
ZM on proCrickeis Noles from 25 Miles Satunday, June 17th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 ANNIVERSARY RURALDEAN ADDRESSES HIS FLOCK MATINA ART AND UNIQUE FESTIVAL It is with sincere pleasure we present our esTAILORING ESTABLISHMENT teemed readers with the undermentioned text The 6th. of the coming MINTO of a letter adderessed by the Rector of the St.
month of July will register Mark Anglican Parish to his flock The charm in the appearance of a man is a well the fifth anniversary of the St. Mark Rectory, them to carry incumbencey of the Rev God designed and smartly fitted suit The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring James Evans, as Rector of Limon, Costa Rica work.
Establishment guarantees, at all tin res.
the St. Mark Church in June 1944. 00 Your Church Committee Sct.
BEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and our city; and in tribute of are desirous of returning UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP his association, as well as To the Members of St. thanks to God for His Mer Our central location makes it convenient for the men that of Mrs. Evans, with Marks and sell Wishers, cy, and many benefits. and of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal the parish, an My dear Friends having month of with us.
festival has been arranged.
It is a great joy tb me vities in which each auxiThe following is the that on July 6th of this liary is taking part. The PRICES TO MEET THE TIME gramme.
year, by God Grace, will monies obtained from this, be able to complete five are to be the nucleus of BROODDODRIODRAGASI JOODDODDBORDC2800020009090 July 3rd. Vestry Commi years as Rector, in your a Fund for the Restoration Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support Ittee Dance; July 10th. midst. During this time, we of St. Mark Church.
we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink Mothers Union Drama Da have become very attached, hope we shall continue at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixon little place West of the city vid and Goliath. July 14th. united and, with deterinina loyally united and determiMarket.
Scouts Ice Cream Party tion, nave faced many pro ned, in the spirit of co opeand Dance; July 17th. Woblems and solved many dif ration and goodwill, to face men Life Problem Club ficulties for the betterment and overcome all trials in Old Fashioned Bazaar; Ju of God Vineyard in this the future.
ly 24th. Philharmonic part of the Diocese. Perso God bless you all.
Choir Mock Trial; July nally, am proud to be Your sincere Friend and 31st. Sunday School Elocu associated with those whose Rector friendly game took pla. Clarke, 15: Matthews 8, tion Contest; August 7th. faith, courage and endura James Evans ce between players of the Kentisk 1, Jones 12, Knight Ice Cream Party by St. Marce, in spite of adverse cir Rural Dean of Costa Rica Cricket Clios Pattan and J. Clarke 9, Manley 1, garet Guild. August 13th. cumstances, have enabled and Panama 28 Miles on the Oval of Bernard 7, Patterson 1, Thanksgiving Services, 30 the latter. The visiting team Findkin 0, Hall 7, Gayle a. Sung Mass. a. was captained by Mr. Ber o, extras 5, a total of 70 Holy Communion; a.
WANTED nard. It was decided that runs. In replying the home Sung Mass; p. Young stumps would be drawn at team went down in defeat for Peaple Service; p.
IN DER Cancalled Postage Stamps of Costa Rica four o clock in the afternoon. 15. Manley and Jones were Festival Evensong with We are buying at Top price cancelled the effective bowlers for the procession and presentation The runs compiled by each Pattans. The runs were thus of money raised by each or tu Postage Stamps of Costa Rica side, in the first inning, were compiled: Brown 3, Moore 3, ganization.
JOS. THOMAS very low; those by Pattan Kyman 2, Mason 2, Porter totalled 20, while the 28 Mi 3, extras Room front of the Cathedral Limón les gathered 40. On resum Sincere congratulations are ing their bating positin, the extended the newly organized SALOMON CHIN SPEED songs Pattans increased in strength Pattan players for their and. LA IBERIA defying the mighty brilliant display.
trundling of Mason and MooESTRADA re, secured the following AN OBSERVER Precios Económicos An entire change has been prize will each earn 300; effected in the system under those with the last two C150 which the drawing of the each, and those with the last Extraordinary Lottery Drawing July 9th.
Limón Trading Company slated only chectomethin PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER for the 9th. July next, be Tickets with the last three made.
ciphers of the second prize v!
will each receive 700, The drawing will be an while those which correspond, extraordinary one with three similarly, to the third prize large prizes the first or grand will each be paid 500.
for 100, 000; the second for Only the unusually small 30, 000 and the third for amount of 10, 000 tickets will 15, 000. The tickets which be issued, each being dividcorrespond to the 18 aproxi ed into twenty, parts with a mations of the grand prize value of 50 or 50. 00 will each carry a prize of. for the full ticket. The tic1, 000 colonies, while those of kets will be on sale immediathe second will each get 400 tely after tomorrow drawing colones and those of the third and in view of the limtied 200 colones each.
amount intending purchaseru Tickets bearing the last should be early on the noh three ciphers of the grand ket.
NOTICE ניו 15 Aadress all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajes ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijaso es REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES ROIG BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2012 SAN OS us Charges Reasonable. Precios Módica Is Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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