
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, June 24th. 1944 Note of Welcome Reunión en Francia ANNOUNCEMENT sro With the sincerest pleasure we welcome the undermention ed players of the Progressive Cricket Club of Pacuarita, who will, tomorrow, Sunday the 25th. defend their district against the city Selection on our Oval: Williams. Cap tain), Thompson, Da vis, Senior, Barret, Stewart, Muir Ste wart Binns, Campbel, L. Binng, Campbell, Da Davis Miller, Lewis and Sinclair The public in general is hereby notified that having secureð my deyoree, resultant from the marriage contracted with Mr name. Clara Christina Davis (better known as Rubena. shall he very grateful if my friends and others will, when sending me invitations or other correspondence, address me in the name obtained from my fataer.
Seven Million Nazi SALOMON CIIIN Aparece en esta fotografía el Gen. George Marshall, Jefe del Estado Mayor del Ejército de los Estados Unidos, en una carretera de Francia donde se detuvo para platicar ANNOUNCEMENT con un soldado de infantería. El general Marshall visitó SECCION DE CABLES Normandía una semana después de que las tropas aliadas as altaron las defensas costeras de los nazis. Esta fotografia fué radiada desde Londres a Washington.
The public in general is hereby notified that in the CUESTION DE HORAS LA CAI proceedings of Clara Johnson Morgan de Barnett DA DE CHORBURGO against Walter Barnett Barnett, the divorce has been granted to the undersigned in view of which have tand by us lest we fall support us with your united strength SUPREMO CUARTEL GENE.
resumed my maiden name. Clara Johnson Morgan.
Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little RAL ALIADO. LONDRES, 23 shall be thankful if my friends and others will, when place West of the city Market.
UP. La lucha final por Cher burgo és muy violenta. Tropas sending me correspondence of any nature, address in de choque yanquis han logrado the name have obtained from my father Penetraciones profundas en las TOMORROW CRICKET MATCH AND DANCE aplastadas y humeantes defensas Clara Johnson Morgan nazis en torno el puerto preouldo, pero se encuentran con opo team of cricketers from with Gallimore Robin sición durísima. Se están libran the Progressive Club of son, Ellis and Escoe do los combates más reclos cuer Pactarita will be the guests as reserves. The Umpires po a cuerpo desde que se inició la invasión, especialmente al sur of the Pathfinder Selec will be Messrs. Jones and y sudeste de la ciudad. El comu.
tion of this city tomorrow. Moore: nicado aliado de hoy describe Casualties in Russia in a return match. Play is Commencing at 30 el progreso de los yanquis como LA IBERIA slated to start at 11 a.
satisfactorios y se espera que la a welcome dance will, ciudad caiga en cuestión de hoESTRADA Moscow has released the The following will compo we understand, be staged in ras. Casi todas las tropas alema the Precios Económicos se the Home team Dithe accommodating Barber nas en la parte septentrional de information that during la península de Cherburgo Perrie, Parlour of Mr. Stanley Di hallan copadas en un anillo es Russian territory the Germang se three on on, Skipper; years of fighting Wicketkeeper; Miller, xon. The melodies will be trecho en y alrededor de Cher MISCELLANEOUS have suffered seven million Minto, Wade, Sutton, furnished by Professor Le burgo. Los defensores se han Barton, Hammond, bert Brown and his Swings altas en túneles de concreto artincherado tras fortificaciones eight hundred thousand ADVERTISEMENTS Xirinash, Cope, Babb, ters.
Ysualties which include the kil en trincheras anti tanques.
led and prisoners taken. The THOMPSON SUPPLY Soviet losses are said to total AND WORKSHOP five million three hundred Everything in the nechanical thousand line can be made, repaired or mmm supplied Assortiments of Beds, ON VACATION Springs and other useful equip ment. Building Our very popular citizen Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward and baseballer, Mr. Ernest the Municipal Bath PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Bailey was among those who GRANT AND CRAWFORD left on last Wednesday pas NEW HARLEM BAR senger train for San Jose, whe AND RESTAURANT re he expects to enjoy seve Opens Day and Night. ean ral days of rest and recreaand Cozy Reservation. Good 10 tion. He was accompanied by Native and Foreign Liquors his wife, who takes a lively in and experienced Mixers terest in literary motters, Building It is uor hope that they ha ve a delightful vacation.
LEONEL MONDOL caLimón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra tulog atau RUBBER REMEMBER ON VISIT TO East Indian Barber and Hair RELATIVES Culturist. All sanitary arran gements and general clean Miss Watson of Moin old Motive Power Clubhouse.
surroundings. In front of the was among the passengers who left on Tuesday morning coastal sailing HAPPY vessel. She was gone on a viLIQUID FOUNTAIN sit to her brother and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Crans In the heart of the Abaca Dis tan at Old Harbour.
trict at Twenty Five Miles We hope she had a plea Richly cooked and higly flo sant trip and is enpoying voured meals Everything in her reunion with her relati the line of refreshing Drinks ves and friends.
prepared to meet your taste WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacionar Miguer Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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