
TOT THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Editor: JOS THOMAS Indolence is one of the vices from which those whom it once. infects are seldom reformed. The BOX, desire for ease acts equally at all hours, and the Platz longer it is indulged, the more it increases.
NO 428 20240 LET US DEMONSTRATE OUR APPRECIATION Year IX Limón, Jo ne 24th. 1944 Japanese Fleet Flee to avoid Utter Destruction were a NIMITZ WIKIKWETETTEL Allied Make Steady Progress in Western Europe an There is a time honoured Maxim which reads The naval encounter, long from their mother ships. Action speaks louder than words. As we be.
desired and sought by the total of fourteen of the Japs lieve it still holds true, we would very much like North Amerſcan Command very valuable units to see it placed in practice in connection with a with the Japanese, occu soon either at the bottom tangible tribute to the late Mr. Fernando Asch rred last Mondaly everting of the ocean or severely Escocia.
between the Marianas Is damaged.
lands and the Philippines.
It has again demostrated the following so closely that of This outstanding victory, The magnificent interest, the untiring zeal, and strenuous activities which the late Mr. Asch inferiority of the enemy last Sunday when, over the fighting power and, also, displayed for the advancement of the agricultuapparently, their want of Saipan area, three hundred ral and other general interests of this Zone deefficicent leadership. Their and forty three enemy airmonstrated, in no uncertain manner, the deep indefeat was rapid and decisi craft were destroyed at of sight and true heartedness of a thoughtful and ve, and the surviving ships cost to the Americans fled, at the command only twenty one, must have worthy citizen.
of their Commodore, to avoid an early decisive betazing on the Pacific warfare.
Opportunities do not come, we are told, with complete destruction.
ALMIRANTE CHESTER their values stamped on them; each has to be Washington report The enemy ships were states that with Monday Comandante de la Escuadra de loe challenged, we therefore feel we should seize Estados Unidos en el Pacífico first attacked, it is said, by losses, the total Japanese the present to inaugurate a memorial to the methe American reconnoiter naval units destroyed since ADMIRAL NIMITZ mory and work of our lamented fellow citizen.
ng planes and shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbour yho directs Allied naval The life and work of Mr. Asch is worthy of remem by the bombers operating has reached 641.
activities in the Pacific 172. brance. At no time did he place a value on this personal efforts. never did he weary in his endeavours on behalf of our poor, struggling and hard pressed agriculturists, particularly those of the Cahuita and Estrella regions.
Despite the stubborn Nazi General Bradley is said But seldom are such men found. Let all, who resistence in certain of the to have concentrated knew him and are cognizant of all he effected sectors, the Allied forces extraordinarily large force continue to gain ground in and material to destroy all and strove to accomplish for the good of his fetheir operations in Western enemy resistance without llow creatures, give their generous support to the Europe.
undue delay. He is also move we urge for his lasting remembrance uboto The offensive against the having the aid by air and Tudo na 5510 vitally important port of sea.
Cherbourg has reached its Russia Offers Peace Terms to Finland final stage. The port has The activities of the Ostalo non patriots increase been entirely surrounded French Following on their victo ses in Aaland, and the use of and its fall may be announ daily with serious prejudices riou, offensive against the certain aerodromes.
ced ere this issue goes in to the nazis.
Finnish nation the Russian The effects of the circulation. All is in readi Later advices declare the Command have intimated it would, it is said, permit the Genl. OMAR BRADLEY ness, we are told, for the final assault it under way is announced their willingness Rpussians to use the Finnish.
final assault if the 20, 000, in unprecedented violence to conclude a Peace Pact bas teritory in a campaign against SHONA in command of operations Nazis bottled therein refuse tre locality being covered the the seven Nazi divisions locat Cherbourg to surrender.
with dense smoke and huge ied on the restoration of flames.
1940 frontier limits. The Pacted in the north of Finland, and would also accord the Soviet at the same time place them in army unrestricted movements possesion of strategic aerial in the country, and the tempo and naval base, for operations Allied Advances rary cession of the strategic bal in the Baltic.
Proceed in Italy The Allied forces pursue MUL. EN. OL their forward movements FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC To Members of Cacao Cooperation on all fronts, notwithstandNEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR Mixta)
ing unfavourable weather conditions in some Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
Our prices for the following Products are Large formations of bom Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash bing plane shave been effec and Dentrifice.
tively attacking railways ALKALINE TABLETS CACAO, per quintal. 47. 00 colones and other industrial objectiIS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND ves controlled by the enemy COCOANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00. Colones PLEASANT OF TASTE.
in the north of the country.
51 COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones The troops of the Fifth were on the 22nd. reported MA TA RAL at a point 25 kilometers good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense north of Grosseto, which lies the st of the Cacao Co operation 120 to the south of Pisa, one TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
of the more important posiAGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS tions in the enemy Go PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
tica defense line.
RAUL VELAZQUEZ SAN JOSE In the Adriatic sector the minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after JA Manager British forces are said to be converging over the port EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS of Ancona. 25 terms Notice 20 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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