
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE. Saturday, June 24th. 1944 VER XIXTHOS.
Bta. Penaltie was solemcay commanded admiration in the of calas veritas de San ZELO NOTICE LAST MONDAY A MARRIAGE AND RECEPTION REQUIEM MASS BROWNE ABRAHAMS Much in advance of the tion bridal bat with half mon The first anniversary of rising of Old Kin Sol. a. spet, veil, white lace gloves and fan Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar of grace and solemnity cy Jose. Agentes REFRESC in our Cat and Miss.
MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL hedral, on the morning of last Saturday, when the Rite Taylor, the Chief Bridesmaid, Frente Unidad Sanitaria Monday of the week in cour of matrimony fas impressive was attractively attired in se.
ly ac ministered by the Rev. bdue share Moare gown res First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets The Mass was conducted Holmes on Miss Iris ting on imported tafeta. Her by the Rev. Fr. John and Apartado 362 Limón was attended, in a represen Groves and Mr. Claudius Mc gloves and flower looped calot Phun, two of our amiable citi hat were in full shade harino tative manner, by the teaching staff and boys of the upzens. They were specially at ny, and she carried a bouquet LAST SUNDAY EVENING AT ST. MARK per grades of the General tended by Miss Mae Taylor as of nila and carnations.
Tomas Guardia School Chief Bridesmaid and Mr. Je reasonably large con of Mrs. Doris Gray, Long after King Sol had died of Even Scoutmistress. These which the deceased was a rome Earle as Groomsman.
in the west, a splendid recep gregation attended new very competent Director.
tion was presented in the be song, last Sunday, at the St. emblems are now associate Many other sympathisers The Bride presented a char decked apartments ofthe new Mark Church, Interwoven with those of the other with the service was the xiliaries of the Church.
were also present.
ming personality in her gown ly weeds.
dedication of the new Scout The service was conduc We take this opportunity of flower stamped organza, Very imposing was the Banners the handiwork ted by the Rector, the Rei to again express our perso exquisitely designed and nee festive board, highly decorar James Evans.
nal sorrow for the passing dled with medium fall; all hored with the rich bridal eak?
of so valuable and sincere al monizing on a satin Hafera of seven stories, and abundan No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place 10 life.
backaround and a new creatly augmented by other dain yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Marke tie, and refrehing beverages. As a novelty from the traditional two spinsters cut Bernard, Dunn, Mrs. McPhun and hopes the Aadress all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajo ting of the Cake, Mr. and Mrs Hylton, Splatt. Blake, will enjoy a long and happ ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase McPhun were asked to do so, Lemont. Naysmth, who union.
the winner to be regarded as added a spicy number, Mesda the possessor of the stronger mes Earle, Blake, and Miss Lorline Hilarion mus fire of love. The Bride won. Miss Nichols. The other be complimented for the map BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 23 Instead of the throwing of guests included the Misses nificent manner in which sh SAN JOSE the Bridal Bouquet, Mrs. Mc Blake, Maxwell, fitted out the Bride and he Charges Racsanabla Precics Módic veral pieces of paper on one Wright, Stewart, Linnett Chief.
of which was written the word Olive and Bernice Buchanan. Me, Each maiden OFF FOR BEST AND CHANGE was Rojas, Wright, Mrs.
handed a folded slip and when Splatt Mrs Delpratt. Mr Numbered among those gone, we gather, for a peasked to unfold same, it was and Mrs. Carneggie, Mr. FOR MEN at who left us by last Sunday riod of rest and change in disclosed that Mis, Martha Nelson. The joys of the passenger train was Mrs. the embracing elimate of Nichols had clipped the Gem. Bride mother and the tribute Felt and Straw Hats.
Amy Taylor, the mother of the country ancient Capi Among those who shower to the parents of the Groom Shirts and Underwear our much regarded and po tal. Cartago.
ed eulogies and congratula. were effectively expresed by pular follow citizens, Mr. The Atlantic Voice ho tions on the newly wed, were the Msster of Ceremonies, Mr THE LATEST, CHEAPEST Clifford Taylor, his brot pes she obtains the greatest Messrs. Earle, Bucha Jos. Thomas. The Lebert AND BEST hers and sisters. She was poss. ble benefits.
nan, Hylton, McKnight Brown Swing Combination! Do your shopping at held sway until the wee hours of the fllowing morning. THE PEOPLE HOUSE The Atlantic Voice tends its congrats to Mr. and from HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA City of Limon Beautiofully situated in front the Sea. ROIG exĠet quick relief RHEUMATISM Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms Special Dining Room Service WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE AND FOREIGN LIQUORS ERNEST CECIL LEWIS Proprietor.
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Within a few days the kidneys are once.
De Witt Pills have been specially premore at work trapping poisons and impared to act directly on weak, sluggish, purities in the bloodstream and expelling clogged kidneys. They soothe inflam them from the system by Nature marvellous mation, heal, strengthen and restore them. mechanism.
You have visible proof of the direct action That is why De Witt Pills prove so of De Witt Pills within 24 hours of taking wonderfully effective in relieving Rheuthe first dose. You know for certain that matism. They go at once to the root of the wonderful internal antiseptic they the trouble the kidneys themselves.
DEATH OF REV. MULEARE OF CANAL ZONE DeWitt We tender sur sincere His name is not unknown sympathy to the family, re in this country, and we da latives, friends and tock resay there are many who of the Rev. Mulcare, were personally acquainted for the irreparable loss they with him, or knew of him have sustained by the recent through the columns of the passing into Eternity of this valuable newsorgan: The able christian worker. Panama Tribute. We again The Rev. Mr. Mulcare express our profound regret was the Rector of the Angliin having received the new can Chureh rf St. Preter, at of his death.
La Boca, Canal Zone, Pills KIDNEY AND BLADDER Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all farms of Kidney frouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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