
One EUR 1856 com se ATLANTIC VOICE Note TVNO a THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK OTECA Let us not make our neighbours proud by sdr citing help which we do not need, nor discouraga our own industry by difficulties we need not suEditor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 ffer EAR IX LIMON, R. JULY 8st. 1944 NO 430 LIMON WAR RELIEF DRIVE ON THE DIFFERENT BATTLE FRONTS Reports regarding the ina. Fieree fightings are re around Caen, where the Ger It will be everybody busineas to join in tocivities of the warring na ported in the regions of mans are reported to have morrow crusade andgive the fullest possible ns in the different figh Osimo and Pilotramo. concentrated an unusually measure of collaboration to the grand cause of our zones disclose that with The North American large number of powerfully SAllied Nations who are continuaing the herculean passing of each day troops are pursuing their equipped divisions.
struggle to liberate the universe from the enemies aditions with the enemy offensive in the Cherbourg of our civilization sces become less favoura area. They have liberated The North Americans Growing out of the horrible destruction com2. number of populated have launched a new offenSU On the Russian fronts, the townships and arrived at sive in the Central sector of mitted by those who disregard all human rights viets pursue their unbea the important city of La Normandy north of San Lo. and liberty, hundreds, thousands, yea millions of no offensives. In a des Haye du Puits where inten Allied forces have occu our democratic brothren have been afflicted, crip:rate effort to check the se fighting is in progress. pied Rosinano, 18 miles pled, bomb shocked, maimed and made homeless vance, the Germans laun Violent fighting continues from the port of Livorna.
other thousands have been made widows and ed several frantic countertacks in White Russia, but orphans. Is there a son or daughter of freedom ese were all repelled. The HEAVY DEATH TOLL FROM ENEMY or liberty who will remain within their homes toviets are in the vicinity morrow, while a vacant place exists in the parade ROBOT PLANES the strategic position of timed to start from the Gobernacion edifice at nine sranovichi which is located o clock in the forenoon?
the railway which con For several weeks past, En hll stated that England had The call is for a mass demonstration to include ets with the Polish capi gland has been subjected by been raided during the past all the nationals of the United Powers. Each group. Warsaw. Notwithstand the Germans.
Ihree weeks by from 100 to the reiforcements rusa will be assigned their position under their flagThe machines described as 150 of these machines each to the defence of the autopropelled, which saves the day and the projectiles had Costarricans will be headed by their flaat bearing tuanian approaches, the presence of a pilot or other per during that period caused the the national Standard. British and British subjects, issians are said to have ionnel.
deaths of 2, 757 persons, whi will be led by their decorated float, displaying the 90 ached to within 40 kilole 8, 000 others had been injur Union Jack, which shall never trail in the dust.
aters of that frontier and In the House od Commons ed. The majority of the casual The citizens of the great North American Republic e about 194 distant from last Thursday, Premier Chur ties were effected in London, at of East Prussia.
will follow the Stars and Stripes the Stars which The is shall never grow dim. The flag of the Soviet Union so said to be making rapid GOBERNMENT TO BUY LAUNCH STA. ELENA will wave in the breeze, while the members of our ogress.
Chinese Colony will be under the Pennant of their Large numbers of addi The Governmente will, we Thursday.
Republic, the longest in the universal struggle. Nional troops of the Soviet understand, be purchasing the It is our sincere hope that caraguan and the citizen of other Latin American aion have landed in Fin well known launch Santa Ele its acquisition by the govern nd in the vicinity of the na, which has for a number men will not deprive our port, Republics will also be identified in the big procession.
ay of Vilpuri and on near of years, been conducting a and the coastal towns of this Islands.
coastal service from this port. Zone of the bonefits derivable It is our hope and that of every interested In Italy North Ameri The price ax is stated as. from a regular passenger and citizen, that an overwhelming number of our rean troops are reported to 135, 000 colones, the value fix freight service, sidents will participate in the procession and conave advanced to withined by the duly appointed va tribute their bit to the noble effort.
xteen kilometers of the luators some time ago.
ort of Livorna on the West As is known to most of our planes were lost. Over 50 percent vhile the British were con readers, the vessel appertain POWER OF THE AMERICAN FLEET of the plane crews were rescued.
nuing successfully toward In terms of combatant ships and cd to the firm of Guillermo lorence and the important The mighty United States dominated the Pacific action and merchant vessels, a total of fiftybort of Ancona the Niehaus y Co. and was seized Adriatic. It is anticipated along with their other assets Navy is carrying on an offensive will probably continue to do so. two enemy ships of all classes on all oceans, according to a Mr. Forrestal asserted. As were sunk and thirty two ships hat the Germans will give after Costa Rica had declar statement on May 31 by James esult of strikes made against of all classes were damaged. We battle to the two Allied ar led or against the Germans. Porrestal, Secretary of Truk, Saipan, Tinian and lost no ships.
mies along a front lying The launch was to have been Navy. In addition to the strikes Jau, the enemy has become between Cecina and Livor sold by public auction last landi.
unceasing offensive made by carrier planes, is conscious of our ability to hit based under way against the Japanese This Pacific bases that he aircraft have carried Cevain the Pacific, he said; the Ger cuates his fleet. units and as out twenty five raids against MUL. EN. OL mans cannot meet our attacks much of his shipping as possible Truk and fifty three raids against FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC in the Mediterranean and the when one of our long range re Ponape since April 1, 1944. And NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR boats, have been so hard hit connaissance planes is sighted in the far north where bad in the Atlantic that war risk over his territory.
Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
Weather prevails, land based ajrinsurance for cargo on ships In the trikes mehtioned, we craft have raided the KuAlso splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash running between the North destroyed 500 enemy aircraft riles thirty one times in the last and Dentrifice.
and South American coasts and while only forty eight of our two months.
ALKALINE TABLETS the British Isles has dropped to IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND per cent.
American carrier PLEASANT OF TASTE.
units participated in the strike SERE on Sourabaya, Japanese held naWEEKLY SAILINGS MA TA RAL val base in Java.
From LIMON to The tremendous mobility good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, the American fleet in the PaCAHUITA OLD HARBOUR COLORADO BAR TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
cific, stated Mr. Forrestal, has Cristóbal AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS been imparted to land Accepting Passengers and Freight and air forces. for by use PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
the fleet this country has been For particulars, see or communicate with SAN JOSE able to reconquer territory and minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after establish air fields in forward BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS Office. Lower Floor of Pension Caribe The carrier task force on a PaSO An. of our of areas.
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