
WAZ gems of we never dePage 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 8th. 1944 WIZYTYWANITAR FETED ON BIRTH ANNIVERSARY PERSONALIA ANNOUNCEMENT We, tooo, found ourselves odorned the bitrhday Cake. Very much we regret hayassociated with the surprise rather rich supper, in ing to mention that our deeply This serves to notify the public in general Mrs. Blosie Morris effected which the epicurian art was esteemed agriculturist of 12on her husband Mr. Leopold splendedidly indentified, was 2 Miles and this city. Mr that my wife, Mrs. Mabel Daley, of this city, Morris, on Friday night, eight aintily served The necessary Stephen Daley, is again ill. He having, during the past four years, estrandays ago. Se emingly, these thirst quenching beverages has found it necessary to seek ged the domestic relation pertainting from a the household are Flowed freely and adequately special surgical treatment in wife to her husband, I, therefore, do not hold well posted on the cardiac punctuated the toasts. San Jose. We sincerely hope myself responsible for any debt or any construction of their better Among the guests were Mr he will obtain the best results other business she may contract.
halves, for it was no ordinary and Mrs. Blake, Mesdames and be able, soon, to resume shock, we are certain, to Mr Edwards, Gaynor, and his activities.
Morris, when, on reaching ho Josefina Ecleston, the Misses me, on the evening mentiono and ohnson, Mc Limon, July 4th. 1944.
ed, he beheld the many friends Laren, Henry; Edwards, who, led by Mr. Rupert White Gomez and the Blake sisMiss Buela Nuñez of San with his guitar, greeted him ters of the Jamaica Town Set Jose has been a welcomed vi No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for with the song of Tappy bith tlement, Messrs. Xironach, sitor to our city and specially yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Market day to you. On regaining his Cole, Baton, Harris; cared for my Miss Claris John accustomed disposition, he Humphreys and the writer.
son, whom we thank for the expressed his sincere apprecia Dancing was the culminating presentation afforded us.
Sayings Whatever arrangements tion for his wife loving tribu feature of the gala celebramay make for international order te an dthe honour extended ting. The Atlantic Voice wiin the world, we must The British people are him by the participants. On re shes Mr. Morris many more forget that unless it has behind termined to tight on until Nazi it a force sufficient and ready quest, he blew out the tradi happy and prosperous anniver Mrs. Isilda Splatt and chil power in Europe and Japanese tional lighted candies which saries, dren, the family of our much to prevent its violation, sooner tyranny in the East re smashed regarded citizen, Mr.
or later Hitler or a Tojo or a It is impossible to exagerate Mussolini will rise up to challen Splatt of the Merchandise De MATINA ART AND UNIQUE the strength of this resolve; it partment of the Costa Rica ge it. Lord Halifax, British TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT has never wavered and never Ambassador in the United StaBanana Company, have left will The Archbishop of York. tes.
to enjoy a vacation under MINTO the milder climate of the higher regions. We wish them The charm in the appearance of a man is a well benefidesigned and smartly fitted suit a most pleasing and WANTED The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring cial time.
Establishment guarantees, at all tin les.
Cancalled Postage Stamps of Costa Rica BEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and FOR MEN We are buying at Top price cancelled UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP Postage Stamps of Costa Rica Our central location makes it convenient for the men of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal Felt and Straw Hats.
with us.
Shirts and Underwear JOS. THOMAS THE LATEST, CHEAPEST Room front of the Cathedral PRICES TO MEET THE TIME AND BEST Limón Do your shopping at രമമ മരമ ര രരരരരരരരരരര THE PEOPLE HOUSE 27 Az SERVICES ON THE METHODIST AGENDA The members of the Me special entertainment will be thodist Denomination at Estra staged in the Union Chapel in da are said to have completed that township on the night of their arrangements for the Monday the 17th. instant.
Flower Service listed for tomo rrow the 9th. All their friends of the township and surround If you suffer frequently from backache you can be fairly certain that Kidney ing districts are corodially in Activities are said to have Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are Yited.
started in conection with the twº of the hardest worked organs in proposed celebration of the your body. They act as the body filters preventing infiftieth anniversary of foundpurities and poisons from ing of Methodism in this Re escaping into the blood.
As a means of furthering public which will take place Weak and sluggish kidneys cannot the efforts underway to raise about the middle of the com do this important job properly. Not the amount of cash needed ing month of August. An ela until those kidneys are active again can you be certain of getting relief from aches for effecting the repairs to borate programme, is we un and pains.
the church organ at Zent a derstand, under preparation.
That is why. De Witt Kidney and Bladder Pills are prepared especially to act directly on the leidneys. Quick relief from backache follows the first dose for that very reason. Within 24 SYDNEY BECKFORD CABINET MAKING hours of your first dose, De Witt Pills get to the source of your trouble the kidneys.
AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP You will have positive, visible proof of this direct action.
Not only for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our Once in the kidneys, the beneficial in purities are filtered out of the bloodstream.
Chairs lie comfort; while e technique of the worknian.
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soothing inflammation, healing and restoring. vanish.
BE WISE. remember every item of At the same time, a remarkable internal If you suffer with backache don be antiseptic clears the kidneys of all clogging content with half measures. Get at the impurities and poisonous matter.
real cause of the trouble with De Witt Beckford built furniture few days your kidneys are helped back to Pills and enjoy quick relief from those healthy activity again. Poisons and im weakening, nagging attacks.
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Due to the scarcity of Shellac we are giving a brilliant Wax finish.
SEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE BACKACHE GOES when kidneys are active again!
In a very DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatinin, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all forms of Kidney trouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere.
Ilmu Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministe 4th. Screet at entrance to Gamez Lumber Yard.
DULUKUNTENTIAL WURZAD Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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