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Page 12 STEP ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 1st. 1942 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Ove 20 a THE WORLD WAR FREEDOM TRAVELS THE TASK AHEAD TODAY WHITE STAR Forty. four allied and associated nations have officially There is something historic in The White Star has now be announced that they are attend the visit of King George the come a common sight on vehicles ing the second session of VI to the Allied troops fighting travelling along the roads of the United Nations Ralief and in northern France on June English countryside. It is the Rehabilitation Administration, 16th. To begin with, this was Star of Liberation, and just as which commenced in Montrea the first time that the British much a symbol of freedom as on June 25th, sovereign stood on French soil the flaming sword of General has achieved since he toured the quiescent Eisenhower Supreme Alied much since its first meeting in Maginot Line in 1939. As His Ma Headquarters.
November of last year Bewilde jesty made his way ashore from ing lists of standing committee the cruiser Arethusa in an All vehjeles, except ambulances which were published then have amphibjan launch, British naval and vehicles, whether resolved themselves ito band guns were firing at the German British, American, Canadian, orlof men who are making compleve positions about six miles distant other allied vehicles forming and thorough plans for ever from the beach, and these salpart of the great Allied Expedi. eventually which may arise voes were the first the King had General Dwight Eissenhower, Supreme Allied Comman tionary Force now have the whiwhen the Axis. occupied terri seen actually fired at the enemy der (left. and general Sir Bernard Montgomery, Commander te star painted on them. The tories are liberated.
in this war. Then again, this of Allied forces in the invasion group, are pleased with progress reason is threefold. to facilite was the first time in the last of the invasion as they cross the Channel on a nAllied warship. recognition, to establish unifor. mittee has moved into its new The European Regional Com four centuries that a reigning mies, and it is believed that bet. have now been able to open up mity of vehicle marking, and to headquarters in London, English sovereign set foot on increase efficiency.
Koween British and American naval the highway leading from Norman soil to visit his pointed its officers and settlec own and army engineers Cherburg hima to Imphal, and 270 trucks down to tackle problems fighting armies. However, the and Existing registration numbers difficulties entailed in the relies monarch came on a mission of will soon be restored to the loaded with urgent supplies have point that:darge troep movements reached the last mentioned city.
will, however, remain, but to of Europe. Five divisions liberation and not of conquest deal national with agriculture, displaced per: this time. So complete was thel and the discharge of supplies The aprovisioning of the Imphal the casual observer Allied domination of garrison has been carried out by Identity will have given way to sons, health, industrial rehabimay be undertaken. Eyem the sea and the air even at that time, some of the wharves are unavais air for some time, but the mon the symbol of the complete in. litation and welfare. the that His Majesty was not threa.
lable for some time, the mere soon weather was so bad that tegration of the force tened by enemy ship or fact that Allied transports and the soldiers had been on half symbol of the Army of Libera 60, 000, 000 DISPLACED AND aero tion. the White Star, plane.
shipping can anchor under the rations lately.
HOMELESS protection of the breakwater is Probably the most contan assurance that unloading into SOLDIERS AT SAIPAN DANISH REBELS AGE cated of these is the second CHERBOURG IN ALLIED lighters can be effected with The Forces at Saipan are Acording to estimates made by HANDS minimum loss of time steadily progressing, states a late The average age of the Danish the Allied governments in LonCom message from Washington and widerground worker is between don there are at least twentyTo the American armies fell VITEBSK IN RUSSION HANDS over the weekend more than 20 and 30 years, That holds true one million homeless, or displathe lot to crown the first Allied in a SEO forty Japanese tanks were cap of the saboteurs, Thirtyfive perced persons in occupied Europe strategie victory on the Wes. Whipe the Russians, continue tured and others destroyed. Dur cent are over 30 and only five This total includes people detern Front with the capture of their victorious offensive ining the fighting the Americans per cent are under 20. Many ported to Germany for forced the great port of Cherbourg, the Finland, they have now initiated stormed Mount Taotchau and young People under 20 want to labour, prisoners of war, and third port of France. So far as another large scale offensive on held it against several enemy take part but the leaders do not men and women sent into con is known at this time, five Nazi the northern front. Their first counter attacks.
permit it on account of the risk centration camps, generals died in the front lines assault was directed against the of the death penalty for those In the Far East the numher defending it and the Commander powerful German defence system THE BATTLE IN ITALY who are caught, Most of in Chief, General von Schlieben, in the neighbourhood of Vitebsk, Field Marshal Jan Smuts vislthe of deported and scattered Chic participants in the underground nese amounts to something like together with a German Rear and then they suddenly struck a ted the Italjan front on his way work are needed for the illegal forty millions. The returning of Admiral fell alive into the hands hundred miles south of that city to South Africa from England.
of the Allies. While the near Mogilev. Vitebsk fell into After talks with General Wilson newspapers, hundreds of colla these people to their homes Iborators being required for both which in many cases will have troops must be given due credit the hands of our Allies, and in at Algiers, and Generals Alexanfor their victory, the military the southern sector they broke der, Clark and Leese in italy, latter is carried out mainly by be an enormous task consider printing and distribution, The been destroyed or occupied wi.
observers in London point out through the German lines to aſ the famous statesman predicted that Cherbourg feil to the great depth of 28 miles. At the time that the campaign in Italy would the older school children. Thsoe ed from the viewpoint of pro.
under 20 have dedicated them vision of transport, alone.
est, combined operation that has of writing the Russians are wi end with a conclusive victory been undertaken by the Anglo dening the Freach, and military in the not dtstant future. Alt. selves to the task of irritating the Nazis. They steal resolvers, BRINGING MEDICAL AID American high command aginst observers believe that the pre hough the Germans are fightthey puncture bicycle tires, write one single objective. In it the sent drive is in the general ti ing rearguard actions as Another problem which mus guns of the British warships oferection of Minsk, an important retreat towards the North, ob things on the walls and some be tacked as soon as possible is the peninsula made a very con communication centre about 140 servers state that these halftimes they think up something the prevention of epidemics and siderable contribution to the miles to the west. It appears that hearted attempts at delaying original as when boys got hold the establishment in Europe anc.
final result, as did the British the Russians are ready to strike the Allies are of little avail and of a roll of film and pushed it the Far East of much improvec and Canadian forces which at several other German strong steady progress being made little under the door of a Ger standards of health and hygiene fou in the Tilly Caen sector points along the central front, by both the 5th and 8th Armies. man air force general who had All reports from occupied cour and drew four enemy armoured and it is quite possible that a just rented a luxurious apart tries tell the same story of divisions towards the left wing general offensivie will be the SAYINGS ment. When the film had been alarming deterioration in health of the Allies, so that the Amer final result the advances shoved under the door, the boys Tuberculosis and typhus are icans would make better pro made in three distinct sectors. Not only have our lit the end that remained and rife in countries where before military gress on the right General MontThe Soviet high command archievements amazed the Con when the general came home the Nazis came they had beer gomery strategy pinned down claims that not less than five tinent, not only have the British all his best uniforms and his virtually stamped out. staff the best troops of Hitler, his enemy divisions are enelrcled in people revived and enhanced our carpets were burnt.
of doctors and nurses of all naarmoured divisions and their re. the Vitebsk area, and that the reputation for steadfast stabili.
tions is being collected and preserves, in order to force the Ger. river Dvina has been crossed ty, but we have given to Europe The Commonwealth is not a pared with a nombre of emermans to weaken their left flank. west of the town.
an example of the very qualities planetary system in which Great gency units to rush into danger According to the latest news patience, persistence, tole. Britain is the sun about which spots in liberated countries and at hand, the Germans did not THE FIGHTING IN BURMA rance, unity of purpose that the Dominions move in their bring much needed medical aid destroy as much in Cherbourg as are so urgently needed for its orbits. It is an equal partners and supplies Each of these they did in some of the Italian The British. Indian troops suffering peoples. Sir Samuel hip. The Archbishop of Can. units will be capable of dealign ports taken by the Allied ar fightingstejgøcuphito esegredad de fa Elblotpoh Naciqib Miguel Obregó puizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas gel Ministevig de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. with 10, 000 people.
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    EnglandFranceGermanyHitlerInvasionItalyNazismSovietWorld War

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