
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, June 17th. 1944.
WAVUTATUD AN APPROACHING BROADCAST IN MEMORIAM In fond and over green remembrance of our darling daughter and sister MUL. EN. OL FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash and Dentrifice.
BERYL BERNARD whose short and sudden call surprised us all on the 15th June 1943. just one year ago General Carpenter of the Salvation Army will broadcast from London, England; tomorrow, Sunday, at 11 15 (double Summer time. The broadcast will be a service from London on the general programme of European af.
There will be another broad cast at 20 o clock (double Lii tish Summer time. Wave lengths 203 391 449 ine ters. Founders Conversion Centenary Service frorn ivottingham MA TA. RAL No words can tell the sorrow in our hearts, For the one we so dearly loved.
And in the Faith of Him in whose care thou art Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure.
good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, Mother and Children TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
SAN JOSE minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS lamaican Contraded to United States of America Highly Ratted La Proveedora SOVery favourable comments, who are mostly assigned to paving the way for harmony tand by us lest we fall. support us with your united strength ave been released with res the State of New Jersey, are and real co operation betEat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little pect to the housands of Ja performing thei tasks at a ween the West Indians and place West of the city Market.
naicans, who left their Island five to one ratio better the nationals. The efforts of home for the United States than the Americans in the the War Food Administration America under conditions same class of work. This is is seemingly the foundation RESUMES HER RESPONSIBLE DUTIES upposed to be similar to evidenced we are told by the on which improved relations Impaired health neccesi She has now returned and those offered recently for super abundant crops reap will be permanently effected tated the absence, during resumed her responsible workers from this Republic, ed from the lands cultivated between the foreign contractby that Nation War a period of several weeks, duties, and we take pleasure Food by them.
ed workers and those of the of doña Lia de Montero, in extending her a sincere Administration. number of precautionary country.
the esteemed Directoss of welcome with the hope she The different reports dis measures are said to have the Secondary School in this will long enjoy the best of ciose that the Jamaicans been effected as a means of DER city.
health. MARRIAGE NEW DICTIONARY OF The marriage of Miss Iris Groves and Mi. Claudius AMERICAN ENGLISH OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT McPhun is slated for The University of Chicago ily toward the new languaLOWER PRICES lemnization, this morning, Press recently published age. Much was gained from in the Methodist Church, in, Dictionary of American En the jargon of the lumber this city. We learn that the glish in four volumes. It is camps and gold mines of that First class Merchandise and best of social feature of the happy edited by Sir William Crcgie time. It is also stated that event will be held in their who also edited the Oxford Mark Twain, the most typicat Courtesy always attractive residence, located Dictionary, and James of the North American autPlease ask for anything in Grocery or other on 5th. Avenue and 5th. Hulbert, professor of English hors, according to the editors, Articles of General dietry not readily sen. Street, during the hours of at the Chicago University contributed the evening more quotations The compilation is said to than any other writer. Some LA PROVEEDORA have taken eighteen years 15. 000 reference cards bearLIMON CITY HEARTY WELCOME during which lengthened pe ing Twain quotations were riod more than one million used. The works of Ralph We arent advertising. we are sppealing. Plerse give us Among the arrivals here, sources and references were Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthor benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixons little place West of a week ago, was Mrs. Ma consulted and checked. ne, Bret Harte and Henry nahan from an extended All words and expressions, also contributed.
the City Market tay abroad. We extend native to the United States of her a hearty welcome and America or havng a bearing The first dctionary issued MASS TO MEMORY OF LATE JUAN BTA.
wish her a happy reunion on the nation life are defin in the United States, PERALTA with her relatives, friends ed and traced in the work. Noah Webster Compenand our citizenry in gene Special studies in the vacabu dious Dictionary of the AmeSplendid is the spirit of mencing at seven laries of authors, periods, re rican Language, which ad don Tristan Brenes, the Di: in memory of the late Juan gions and vocations were also ded about 000 words to the rector of the General Tomas Bta. Peralta, who had been Mrs. Manahan has made, and the period between number found in the best Guardia School of this city, one of our worthy educators pressed the joy she feels in 1810 and 1850, and the re English compounds. The new and his associates, in having and a noble member of our having returned to this the gion west of the Mississippi work is the latest in a long arranged for the celebration citivenry.
land of her addition.
River contributed most heay line of such compounds.
of a Requiem Mass in the Cathedral on Monday morIt is hoped a full congre VISITOR FROM CHILDREN DAY BEFITTINGLY OBSERVED ning, the 10th. instant, com gation will be in attendance. CAHUITA Much praise is due the The occasion was graced Young People of the local with the well esablished During several days of Eaptist Church for the very attentive and good natured of CLIFFORD STEELE the past week, we had the able and competent runner audience. The Choristers Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
welcomed presence of Mr. in which they acquitted them the Church added their bil To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed Carter of Cahuita. selves in the rendering of the to the splendid ce ebratior.
and fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
It is understood that im standard poems and technical The Rev. Forde. Pastor portant matters, connected musical compositions assign of the Church presided, and BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, was the cause of the visit. ed them in conjuntion with as customary, showered his We BEST WORKMANSHIP indeed glad their Children Day Anniver warm expressions of grateWe make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull to have contacted him sary on Sunday, the 11th. fulness to all who honoured caos, Sailor cops and working caps of all kinds.
and hope he had a very instant.
the occasion and contributed pleasant stay to the success actived.
was o clock, ral.
ex EXCELSIOR TAILOR were Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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