
ATLANTIC VOICE 27 ZILE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK No course of life is so prescribed and limited but that many actions must result from arbitrary election. Every one should plan his conduct by Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 his own reflections and resolve whether to labour for the general good of mentind or to contract his YEAR IX LIMON, JULY 15th. 1944 NO 431 beneficence to his family and dependants.
these two ports will, it is said ified opposition of the Ger. Allied activities on the Ita be of much value to the Allied We can only say, as did Eli of sacred memory, ns, the Allied forces in liar battle fronts continue in their assault against the it is the Lord, let Him doeth what seemeth Him rance are reported to have satisfactorily. The North Nazis Gothic Line of forti. best. Incessant were the rain showers durnig the ecured further gains and Americans have pushed their fications.
night of Saturday, and up to the break of Sunday more ground advance to within eight miles The Hindoo troops of the morn. Thereafter, cessations of the heavy drops of the port of Livorna, while Eighth Army have captured of water occurred once in a while.
The Allied Supreme Com the Polish troops are nearing the district of Musignano on mand anounce that the North Ancona. The occupation of the way to Florence.
Notwithstanding this abnormal state, the American troops are moving display connected with the Procession through from the Peninsular of Che. the principal thorofares of our city in aid of the bourg in seven distinct sectors THE FALL OF THE BASTILLE Allied Nations War Relief Fund was magnificent.
and to have occupied several First ranking officials of our Government, the Vice townships of importance.
Among yesterday memo American Republic struggl Consul of the United States of America, the Diplorable events was that of the ing heroically to re establish Violent fighting is in pro. fall of the Bastille in the that same matic Representative of the Republic of Nicaraliberty, justice gress in the area between gua and the nationals of that country, the uniyear 1789 which accorded and happiness placed in Saint Lo and Perieres, where France a new political cons pawn for hitlerisn of formed members of several o fthe sporting clubs the the enemy launched one oftitution covering a program darkest type. The rays of a domiciled in this city all whole heartedly assotheir most furious counter me of outstanding reforms new sun will soon rise abociated themselves with the effort.
attacks in an effort to detain in place of the lengthened ve the horizon for all true The decorated Floats of Creat Britain and General Bradley offensive period of serious national loyal sons of France. The China, as well as the machine of the Volunteer movements. The effort is embarrassment.
storm breaks over the horBomberos were greatly admired. The British disreported to have failed totally Coincident with that suc des of Hitler, who yet fight and with such heavy losses to cess which brought liberty, on the soil of France.
play was of battleeship design equipped with the Germans that their posi. justice and individual happi On this the 155th. anniver two eight inch cannon. The vehicle was fully de tion is now regarded as weakness to the nationals of Fran sary of the Fall of the Bas corated with a Union Jack. and in bold letters and dangerous in that region ce, was the election of Geor tille we find the people of was the word Britannia. In the battleship rode ge Washington as the first France enthused with a glo Miss Kathleen Fuller richly gowned in representaIn the eastern sector, the President of the United Sta rious hope for the rising of tation ofthe all powerful nation whose navy rules British continue to maintain tes of America.
that other sun over their pe their positions in the face of Today, among the armies litical horizon which will the waves. Miss Alma Moss accompanied her as violent attacks, apart from of the United Nations are free their bleloved country a sailor lad.
certain small local gains by hundreds of thousands of of the foul deeds of Nazi. The Chinese Float was artistically bedecked, the sons of the great North fascism.
typical of an ancient dwelling of that country.
Many youthful Chinese nationals rode in it. Onlookers were seen in large numbers along the line of march and evidently contributed their The Red Army vigorous hovky are said to have reach generous Bit.
CUARTELES SUPREMOS offensive, the most formida. ed a point less than thirty LIADOS LONDRES, 14 UP. Sie ble of all launched against miles off the frontier of East te columnas yanquis están pene the Germans, continues its Prussia.
MORE LOSSES FOR JAPANESE IN FAR trando en el corazón de Norman dia. El comunicado aliado de hoy unbeaten advance westward EASTERN WAR dice que los yanquis se han anota over a frontage of 320 miles, Troops operating in the se.
do avances notables a lo largo from the Soviet Republics of cond Baltic front launched a The Allied forces stillricans. Of these 15. 053, onun frente deosu nal sur de la Hay du Puits. the Baltic to the marshes of new offensive some days ago blows in their activities deal the Japanese serious ly 309 were killed, the Los nazis están batiéndose fiera on remainder being made up mente en retirada. Al leste otras Pinsk in Poland, making new and have already captured the Far Eastern Battle of the wounded and missing.
fuerzas yanquis que están conver and important breaches in the more than 1, 000 populated dis Fronts.
giendo sobre San Lo están logran weakened enemy defences. tricts on a front of nearly 100 Saipan places the Allied wedo avances limitados yarda a yar The strategic Island The cavalry under the com miles. Among the importan) Saipan is now entirely eon hours of Tokio.
of rial units within four flying da. Se hallan a kilómetro y me mand of General Cherniak. localities occupied is Idritza trolled by the North Ameridio de la base.
44. 000 Japanese are estisituate sixty miles north of cans after much fighting mated surrounded in Polotsk. The enemy forces which cost the enemy a woods of British New Gui MUL EN. OL are reported retiring in great round 30. 000 casualties, as nea without the likelihood FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC speed and much disorder.
against 15. 053 for the Ame of securing their escape.
The strategic city of Viina NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR capital of Lithuania, is report.
Burris, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
ed taken by the Soviets after Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash days of heavy fighting. The TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LIMON CACAO and Dentrifice.
Germans are said to have su.
ALKALINE TABLETS fiered casualties totalling CO OPERATION (MIXTA)
this area Moscow advises that All members of the Cacao Co operation of MA TA RAL view ofthe rapid approach of this Atlantic Zone are hereby notified to at their forces toward the fron. tend the half yearly meeting of the Co opegood for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, tier of East Prussia, the Ger.
ration which will be convened at 00 TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
mans have initiated retire, TONIGHT. SATURDAY 15th.
AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS ments on a large scale from in the local Hall of the Universal Negro PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
the Baltic fronts to give grea Improvement Association.
ter protection to their home SAN JOSE territory; it has also been minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after stated that a similar move RAUL VELAZQUEZ, EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS may be made from the Bal.
General Manager.
PERENNANDOANKTSLP CORN RUSSIANS APPROACH GERMAN FRONTIER the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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