
Saturday, July 8th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page WALA IZACE de MARRIAGE OF TWO NORTH AMERICANS Other interior towns.
SCARE REGARDING BROWNE ABRAHAMS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC INFANTILE Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar This serves to notify the public in genePARALYSIS Agentes ral that the undersigned Atorney at Law MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL Quite a scare has been in and Notary, formerly Criminal Judge and Frente Unidad San aria evidence during the past seve who recently resigned his position as Civil ral days as a result of the re Judge in the Judicial service of this ProvinFirst Aid Anticeptic Alkaline Tablets ports reaching this city in con ce, is no we engaged in private practice in nection ih the existence of Apartado 362 Limón the same office as Attorney and Notary don the dread infantile paralysis Fernando del Barco, next door to the Canahich has again made its ap lías Book Store.
pearance in the Capital and All prospective clients are assured efficient and honest services.
We have been reliably in With the impressiveness America where a rich recep formed, we are glad to VICENTE DESANTI menassociated with the Rite otrion was held. Among the par tion, that no case of the sick matrimony, Miss Marion ticipants were Mr. Ef ness has yet been brought to CONTEST BETWEEN BATTAN AND VICTORY Parks Banister Wright end tenson of our presena Banana the attenion of he Health Mr. Harold Smith Miller, both Purchasing Company and Mr Authorities of this city.
CRICKET TEAMS Cof California, United States of Ehrman, Mr. and Mrs America, were united as hus Smith left by the passenger The Madre de Dios Cricket experienced a very unfortuna band and wife by the Gover. train for San Jose on the first CRICKETS NOTES Oval was invaded on the 29th te occurrence as the result of nor of this Province, don Abel op of their proposed honeyultimo by the Battan and Vic a decision by umpire Welling Robles, in his office on the moon trip through Central The following are some of tory Teams. The Captain of ton which produced a contro the cricket engagements slat the Homesters won the toss vorsy morning of Wednesday the America between himself and ed for the current month.
5th, instant. The witnesses we and elected to bat; his players Myrie, the other umpire. Both re Messrs. Edmundo Coblentz The Atlantic Voice wishes un the City Oval aggreated a score of 53 runs parties are of the District of and ose Caranza of this these two citizens of the Great Susy Sth. Pathfinder versus as follows. Hall 5, Madre de Dios. Captain Ber city. At the conclusion of North American Republic the pa. tan of 25 Miles.
Peneranda Austin aard of the visiting team, the July 16th. Pathfinder ver Lindsay 11, long the ceremony the nely weds fullest happinees of a Robinson Batians decided to ceae playi sus Cahuita Selection.
repaired to the Hotel Hispano wedded life.
Hall 5, Sampson and ng but eventually continued July 23rd Pathfinder versus Byes on the solicitation of Skipper Stand by us lest we fall support us with your united Sportsman of Cairo.
During the reply inning, we Benneti and Messrs. Farstrength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA quharson and Christian, and Dixon little place West of the city Market.
On the Estrada Playground July 17th. Pathfinder versus We, inglon total of 44 runs Britannic Club.
MEETING THE RUBBER CHALLENGE were compiled in the following On the 25 Miles Oval Though humble in form manner James 4, Man japuyypd się king but deeply sincere in purpose ley 6, Maxwell, si Ri the Cheerful Club of 27 Miles we, by this medium contribu ey 3, Hall 1, Matthews Since the occupation of MISCELLANEOUS The following players will be our quota of good wishes 4, Clarke 14 and Byes Malaya by the Japanese, represent the Pathfinder in howered on Miss Olimpia Tre The Victory Teams consequen the Island of Ceylon has ADVERTISEMENTS tomorrow game against the ios, our widely regarded Di tly won the game by a margin been the largest producer Battan of 25 Miles. Dixon rectress of the Girl School of nine runs.
of plantation rubber for the United Nations. Her output THOMPSON SUPPLY Skipper; Escoe wicket kee in this city, on the occasion The Cricketers from the in the year 1942 was nearly AND WORKSHOP per: Miller, Hammond, her brith anniversary so Abaca District were extended chamingly observed on Wed the very best treatment, apart 116, 000 tons, of which more Everything in the mechani Edwards, Walker than one third went to the cal line cane be made, re Sutton, Barton, Williams nesday of the week in course from the unfortunate incident United States of America. paired or supplied Assort. Perrie; Erskine, Elis, We pray that her illustrious mentioned above and it his our ments of Beds, Springs and with Stewart, Robinson, and useful career may be pro desire to specially mention This quantity is said to have other useful equipment. Clarke and Howard as onged to permit the celebra the cordiality of Messrs. Far been obtained under diffiBuilding.
Messrs. Jones tien of very many more quharson and Christian.
cult conditions, as a large Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward and Lawrence will umpire. aiversaries.
AN EYE WITNESS percentage of the trees had the Municipal Bath.
been allowed to lapse into GEANT AND CRAWFORD wildness, when pre war quoNEW HARLEM BAR tas restricted production. AND RESTUARANT Many of the trees had to Opens Day and Nigth. Clean be so drastically drained, of and Cozy Reservation. Good latex that they could only Native and Foreign Liquors live two more yaers. Though and experienced Mixers this method continues it is Building.
said, to be applied to about LEONEL MONDOL one fth of the trees in East Indian Barber and Hair Ceylon, her 1943 level out Culturist. All sanitary arran put was the peak, and the gements and general clean current year yield will, it surroundings. In front of is expected, be between the old Motive Power Compra a los MEJORES PRECIOS 80, 000 and 90. 000 tons.
OUR GOOD WISHES the disqulification of Umpire snSIDA reserves an Limón Trading Company Raicilla de Ipecacuaná HULE East Afriea and West HAPPY Africa now produce about LIQUID FOUNTAIN 1, 000 tons each per annum. In the heart of the Abaca In Tanganyika, old planta District at Twenty Five tions have been reconditio les Richly cooked and highly ned and extended by expe flovoured meals Everything rienced men fron Malaya. in the line of refreshing Drinks prepared to meet your taste.
Cacao, Cocos y Copra NO LO OLVIDE We arent advertising. we are appealing, Please give us a benefit, Eat at LA MAGNOLIA Dixons little place West of the City Market.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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