
ATLANTIC VOICE DANZ WAN as a THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The spreading of suspicion, scandal or calumnies requires neither labour nor courage. It is easy for the author of a lie, however maligEditor: JOS THOMAS BOX. nant, to escape detection; and infamy needs but little industry to assist its circulation.
YEAR IX LIM N, JULY 1st. 1944 NO 429 FREEDOM TORCH BURNS BRIGHTLY OUTSTANDING GAINS BY ALLIED FORCES IN WESTERN EUROPE The vastly important and in the operations in Normanis said, about eleven per We are within two days of the fourth of strategic port of Cherbourg dy, up to the 28th. June, we cent.
July 1944. the day which will record the one has been lost to the Ger re 40. 549 including the ki Units of several Allied mans; it was taken by the lled, the injured, the missing Air Forces continue to deal hundred and sixty eighth year since the DeclaNorth American troops af and the prisoners. Of this heavy blows on the enemy ration of Independence of the United States of ter many days of the most total 24. 162 were North l in all parts, particularly be America. based on the right of life, liberty and violent and sanguinary figh mericans and 13. 572 British. hing the fighting lines in the pursuits of happiness for all human creating. It is the third largest The lives lost average, it Normandy.
port in France and will, it That Torch of Freedom has been kept is said, serve transaFIFTH AND EIGHTH ARMIES brightly alight during the lengthened period of tlantic base for the Allieds in their offensive against 168 years, by a people who earned it; and each CONTINUE THEIR ADVANCES the enemy occupied territosucceeding year gives evidence of its priceless ries. It is served by several Rome reports that despite been said to have reached value to all Christendom.
important railway systems, bad weather conditions and about thirty kilometers off Time works wonders. those political bonds one of which runs direcet to increasing enemy resisten Ancona.
which were severed on the never to be forgoParis.
ce, the advance of the Al The French forces are also tten fourth of July 1776 are now being welded It has been announced lied forces continue.
continuing their advances that the Germans lost the In their advance along and are now located in the anew, not for the purpose of another Declaragreater part of four divisions the western region, the Fifth vicinity of Quirico San Dori tion of Independence by any given State or of infantry, many of their have occupied San Vicenzo, cia, eighteen miles west of Nation, but for the establishment of a univernaval units and a large quan fifty kilometers directly Chiusi.
sal Charter based, also, on the right of perfect tity of valuable matreial. It south of the port of Livorno, freedom and liberty for all.
is estimated that their loss which had been strongly London advice states It may seem a far echo from the North Ain man power amounted to fortified by the Germans. that Premier Churchill has merican Republic to our little Costa Rica, yet 70. 000, of which about The Eighth are reported announced that the British 10, 000 were taken prisoners. to have taken two important have suffered 73. 122 casual it may not, we think, be denied that the Among the latter are Lieute heights eight kilometers vies from the first landings triumph of the year 1776 paved the way for nant General Karl Wilhelm north of Perugia, in the in Italy to the fall of Rome. the separation of our Central American and von Schlieben the Comman central region, while, follo This total includes the kil other nations from the political yoke of Spain.
der in Chief of the Garrison, wing the river Chiento on led, the wounded and the The scores of able men who have graced and Admiral Walter Hennic the extreme right, they have missing.
the White House, the universities and other ke, who had charge of the maritime defences.
branches of learning are mainly the sources GERMANS FACE UNPRECEDENTED Following on the from which the wonderful progress of the Great victorious close of the battle of DISASTER IN RUSSIA Republic has sprung. Many of her outstanding Cherbourg, General Montgo intellectuals have won international fame, and mery launched an intensive Advices from the battle tier. Berlin is said to admit at this time many others are but. distancing offensive in the extreme east fronts in Russia declare that the impossibility of checking her rivals in the production of the diversified of the fighting fronts, bet the Germans are the the Russian advance which, material so much needed by the United Naween the important positions brink of suffering a disaster on the 28th. ultimo, broke of Tilly and tions in their titanic struggle for the overthrow Caen. The in White Russia, much grea all previous records by captroops have crossed the ri ter than that at Stalingrade turing more than 000 poof all the evils which would destroy our civiliver Odon and are continuing and with more far reaching pulated districts on a front zation, our freeedom and our right to the entheir advance after repuls effects.
of 250 miles.
joyment of happiness.
ing a large force of enemy Consequent on their encir The greatest defence sys In commemorating this present anniversatanks.
cling movements from four tem constructed in these ry we reiterate our great admiration and resAn announcement by the distincet points, the Soviets Iparts by the Nazis have been pect for those who fight for freedom, justice Allied Supreme Command, captured several strategic destroyed, and large num and human equality.
in France, releases the infor positions, one of which, Osi bers of their fighting men mation that the total casual povichi lies only twenty mi are surrounded in the region INMINENTE LA RUPTURA ties suffered by the Allieds les from the old Polish fron of Bobruisk, ESTOCOLMO, 30, UP. Crée SALOMON CHIN se que las relaciones entre los Estados Unidos y Finlandia esPRIVATE PLANTINGS tán a punto de romperse. Infór LA IBERIA mase que el encargado de negosios norteamericano en Finlan PROHIBITED ON dia, Edmund Gullion, hace preESTRADA parativos para evacuar a los ciu LOS DIAMANTES Cadanos estadounidenses.
Precios Económicos.
on Notice To Members of Cacao Cooperation Mixta)
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PRICES TO MEET THE TIME Gove eeeeeeee Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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