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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, June 24th. 1944 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Camouflaged parachutists who storned France, Rumors in Vienna Allied Air Power Unload for defeat?
The 30 and the The Viennese are well known Once again in Italy, control of According to report by th for their Gemuetlichkeit, but the air by the Allied Forces Overseas News Agency, Germa.
their pleasant disposition has has given valuable results. The ny unloaded recently in Slova.
undergone a remarkable chan Germans holding the line of kia holdings of 350, 000, 000 Cze ge under Nazi occupation as is the Rapido appeared to be poor choslovakian crowns. Much illustrated by these witticisms by informed of Allied intentions this amount was represented by current in Vienna now, and as That is largely explained by 40, 000 shares, or 40 per cent is related by the publication, the paucity of their air recon of the total capital of the Slo.
Austrian Youth, in London: naissance and is a direct conse vakian National Bank. Germa quence of their air inferiority ny, at the time of the foundFuehrer died. As the in the battle zone. The move of ing of this Slovakian State Bank coffin was being lowered into the Eighth Army from the had subscribed to 40, 000 sha the grave, it had to be raised Adriatic end of the line right res. They have now been sol twenty times. There was across the mountain backone of to Slovaks, and the proceeds much applause.
Italy to the opposite flank would have been used to transport not have been allowed to pro Slovakian goods to the Reich Advertisement: To exchange ceed without interruption if Furthermore, German indus Party membership card Nº the enemy had known about trialists have given up the ma8 in return for pair of shoes of it.
jority control in the Stumm SuEngland. British parachute troops, camouflaged with black ened faces take their positions in their aircrafts as they pre the same number. great many advantages gar works, and large holdings pared for the descent they made on the northern coast of are conferred by air superiori in a cable plant, in the magneFrance on June 6th. This is an original of a radiophoto pre ing the heads of Hitler and enemy is one. The power new series of stamps, show ty. The ability to blind the site indu in the Slovakia, viously sent you.
to paper industry, and in two Mussolini were issued. These break his communication banks, the Tatra Bank and the The War in Europe This time the Nazis are up stamps do not stick very well, is another. The Allied Air For Slovenská Bank, All of this sald one Viennese to to their old tricks but with a The stamps are all right, was ing that advantage for weeks sure that no German invest.
another ces in Italy have been exploit serves the purpose of making With the and British new weapon. Instead of using the reply, but people will spit past The whole network of rail ments fall into the hands of the armies closing in on the great a gun they have invented a French port of Cherbourg, pilotless robot plane, which on the wrong side.
ways from Rome southwards restored Czechoslovakian State its fate as well as that of the might be called a Flying to the battle line has been bro German divisions Have you heard how strong ken for some weeks. That has defending Bomb. It is driven by jet the blast is from the seems impulsion after fired from a bombs? Ten days later pic the roads to become the spe the important base Cattle food From British, driven most of the traffic on to sealed. General Eisenhower special platform. number Timber tures of Hitler were still seen cial objective of medium dast Wednesday dropped a of these have been discovered flying out of windows.
message to the encircled Ger in northern France, between fighter bombers, Preliminary results of laboratory experiments made for the mans pointing out the futi St. Omer and Abbeville, and new definition Colonial of hign SUPPORT. NOT SUSTITUTE Products Research bombers have lity of holding out any longer Allied been and asking them to surren giving installations some te of the Fuehrer for longer than Air Forces gave support as sup treason: to remember a speech On the battlefield, the Allied Council have shown the possibility of turning large quanti der. The capture, of this portrrible hammerings from three months.
ties of Secondary timbers for will make it possible for the air. Still a few of the robots port and not as a substitute for Allies to transport more troops have reached the regions in military operations which should which there is no economic use Whoever recruits six new to the continent, because it the South of England, and members to the Nazi Party will ground properly be undertaken at present into a carbohydrate by will greatley strengthen the they have killed a number of troops. The suitable for use as cattle food.
bomber supply line across the Chan evilians, destroying a church, now be allowed to leave the or was not teated as a piece of mo This fact is brought out in the ganisation himself as a reward. bile artillery. It was not exfirst annual report of the Cou nel, which as long as stores a hospital and a chool, all and ammunition have to primary aim of the be of which the Nazis call stra reported crumbling under the could be legimately done pected to take over work which cil. The by Council is to examine and disunloaded on the beachheads tegic objectives. How these mauling paws of the Big the guns. In the Rapido batlte, cover new uses for cannot be overtaxed. Obserwanton murderers can Colonia)
vers at the Supreme Allied gine for one second that the the guns in great strength were products, and thereby to increa.
the Expeditionary Headquarters British People after enduring YANKS AND JAPS used both to pound German de se their values and raise standard of living of cover believe that there are about Dunkirk, fence positioos and to native defeat in France, CLASH AT SEA advancing infantry That is in producers and their contribution three German divisions in Norway. Greece and Crete accordance with the combined to the prosperity of the Britis!
eluding one armoured divi and at the beginning even in Who would not like to be air and land tactics which ha Empire and the world sion defending Chebourg, North Africa, and then beat aboard a battle wag ve been worker out between the only one form of projectilewhich is being bombarded by ing their best commanders in gon. otherwise called a Army and the RAF in their of sucrose (cane sugar. im Allied artillery. As we go to Egypt, Lybia, Tripoli and Tu: battleship press the troops were nesia, Sicily and Italy, would ween the Mariana Islands and se the fighting in the desert. somewhere bet long and close association sin proved methods have been div.
ised for the preparation of two about 31 miles from tho loose their grip at a time Luzon in the Phillipines as inner defences of the city.
It does not imply that the air important by products, and when victory is sure and pos the Yankee sailors meet their arm is not asked to deal with is possible that other derivati.
sibly in sight, beats anybody! treacherous, marciless BLASTING THE targets on a battlefiela. ves of sucrose may be of use is from Japan for the first time there are certain gun and even the plastics industry. The work ROBOT BASES RUSSIA FLATTENS in a real naval battle? As we battery sites which cannot be on clove oils has already pro FINLAND The Nazis are ruuning true write this advance story, few shelled from the front. The ha duced three products of possible details of the encounter are bit of placing a battery pust therapeutic value, and fron to form alright In the last While the Russians are re known, but in good American behind the crest of a hill is theobromine has been obtained war the Germans bombarded constructing their railways fashion We would bet our bot based on the knowledge that a highly active derivative Paris with their Big Berthas and communications in the tom dollar that the little slit shells from field guns cannot be considerable interest. Londo from a range of about 68 huge devastated zone from eyed monkeys will remember lobbed like grenades over Times. miles. They just pointed their which they expelled Htler that they were in a fight un hilltop. The same aplies to ma huge guns in the general di armies, they launched an all til the day when his military chine gun posts with rocky ram nour to find it. Once found the rection of a large city which out offensive against the Samurai aristocrats become parts as cover Against positions lost no more time in reporting they were sure they could not Finns with a view to putting human beings! Meanwhile the of that kind, the bomber or figh its position to the guns. Thei: miss, and actually killed a them out of the war in short capture of Saipan Island in ter bomber can give men on second bomb destroyed it.
few French civilians and laid order. The Soviet steam road the riana group is making the ground invaluable help. German air power is becom waste to some of their homes roller got away to a good progress, and the Jap is benegligible in the Italia and churches. The idea, was, start, and at the time of writ ginning to feel very nervous HIDDEN GUN SILENCED fighting Their fighters are now of course, to break French ing the Finnish port of Viborg about the safety of his hometoo few. for the tasks whic morale and terrorise the home or Vibury has fallen inte land. Just as we are going to There are situations too, in Three quarters of the total Ge front into demanding peace their hands. The famous press, a cable announced the which the speed of the bomber man strength in fighters are a at all cost. The Germans Mannerheim Line did sembled in Western Europe not welcome news that the AME yields good military results.
and face Marshall Joseph Stalin RICAN FLEET HAD DEFEAT. Effective combination of re meet the attacks of the knew they were licked RA could not hold out much warriors, possibly because the ED THE JAPANESE NEAR connoitrinng and bombing may and the US Eighth Air Forc longer. few months later, famous baron whose name it THE PHILLIPINE ISLANDS. often save time and lives. One and the menace of invasion.
the Allied armies launched bears learned his trade in We knew in advance that it such instance was reported in What can be spared from th their famous summer offen. Germany. At the moment of coould not be any other way, the first day fighting when remaining quarter after the hu Russions sive, in July 1918, and in less writing the have and we also know that this Kittyhawk dive bombers were ge Russian front has been ser than four months the war turned their efforts towards a major success of the Ameri sent out to find and bomb ed, is being thrown into the fac was over, with the Kaiser more northerly sector of the cans is bound to shorten the a gun which, up to then, had ſtories and lines of communie: Finnish defence line, and it is war in the Pacific.
defied location. They took armies thoroughly beaten.
antion in Southern Europe, as foes any a ing Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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