
FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS neral move to enable the peo July 9th. Gran parade ple of this democratic Repu through the principal avenues blic to do their bit in assist and streets of this city.
ing to provide some measure July 13th. Entertainment of relief for the war viztims in the Theatre Arrasty.
PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD of our United Nations, Li August 12th. Arrival of (Fundada en 1910)
mon organized Commitees Excursion train from San Jose as follows.
to return on the 15th. This no President don Alfredo Ca will allow the excursionists to Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS ñas participate in the Fair which Secretary don Robe to will be in process from the Blanco 12th, to the 15th. The attrac GARRON e HIJOS Trtasurer don Guillermo tions will include dancing, Oreamuno Flores, launch excursions to Uvita, LIMON APARTADO 417 Vocals don Abel Cruz Cas etc. It has been arranged by trillo.
ihe genial Manager of the Li.
Don Víctor Aguirre. mon Trading Company to se ON OUR CRICKET OVAL Doña Inés Peña Gamez cure an orchestra from Gran Doña Lía de Montero da, Nicaragua, to furnish the The players of the Progres of 21. Sutton also tricked her victim, after accumulatSrta. Clarita Canichia music during the period of sive Cricket Club of Pacua him with a catch. Mr Muir Sutton was also anotGeneral Assts. don Alvaro the Fair.
rita added another victory was another impressive bats ing 15 runs. He also broke Goicoechea, Mariano Zúñiga, is expected that all Limon Hernán Salas will co operate in order to give in this branch of sport, to their magnificent record, man, who placed most of his through the defence of strokes in the slips and for Dixon, when he had only The following programme, success to the worthy efforts when, last Sunday, they sub ward center; he contributed earned runs. In the same for the raising of funds, nes of the Managing Personnel.
dued the Pathfinder Selec runs and was caught by over, he rooted the wickets tion by an 80 to 47 score. Wade Stewart, a cautious of Perrie, Robinson, THE POLES FIGHT BACK distance of about 75 yards, NoBy a correct call of the defender of his stumps was Clarke and Gallimore, the gendarmes in the Coin. the skipper of the not out man with runs to without any of the being truck had time to reach for his visiting team selected to bath. credit. The other run able to make as single run the Recently two trucks with Ger gun. Only the guards in and his team mates dis getters of the team were The other scorers were Milman military police drew up on second truck, which now arriv played their ware with com Wareham run. Camp ler runs. Walker 12 the viaduct of Poniatowski Brid ea on the scene, were able to fort and much ease. Se bell 5, Stewart 5, Ba and Barton, not out man while the Polish nior demonstrated ge in Warsaw. Porty uniformed open fire, marked rrett 2, Williamson and with to s credit. There hoodlums stopped a tram, drove round. up victims jumped from capabilities, and brought Sinclair four Byes we was bye, which, all togetout the passengers and loaded the truck and scattered.
Ont into view many notable stro re also obtained.
her, produced a total of 47 them into the police trucks. more grenade blew up the cen kes. He used his wrists with yuns.
short distance away, a Polish (tre of the smashed truck and much technique and ear On the city Selection tak fighting detachment of the un the underground forces disap ned 31 runs for his side. He ¡ing the bat they were con derground was gathered, ready peared. The street was quiet and fell a victim to a daisy fronted by a bowling streng MISCELLANEOUS ito act. But it was impossible to deserted. In the smoking truck Catch by Sutton. Da th much above water start the attack, for the Nazis lay ten German soldiers, dead. vis, a cool and clear sighted mark. Barrett, the left ADVERTISEMENTS were alert, their fingers on the At several other points in the batsman, also came in for hander wrought wonders.
triggers of their guns, and the city explosions occurred simul special notation. He gained He took Wade wicket for THOMPSON SUPPLY Palish victims of the round up taneously, routing the round up two runs hits in his totalla cipher and Hammond for AND WORKSHOP were in the line of fire. The un expeditions and enabling the Everything in the nechanical derground had to bide its time. victims to flee. Thus Nazi terror line can be made, repaired of Fifteen minutes later two trucks, was answered by terror; oppres supplied Assortments of Beds, drove into another section of sion and cruelty bred hatred CLIFFORD STEELE Springs and other useful equip the city. The first carried the and rezalation.
Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
ment. Building Nazi gendarmes, the second, far To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward behind, the victims with their WATER FACTORY and fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
the Municipal Bath guards. When the truck with FABRICA de HIELO y the Nazis approached solec BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, GRANT AND CRAWFORD Street, one block away from the REFRESCOS BEST WORKMANSHIP NEW HARLEM BAR Vistula River Drive, two grena We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull AND RESTAURANT Ces flew out and hit their mark.
COSTA RICA SODA caps. Sailor cops and werking caps of all kinds.
Opens Day and Night. ean One struck the driver, the seand Cozy Reservation. Good cond. the truck. In the black Limón No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for Native and Foreign Liquors cloud of smoke, the truck veeryourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Market and experienced Mixers ed violently and stopped, in the FLORIDA ICE AND Building middle of the roadway. Two FARM CO machine guns were aimed COMING EVENTS WITH THE BAPTISTS LEONEL MONDOL the green uniforms; one faced LA FLORIDA the Nazis directly, only a few MADERAS East Indian Barber and Hair steps away, the other from a FABRICA DE HIELO Culturist. All sanitary arran The adherents of the we are of the opinion that gements and general cleani Baptist Denomination desi the talks which will be as surroundings. In front of the WEEKLY SAILINGS re to remind their friendssociated with this, the 106th old Motive Power Clubhouse and the public generally anniversary of the liberation From LIMON to that, in keeping with their of human creatures from HAPPY CAHUITA OLD HARBOUR COLORADO BAR custom, the doors of the ci the curse of slavery should ty church will stand ajar mean much to every one.
LIQUID FOUNTAIN Cristóbal to them on the night of Mon Accepting Passengers and Freight day the 31st. of the present The announcement has In the heart of the Abaca Dis For particulars, see or communicate with month, when the surrent also be made that the 1944 trict at Twenty Five Miles year Emancipation Celebra Sunday School anniversary Richly cooked and higly flow BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents tion will take place. In view will be observed on Sunday voured meals Everything in Office. Lower Floor of Pension Caribe of all that is taking place and Monday, August 6th. the line of refreshing Drinks throughout the universe, and 7th. prepared to meet your tasta 990 kw Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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