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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 8th. 1944 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN surear JmWWW BLOODY FIGTING link of Hitler rail commu The Iron Ring IN FRANCE nications to the south and southwest, thus making imAlthough the British and possible the reinforcing of Canadian Forces in the the German armies in Remember when the Gerthe Nor north from mans Tilly Caen sector of talked so much the centre of about mandy assumed the coun the Russian battlefront. An encirclementet. For two deteroffensive on July 5th. official Soviet war commu cades e heard little out of Ger the going has been heavy niqué stated that the moral many bout loud wailings over and Rommel launched new of the enemy forces the iron ring that had been and more violent attacks rrounded to the east of drawn around them by a hostile during the 6th, according Minsk is petering out. An world. Thew could not breathe the Supreme Headquarters entire regiment of the 78th. because the strait jacket of communique of July 6th. To German division, headed by Versailles held them in a vi the observers in London the Colonel Oldenberg, surren se. Those were the years when battle in this sector appears dered, In Finnish Karelia the Germans sat secure in the as if General Montgomery the Soviet forces are also middle of the Continent, rewere following the same advancing.
constructing their industrial strategy he employed so suc plantt with money borrowed on cessfully at El Alamein, AIR FORCE ATTACKS easy terms from their former meaning that his forces are Both the and the foes, expanding the markets for chewing up the German American bombers of the their products in every direcreinforcements as soon as 8th. are plastering tion, extending their commercial they arrive in the frontlines, German communica and barter deals until all of cen and in the meantime he tions in the vast triangle HE didn get in bumping into a door. It was one of tral and southeastern Europe himself is preparing for the formed by Paris Del Le Romisfortunes of war that this German soldier fot himsel was as truly their economic emnext stage of the battle. Itche Sur Yon, and the Ger beautiful Shiner before he was captured by Canadians must be remembered pire as if they ruled it. For that man robot emplacements in France. He is wearing a camouflaged suit in addition to it took the great strategist the Pas de Calais suffered the second time in this century hiner. Escorting him, at first aid station, are Pvt. Gas from October 23rd. until their 14 th severe attack under the very aegis of the hat Daigneault, Chateauguay, Quebec, and (rear) Pvt. Rok November 4th. to maul since the invasion started. ed Versalles system, they were Bonneau, Lyster, Quebec.
Rommel famed Afrika Many fuel and ammunition winning position after position in Korps so badly that it star dumps were set afire in the the competition for world trade ted rumning, but once it had battle area by medium bomWhy fighters Can Burma Campaign started, there was no hold bers.
Twice they could not wait for ing the Nazis! victories of peace, Twice Fly Farther Reviewed. Meanwhile the Ameri CAMPAIGN IN ITALY they could not wait for the vic tories of cans have made some useful Peace. Twice they BONES ARE NEEDED TO Results at the beginning The Allied armies in Italy they smashed their own cycle of MAKE GLUE FOR advances towards La Haye PETROL June of the Allied Indo are preparing the assault and Montcastre, and they progress by deliberate and wan TANKS ma campaigns can be regp.
Marshal Kesselring are also now attacking from ton war. And now the advanc Fighters and fighter bombers with satisfaction, though Gothic Line. which Carentan, thus widening ing Allied armies, moving upon are playing and ever increasing with complacence an just north of Florence by their front sector from 131 the Reich from the east, the part in the air war, flying large headquarters summary has to 17 miles. As soon as they Way of Rimini to Ancona on south and the west, shows how numbers of offensive sorties, ed. Expressing guarded the Adriatic shores. In this can advance in a southerly latter port the Nazis have swiftuy and inexorably in recent escorting heavy bombers, and mism, the review reported direction from Carentan, already commenced to de weeks their enemies are closing providing an umbrella for land the arrival of the monsoon they will be in a position moslish the harbour works in. At one point the Russians and sea forces engaged in ope brought little slackening to outflank the German po with a view to denying the are fighting on a line only 500 rations in all parts of the aerial and ground operatio sitions to the west of the Allies the use of a port as air miles from Berlin. At Peru world.
and added: town. They will then have long as possible, while the gia and Cherbourg the Allied Many of these long distance to withdraw or launch heavy 8th. Army is slowly gaining armies are within 700 miles, as flying feats are made possible Tho the Japanese, Burs counterattacks to dislodge ground the Americans. However, against desperate the black crow flies, from the by extra petrol tanks which can shows signs which must api German resistance near San Nazi capital. Tre portetous thing be discarded of necessary when ominous of becoming a dar since the Nazi high comSabino. On the coast British is that it has taken hardly mo the fuel in them has been used. rous running sore, mand have committed the troops are on the outskirtsre than a fornight to move a They are made from special pa away men and supplies, wh bulk of their forces to oppo. of Numana. The struggle hundred miles nearer in Italy per, and need large quantities reinforcemena and replacem for Ancina is linked closely and to anchor the invasion line of glue in their manufacture, dians further eastward, it will grow more costly and with the British assault on in France.
is hard to see where they cult as Allied pressure incr.
Arezzo, which is connected HOUSEWIVES PART ses can find the reserves that by road with Ancona.
would be necessary to stage This is no imaginary line. At For example, 18 lb. of glue last the Germans face the hard goes into the construction a counterattack to All operations, including til FORTRESSES reality of encirclement. As they each 90 gallon tank which is, se in Arakan in West purpose.
CHRISTENED watch the armies approaching fitted to Thunderbolt. the ma, those of Lieut. General RUSSIANS STILL Princess Eliza on all sides, what do they think glue from tons of bones being seph Stilwell Americe ADVANCING beth christened one of the of the leaders who exchanged required for each 120 tanks. Chinese and Chindits in Flying Fortresses the paper hoop for this narrow Typhoons carry a smaller, 45 North, and the Japanese thre The next principal points Rose of York last Thurs wing band of steel and fire? Do gallon tenk, which requines 10 the Russians are facing on day. The ceremony took Assam, have proved th they long for the protective or 11 lb. of gllue.
their great advance are Vil place at one of the now in equipment, trainii na, the capital of Lithuania, airdromes in Britain, during imperiously broke through strait jacket that Hitler SOThis is where housewives can toughness and endurance to play a big part Every bone from troops of the United Natic in the north, ad Baranovi a two days tour of chi in the centre. Meanwhile and sta lead them into this deadly trep: meat. game or poultry should are more than a match fort they have cleared up the ions in England made by It has taken all the strength the be saved for salvage.
Japanese. the official summe last remnants of Germans Their Majesties the King world could muster to make the One chop bone, or its equiva declared.
northwest and west of and Queen accompanied by German grievance real, but at lent, from every household in Overwhelming air superio Minks. The capture, last the Heiress presumptive to last we have forged the ring the country would provide glue ty all over the theatre, and Thursday, of the strategic the throne. At each station that Hitler asked for, and the for 25. 000 supplementary fuel absence of any challenge at se railway junction of Kovel, the King held investitures power that welded it into iron tanks or Tphoons The same quan in the Bay of Bengal and on the Kiev Warsaw and in the hangars, where he will not dissolve this time until tity of bone from every person Indian Ocean, have been pow Brest Litovsk Koenigsberg decorate dofficers and mem the forces he unloose are shackl in the country would bring the ful factors in our favour agaii lines cuts another important bers of air crews, ed for good.
figure up to 90. 000.
the Japanese on runs offi drain some of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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