
Saturday, July 1st. 1944 IN HIM IN MEMORIAM In loving and never fading memory of a beloved husband and Father LESLIE CLARKE a who departed this life July 2nd. 1942 In life you made us glad, bob In death you made us sad; Though two years, it seems a day; The loss we ll never forget.
We loved thee well, But Jesús loves thee best. we WIDOW and DAUGHTER Life We Shall Always Remember Before the canvas of our mind will come anew, tomorrow, July 2nd. the sad spectacle of two years ago, when Germany killed a dear heart and loving father WILLIAM LAPSLEY AT Page ATLANTIC VOICE Wifi TO MR. AND SYDNEY BECKFORD CABINET MAKING AS AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP MRS. VICENT HART Not only for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our Chairs lie comfort; while e technique of the workman Pursuing his course of adship guarantees strength and durat:ity.
ding to our human family, BE WISE. remember every item of the proverbial Stork visited the home of our much regar Beckford built furniture ded young citizens, Mr. and remains a prize in office or home.
Mrs. Vicent Hart, few Due to the scarcity of Shellac we are giving a brilliant days ago and left the gift Wax finish.
of a baby boy in their keepSEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE ing. Mother and babe, are plased to learn, are in 4th. Street at entrance to Gamez very good health.
Lumber Yard.
Our congrats to the young VETRINJAUZITUZLUMINIO 27 parents, as also to Grannie and Mrs. Catherine DelGLEANINGS FROM MATINA pratt Brown for their great grand and to Mr. and Mrs Matina special attrac Millie, Katie, Irene, Esma Eddie Hart for their grandution, last Sunday, was the and Ditty. Great was the son, Children Day Celebration, ingredients added by the conducted in the Baptist choristers in the chanting Church. It was well atten of. We gladly bid you wel ded by the adherents, come Joyfully singing.
friends and others. The Rev What can little children Some Death Forde, the Pastor, offi do? Like the Sunbeamciated.
Gladly sing to Jesus. Miss The undermentioned persoz:5 Our Young People earned Vasta Bloomfield ably presi who were associated with this their crowns of Gem from ded at the organ.
Zone, are reported to have their individual and collec The children successes died in the San Juan de Dios tive performances. The after owe much to the untiring Hospital, San Jose.
noon entertaining program services of Sister Susana ACleveland Garvey, 43 years me brought the following llen of the City Church and old and formerly of this city youngsters to the front others who assisted in their He entered the institution on Masters Raymond, Milton, preparation.
the 25th. May and died Eduardo, Ernesto, Victor, the 9th. ultimo.
the Misses Lydia, Mildred, Matina Baptist Joseph Brown McLoud, 72 mu years of age, also formerly of SERVICE TO MEMORY OF SAN PABLO this city; he went into the WAN hospital on the 7th. ultimo and VICTIMS died on the 9th, idem. special service will be tion of our remembrance of Oliva Ovares Perez, 45 ponducted in the St. Mark the departed ones and our years old and a former resiChurch tomorrow, at 30 a. sincere sympathy for the dent of the Rio Jimenez region memory of the near and dear ones who ha of the Old Line, She was unfortunate ones who lost ve suffered irreparably.
admitted to the hospital on their lives the time the 6th. May and died of the torpedocing of the It has been mentioned that the 11th. ultimo.
SS. San Pablo on in conjunction with the Ethe 2nd July 1932.
vensong, there will be com Esteban McClaren Cowell, It is hoped an outstand mitted to remembrance the late of this city, who entered ing congregation will be in recently departed members the hospital on the 29th. May attendance as a demonstra of the Church, and died on the 19th. ultimc. SAN PABLO. JULY 2nd, 1942 How we miss him no one knows, None other can fill the vacant place; Hearts were lighter, work a pleasure Now all is dreary and old fashioned.
TINA STERLING AND CHILDREN Harold, Mary, George, William, Frank, Rolando, Alice, Albert on IN EVER GREEN MEMORY In fond and ever green remembrance of our dear and loving brother SAMUEL JONES JULY 2nd. 1942 to the at Two years ago you were suddenly killed, The shock was great the blow severe; Only those who know can tell the parting without farewell.
Our tears will never cease, our hearts will never heal, Sweet is the memory which never will fade, May the Angels ever comfort thee.
on LO We pour out the same remembrance for our beloved father FOSTER JONES whose eeigth death anniversary we brood over in solitude IT The Jones Family CIMARRONES Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao MUL. EN. OL FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash and Dentrifice.
in rious RAICILLA IPECACUANA RUBBER We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI MA TA RAL good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
SAN JOSE minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE ano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca


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