian activi ties for the want of sufficient and regular funds.
Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar Agentes MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL Frente Unidad Sanitaria RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager SO First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets Apartado 362 Limón ZULINUIRATUIT Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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