
Página Sábado de Julio de 1944 LÁ ATLÁNTICA GRANDIOSO DESFILE DE TODAS LAS ASOCIACIONES DE LA PROVINCIA DE LIMON Cura PUBLCO EN GENERAL 03 Será co nel objeto de allegar fondos para las víctimas de guerra de las Naciones Unidas, y tendrá lugar mañana domingo a las horas Dé muestra de su Buen Gusto SHOPERTO Orden del desfile: na; Sociedad Gimnástica Li.
Saliendo de la esquina de monense; Carroza de los Sin la gobernación calle primera dicatos precedida de los sin.
por avenida octava, hasta ca, dicatos de Limón; Represen l! e novena (Plaza Yglesias) tación de la honorable colonia para cruzar al norte hasta ave nicaragüense; Representación nida para seguir sobre de la honorable colonia polo esta avenida hsta calle sépti. nesa; Representación de las ma para cruzar al norte has 21 naciones americanas; Equi ta avenida sobre esta ave pos de futbol Cariari, Marte nida hasta calle segun. e Infantiles; Representación da para seguir esta calle has de la honorable colonia liba ta avenida para cruzar y nesa; Cuerpo de bomberos vo terminar en el Parque Cen luntarios de Limón; Equipos tral.
de Base Ball y Basquet Bail Autoridades de la provin. y Cricket; Representación de cia; carroza de los Estados la honorable colonia paname Unidos, precedida de la honoña; Boys Scout de Limón; Co rable colonia americana; Bardetes de Limón; Representa.
celona Sport Club; Carroza ción de la Escuela de Limón; de la colonia inglesa, precedi Público en general.
da de la honorable colonia in. No deje usted de depositar glesa; Júpiter Sport Club; Ca su humilde contribución en rroza de la colonia china pre las banderas de las naciones cedida de la honorable colounidas que con este fin da.
nia china; Representación de mitas limonenses harán co la honorable colonia colombiarrer por todo el desfile.
fumando CIGARBILLOS ICOS Ticos AL COMERCIO PUBLICO EN GENERAL Por este medio aviso al comercio y público en general que mi esposa señora Mabel Daley, de esta ciudad, hizo abandono del hogar hace cuatro años. Por esta razón no me responsabilizo de ninguna clase de sus deudas o cualquiera otra cuenta que ella contraiga.
THOMAS EDWARD DALEY Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO and The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao Hero From Jamaica of Searchlights. The pilot took violent evasive action but in spite of it we seriously battered Recently, Flight Engineer Ser about bly flak, and the star geant Benjamin Vivian Haze!
engine caught fire. feathered from Eve Lane, Kingston, Ja.
it, and the flames died down maica, was awarded the Distin without the necessity to use the guished Flying Medal. The de rire extinguisher. The Lancaster coration, which he recived from then suddenly began to lose King George VI at Buckingham height and came dwon to 3, 000 Palace, London, was awarded feet over a heavily defended for having completed many suc area.
cessful operations against the Hazell had a brainwave enery, in which he had disploy acted upon his own initiative. He ed high skill and devotion 15 remembered that at the training duty.
school, he was told that if he pulled the boost cut out conHazell first operation wag trol anywhere about 10, 000 feet to Dusseldorf and before he or under it would give the Mercompleted his operational tour, lin engine tremendous extra his last flight was over Berlin boost, and more horse power During the Battle of the Ruhr would be developed in a short last summer, Hazell aircraft time. He did this, and within a raided Wuppertal, where the Very short time the bomber crew found themselves is a si alimbed to 15, 000 feet. After tuation which they will long they had landed the crew counremember for they were tested ted 87 flak holes in the bomber, in the fires of experiencs. but nobody was hurt.
Says Hazell: Bombs were dropped and we had turned After that memorable night. for home. Soon afterwards, we said Hazel. we were called the found ourselves alone in a cone lucky crew.
RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVE OFFICES: MON SAN JOSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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