
La Proveedora UCLA Saturday, July 1st. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE. Page 11 AN APPEAL TO LIMONENSES TO AID ALLIED WAR RELIEF FUND WAR KLLIU We produce hereunder the menaces which confront us. are asking foryour wholearted text of a circular letter ad. In San Jose, Heredia, Ala participttion in the Big Pro dressed to our general citizen juela and other provinces of cession, listed for a, cn OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT ry in connection with the our beloved country the Po Sunday the 9th of the pre LOWER PRICES effort under way to gather an Auxiliary movement for War sent month of July, for the ta WAV08 appreciable amount of cash as Victims has found response, purpose of collectiong dona1373 an aid to the War Relief Fund and from all and each one tions. We are confident the First class Merchandise and best of of the Allied Nation. of their inhabitants, a hum great population of our city Courtesy always Mr.
blee but valuable collabora of Limon fervently desire the Please ask for anything in Grocery or other Esteemed Sir.
tion has been procured. 1:1 triumph of the Allied NaArticles of General dietry not readily sen. general movement, which the spirit of patriotism. tions.
is to embody and be helped that love, before all else for The young Americans, En LA PROVEEDORA by all good Costarricans, 13 our beautiful land, we also glish Russians, Chinese and now organized with the view feel a irresistible desire to other nations who, in trite LIMON CITY of similarly giving our hum give our help and collaborat appreciation of human rights, ble collaboration to the grand tion to the grand movement. bestowed equally on a? by THE MC ARTHUR. COCACOLA BASEBALL cause of the Allied Nations. As we know you appreciate God, are sacrificing their lives who, today, are trying to li our sentiments, and will in the most terrible furnace TU ENGAGEMENT berate the world from the willingly cooperate, as far as of fire and shots to maintain most terrible and cruel of the your means will permit, we the precious standard of our last week impression, the xercise was rather sensatioAs was mentioned in our Mr. Bailey tells us the eliberty. Their afflicted mobaseball match between the nal, with both sides demons www.
thers also suffer in silence General McArthur and Co trating marked capabilities.
BROWNE ABRAHAMS and prayer for those of their co Cola Teams was presented The veteran, Timothy Mena, offspring who fall as sacrifices as scheduled, at the Stadium pitched for Mr. Egbert Pol to the tyronny anl ahbition of Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar under construction in San son Nine, and so checked two countries void of law and Jose.
Agentes the speed of the forceful decorum and whose only wil Due to his unfortuante in Coca Cola players that they MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL is to dominate the world regar disposition, Mr. Jorge Cur were only able to gather a Frente Unidad Sanitaria dless of the cost of the sacri ling, the designated honour total of seven runs against fice of their youths.
ee, was unable to attend. the ten chalked up by his si First Aid Anticeptic Alkaline Tablets We who hardly collabora e Mr. Ernest Bailey of this de. He is said to have been Apartado 362 Limón in the decisive struggle must city and Cubs Fame, the recipient of a splendid make every effort to in zorne being on a visit to the Capi medal.
sis manner afford some amelio tal, performed, on request, Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support ration. Others are defending the distinguished act of pit our former Limonenses on We highly congratulate we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink our rights while we remain ching the first strike as at LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West of the city confortable in our homes. It starting signal.
a the victory. May they keep the fire agoing Market.
is our earnest desire that you co laborate, either with you: assistance or your economic donation, to the good to resu: Our energetic sportsman. backs. However, we from this crusade for liberaty Mr. Stanley Dixon, the Ma glad to learn that, in the which has a significant value the Pathfinder absence of real unforeseen. a direct help for the orphuns The most Popular Refreshment Parlour Sport Club has, we gather circumstances, the tournaof the war.
located cozily in the City Market.
cated been endeavouring for some ment will be realized during In the hope of securing your You can best the warm temperature time to effect a trip to the the earlier part of the month personal help we remain.
satisfy neighbouring Republic of of September next.
attentively yours Your refreshing Spot. Our table Menu Nicaragua. He has been in The Pathfinders will be Limon Affiliated Committee Speaks for itself. The very best receipt of invitatiors from several of the sporting clubs and Cricket, the latter being represented in Basketball service is our PLEDGE Allied War Relief Fund HYLMAN WALTERS of that Republic, but he Proprietor composed of an All Costa had always been confronted Rica Selection. Our players Limon, July 1st. 1944.
with unsurmountable setwill be the guests of the Bluefields Cricket Club.
As much financial obliga tions will have to be faced Mr. Harris, Town of New York in such an undertaking, we FOR MEN me a great metropolis, much Clerk, and Mr. Adams. It was stated by the visit larger than its present size, desire, at this early stage, deputy city Engineer of Kings ing officials that the sweeping and sufficiently modern as t»
to throw out the hint to our Felt and Straw Hats.
ton, Jamaica, recently visited political and social reforms rank with the best Americaa sport loving citizenry to giShirts and Underwear ve their most generous sup New York, U, in con impending in Jamaica, as a and European Capitals THE LATEST, CHEAPEST nection with the vast progra result of the grant of a new port to whatever functions. general census recently AND BEST Promoter Dixon may stage mme of improvements plano constitution, based on unive taken in connection with the Do your shopping at for the purpose of raising ed to convert the Island capisal suffrage, was the thing proposed reforms placed, Mr.
tal into one of the world the necessary fund to cover uppermost in the minds of th Harris is reported to haya THE PEOPLE HOUSE finest cities the expenses of the trip.
The visitors, populace, and that it was also stated, the Island total popu are said to have consulted the desire of all that King. lation at 1, 300, 000, souls, that Mayor La Guardia and other son, the Capital, Gaould beco of Kinston being 237, 000 officials of New York regarding a large number of their City of Limon development plans which Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
covers such matters as modern recreational facilities, Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms swimming pools, bathing bea Aadress all your Engroiti Para todos sus trabaje: ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijaseu Special Dining Room Service ches, playfieles, civil aviation WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE more adequate street clean zbor AND FOREIGN LIQUORS ing and garbage disposal methods, swamp reclamation, bonsai ERNEST CECIL LEWIS slum clearance, housing pro BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 25 Proprietor.
jects and traffic control SAN JOSE They were expected to make Charges Rarsaab! Precios Módic a complete study of the city అన టege oss 10 Place PATHFINDERS TO TOUR NICARAGUA LAS BRISAS are nager of VAST IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME FOR KINGSTON, JAMAICA HOTEL HISPANC AMERICA NOTICE ROIG Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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