
MIN La Proveedora was and Saturday, June 24th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page MATINA RESIDENTS PETITION HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT We reproduce, herewith, the text of a petition addressed by residents of Matina to His Excellency the Presidente of the Republic OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT Matine, June 18, 1944 13 to the life of Matina. Many, which will a security in time of to seems be LOWER PRICES Lic. don Teodoro Picado producers will be placed in a flood when the river is swallen President of tre Republic plicate and await your aid We remain, Your Exccllen San Jose and intervention to avoid the cy, in hope of your good otfi First class Merchandise and best of Honourable Sir.
prejudices which will exist if ces, and are. Your subordinate Courtesy always We the undersigned, with the bridge be taken away. In and servants.
Please ask for anything in Grocery or other all respect and consideration, this case we are not afforded ISHMAEL MURRAY Articles of General dietry not readily sen. present the following as a any garante having another and others maens of bringing to your LA PROVEEDORA knowledge that which We arent advertising. we are sppealing. Please give us a LIMON CITY said some time ago and has benefit. Eat at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixons little place West of also been rumoured in this the City Market district that the bridge situa to over the Barbilla Fiver, BASEBALL IN THE CAPITAL Lecture by Pastor Rankin which permits transit betwen Matina, Bristol, Vilay, San Well night four hundred per sume all these kingdoms and An interesting game of dely known and zealously Miguel, Abansmouth, La Espel sons were seen wending their it shall stand for ever. The in Baseball will, we are infor disposed sportsman, Mr. Eg ranza, Baltimore, Corina and way to the A. Hal terest of those who were in med, take place at 10 a. bert Polson, who now resi other settlements, and also in this city on Sunday the attendance was hightened tomorrow, at the Stadium des in the Capital.
serves many private farms lo 18th. instant, to listen to the and sustained bythe use of a under construction in San cated in those districts, is to first of a series of lecture by constructed image of Daniel Jose, between the General Though young on the be taken down and transferr Pastor Rankin of the 2, and illustractive pictu Douglas McArthur and field of sport, the Teamed to another place.
Seventh Day Adventist Denomi res on the screen.
Coca Cola Teams, in a Lea is said to be exhibitToday, gue Fixture.
ing those playing qualiYour Excellency, nation.
The. Mc Arthur Team is ties will must earn them the rumours seem to be con LISTENER composed entirely of Boys a firmed as enginers have been The large audience listened prominente position at of colour, many of whom no distant date.
Self propelled guns We wish seen taking exact meas ure with rapt attention as the Pas are well known in our spor them a long and most sucments. It will not be long, tor, choosing his text from De To Britain goes the credit ting circles such as. Me cessful career. Tomorrow therefore, before we are expos miel 2, showed how the history for invention of the tank during na, Garfield, Fairweather, game will be in honour of ed to severe prejudices, as of the world was revealed in World War Now the British Owen Henry, Ralph Tokes, Mr. Jorge Curling of the this bridge is a vital artery the Bible centuries ago. Com scientist has designed the first anti tank gun in the world, Bill Hayles and Carter; whi widely known business Houz ing down from the great King The pounder, the 17 younle their Manager is the wilse of Curling e hijos.
ERSONALIA dom or Babylon, through Me cier and the 25 pounder. SOdes and Persia, Greece and Ro metimes used in an anti tank After spending a well ear me, the prophecies revealed role. played a big part in the BASKETBALL MATCH DEDICATED TO DON ned vacation in the milder that Rome was to be divided North African campaign, ALBERTO LOPEZ clime of the capital, Mr. into ten kingdoms. Three of helped to rout Rommel Panzers. Campbell has resumed these were to be rooted up and The pounder has a semihis duties in the Wholesale seven are to be in existence at automatic breech action and The Court of the Gene Jpants were afterwards ri Section of the Merchandise the time of the setting up of only one from of projectile. an ral Tomas Guardia School, chy entertained by the ho Department of the Costa Ri the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
armour piercing shot provided in this city, was the scene noures at his place of bu ca Banana Company.
with a tracer. At 800 yards it is ef attraction last Sunday afsiness. We congratulate don The Pastor showed how the sective, and at 200 it never fails effective, at 400 it is more efternoon, when it was used Alberto for this splendid dis We are glad of again har se nations, comng out of Ro to make a kill.
as the field of battle for the play of god aportmanship. ing Miss Claris lively Basketball contest bet Johnson me, would not be able to co Another anti tank weapon re with us after her stay ween the Limon. Junior of me together against one uni cently released from the secret several weeks in San Jose versal empire. They shall not list is the PIAT Projector and Gimnastica Teams, COSTA RICA SODA with her relaties Mr. DaInfantry Anti Tank. This is of which was dedicated to don cleave one to another. The unusual type and a match niel Roberts and family.
Alberto Lopez, of one of WATER FACTORY kingdom shall be divided most enemy tanks at short ranthe city leading refreshWe deeply regret hlav Charlemange tried to do whatge. PIAT is so light that it can ment parlours.
FABRICA de HIELO y ing to mention the indisposi he met with defeat. Napoelon rred into the front line for use God said could not be done an shoulder and can be easily Much enthusiasm REFRESCOS tion of Miss Claris vinced throughout ngainst pill boxes, tanks and mo the dorf, the highly esteemed tried also and met his Water tor transport game, and at its close the Li Limón teacher on the staff of the loo. The Kaiser tried and en Other artillery weapons now mon. Junior came in for Government Girls School in ded up as a wood chopper off the secret list include the the gift of a crisp and heal FLORIDA ICE AND propelled Bofora 40 thy looking note of the coun this city. She has left for Another Dictator has come on sel try paper currency FARM CO the Capital to consult a spe the stage of action; he, too, marted en a motor chassis and cialist. We wish her the ve shall go down in defeat. The voys; and the Sten machine car, Invaluable for protecting corhaving scored thirty. three LA FLORIDA ry best results.
Lecturer come to the climax bine, one of Britains production points against twenty by MADERAS by reading Daniel 2, 44 which triumphs.
their opponents. The partici. FABRICA DE HIELO states In the days of the The. Sten, which can be disa Mr. and Mrs, William se kings shall the God of hea mantled and carried in the pocReid have returned MATINA ART AND UNIQUE from ven set up a kingdom, which kets of a battleţress, costs less their vacation spent in the shal never be destroyed, but than and is so simple to TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT cooler temperature of manufacture that almost any the shall break in pieces and con small workshop can produce it.
interior. We understand MINTO they had a most pleasing ti The charm in the appearance of a man is a well designed and smartly fitted suit WANTED The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring From Cimarrones has co Establishment guarantees, at all tinies.
me the satisfactory informa Cancalled Postage Stamps of Costa Rica BEST FIT REAL MATERIALS and tion that Mr. Chas, Mason, We are buying at Top price cancelled UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP who had been ill for Postage Stamps of Costa Rica.
Our central location makes it convenient for the men teen days, is now on the of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal way to recovery. Mrs. MaJOS. THOMAS with us.
son, his good wife, is also Room front of the Cathedral said to be splendily recupe Limón PRICES TO MEET THE TIME rating from her lengthened sickness.
been adDHORCHIDS. LC9INDIRRHONHIL2101000809408 for ca was Wenher to mm.
for me.
fifEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    World War

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