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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, June 17th. 194 WTON BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Four Glorious Years Montgomery in Frau TWO SOLIDERS OF WEST AFRICA On May 10 Mr. Churchill West Africa troops are serv completed four years as Primo pl ing with the United Nations Minister. It is difficult now to forces on the Burma front, Here recall how grim a task heinare the stories, hitherto unpu herited four years ago.
blished, of two of these West Denmark and Norway had. African troops which show the suffered defeat. Holland, Belcalibre of the men.
gium and Luxembourg were in.
All along the Kaladan River vaded on the very day only valley and the Bengal. Burma three weeks ahead. Apart from jeep road, everybody knows France, soon to go the way of During the recent conference of British Prime Ministers in about Private Momodu Kari. her neighbours on the Conti.
London, Mr. Winston Churchill, of the United Kingdom, Mr. ma, the Sierra Leone soldier nent, we had no great Powers at Mackenzie King, of Canada, and Mr. Curtis, of Australia, who would not give up.
our side. And there was every posed for this picture in front of No. 10 Downing Street, the He walked 100 miles with a indication that Italy was only official residence of the former, The conclusion reached at this four inch bullet hole inhis left waiting a favourable opportun.
onclusione per important meeting have shown the that the nations of thigh. He had been ambushed ity to declare war against us.
the British Commonwealth not only will stand together until in the early morning. The bullei The conversion of industry the final victory is won over the Axis powers, but that they had hit him in the front of the from peace to war was stili in History will record that will face the post war world united as never before. ieg and emerged at the back, its early stages. The transfer of eral Montgomery leader He started to walk back with. manpower to the Services and was one of the outstanding out food or blankets. He found the war factories was not far Thanks, Workers JOB IN THE EAST tures in the Battle of Norr.
a bamboo pole to help him to advanced. Our army was small; dy, said Brigadier Gen walk and said with this he our guns, tanks and aircraft Anstey, war correspondent From the other side of the There are 14. 000 of our fel would not need any assistance were few. less stout heart the London Daily Sketch Atlantic, American workers are low countrymen in Japanese He slept in the jungle each might well have quailed at what the Allied Forces in Fre helping British workers to turn prison camps; only the total de night and shared the food which lay ahead.
upon his return from the the tanks, guns and aircraft feat of Japan will ever get them friends got him from the villa.
tlefields. At present, the out of the factories in ever. out ges. He had been walking for WHAT WAS OFFERED gadier continues, he is ke increasing numbers Australia and New Zealand three days when he reached ing the enemy guessing. Ali Various American Labour are directly threatened by Ja base. The medical Sergeant, No empty promises marked German military leaders groups, working through the pan and will not be safe until with all the experience of Fran Mr. Churchills assumption of work on is the knowledge British War Relief Society of she is no longer capable of wag ce and Dunkirk behind nim, the Premiership. He offered on he never hits twice in the sai America, have sent large sums ing a modern war, said he had never seen a nas.
ly blood, toil, tears and sweat way. At El Alamein he last of money to this country, ear. The Japanese herrenvolk oftily wounded man bechave with Britain knuckled down to the out with his right and marked largely for welfare Asia treat their own people such fortitude, tasks ahead. She knew that hele went on hitting until the. schemes for war workers. like slaves; the wages of an av.
was a leader who would fear mans cracked.
At the Mar erage Japanese workman are OUTWITTING THE JAPS nothing, who would commit him Line, he hit with his rig REST BREAK HOUSES 16s. 3d, a week and his xpec. Our next report concerns self, his Government or his pulled it back and then sm One of the most important tation of life 40 years.
Cpl. Ogdermion David, of Be country to nothing which fell hed around the enemys fla and effective of these schemes nin City, Nigeria, now serving short of what honour demand with his left. In the bloody bi is the provision of Rest Break SH PLUNDERED LANDS in the West African Medical ed, who would speak the truth tle near the Wadi Akrait, Houses. stay in one of these T! 30 Corps.
without fear or favour, and who, pounced on the Nazis key is defined as a preventive Many or the shortages we are Unarmed and in full view of in God good time, would lead sition in a night assault wi measure to avoid illness and now suffering in Britain are due a Japanese patrol running her to final victory.
at out waiting for the mass of breakdown for the industrial to Japan, and not to Germany. him. Cpl, David, who is the son To day we stand on the verge artillery to come up. In Tuni worker suffering from the ef. We have lost the tin and rubber of a Nigerian chief, outwitted the of the great assault which and General Alexar fects of accumulated fatigue. of Malaya, the quinine, spices Japs in a thrilling jungle hide hope will bring the European feinted on the right and ti Grants from the two big Ame and sugar of NEI, the fats of and seek, and brought back im war to a close. We can look back suddenly drove through rican Labour groups. the the Philippines.
portant information, with pride and thankfulness on centre. Every time he outy merican Federation of Labour He was accompanying a party our achievements during the four ted his enemy in a differ and the Congress of Industrial These countries, which were of reinforcements in the Kala years of Mr. Churchill leader way. General Anstey has ry Organizations have enabled getting an increasing share of dan Valley when a party cf ship. Total war has demanded returned to the field of ope nine of these houses to be esta prosperity as world trade dev Jap soldiers broke from the total effort and that effort has tion in western France. It blished in the country or by eloped, are now being plundered jungle with a burst of sharp been gladly given. Industry is not giving anything away, the sea within easy reach of by Japanese armies.
firing. The West Africans were mobilised 100 per cent. for war said on leaving, to note heavily populated industrial These are a few facts about greatly outnumberd.
purposes and the Empire has, General Montgomery drew areas.
our Japanese enemy illustrated Scatter! yelled a British nearly nine million men under the enemy armour towards Three Merchant Navy Clubs by pictures and diagrams in ax sergeant and, as if by magic. the arms. That alone is an achiev British positions in the for British and Allied seamen, exhibition called Our Eastern West Africans melted into the ement which might well make area, then hit out.
in London, Glasgow and Cardift, Job which opened recently in undergrowth by the river. Churchill a hated name in Ger. and frightened the have been financed by Ameri. London, bank, David saw his sergeant many and Japan, into weakening his Caen ti can Labour contributions. Three fall, hit by many bullets. The But the greatest of all his to save Cherbourg. Now he Rest Break Hostels and SCOUT IN RESCUE Japs ran at David, but he sprang achievements lies ahead. the putting in his own blow. It Leave Hostel in London for into the elephant grass and lay liberation of Europe from Nazi or it may not succeed. If it og members of the Womens Land SERVICE in a hollow, covering himself domination, the supreme achiev not, Montgomery will prod Army have been similarly prov with grass. He could hear them ement to which his labour of the another, card from his slee ided.
searching and calling. When the past four years have led us, and it is a battle of wits which Scouts have made some of voices moved away he crawled for which he must receive a most disconcerting for the e the best rescue men we have, on hands and knees for over a great part of the credit. For bemy, because he learns afr Troops in Britan said an official recent mile until he reached a track it was who gave heart to a sud that the great Monty ly after bombs had been drop where he was picked up by an dened and bewildered Eirope like Rommel. never fig In order to provide living ped in his area. In this particu officer and taken to headquar and who by his example sho. twice in the same way.
accommodations for Americon lar town, the Scouts, in ters. There he gave important wed Britain how to stand firm information about Japanese in adversity.
troops, practically the whole of ſpany with older members of strength and arms, one Command and a lorge part Rescue Parties, had in many Cpl. David, who is 22, was STATESMANSHIP of Parliament to a height it?
of another had to be evacuates cases practically taken command laughing with excitement a few seldom equalled and never st by British troops and there was of the situation. They went hours later when a West Afri Our Prime Minister is one of passed.
can Force observer saw some shifting of the civilian po straight to the incidents and him. Britain greatest parliamenta.
He asked that his folks back rians. When Fascism was gib.
pulation. Considerable numbers stayed digging and removing That is high praise. Sut the home in Nigeria be told that he ing at democracy as effete and is scarcely a man or woman of United States troops have casualties throughout the night. was well and enjoying life. decadent Winston Churchill rose this country who would questi also been accommodated in The younger Scouts the followup to show that statesmanship its justification. The thanks other British Commands. New ing day went to the bombed site retrieving what few, belongings could still be found at West. the whole nation go out to construction and tented camps and helped the householders in were left. The Scouts know. minster and that fascism and Prime Minister for his leade are providing for many more.
ledge of knots, lashings and first dictatorship were not indispen. ship through four long yen sable pre requisites to clear which men in days to comem and arrangements have been 100, 000 billets on private hous aid make them particularly thought and swift action. Atwell describe, in his own woro made for the provision of about leholders, useful.
home he has raised the prestige as Britain finest hour.
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