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ALLAS 37115 Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 15th. 1944.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN IN SINCERE APPRECIATION AND THANKS are War Commentary and those of from 40 to 55 is gel West Indian ting more and more numerous.
That dedicates that the best Contingent His Britannic Majesty Vice Cónsul of this city desires, in To many observers abroad and men those between 20 and 40 far away from the smoke the rame of His Majesty Government as well as in his own, of The recent statement by Bri. are ever scarcer and unobtai tain War Office that a Continto express his sincerest appreciation and gratefulness to the battle, the seesaw fighting on British nationals, whose names are given below, for the valuable the Normandy Front in north the Asked armles in Normandy, of men from nable. Only In the West, facing gent of fighting troops, made up services they rendered in arranging the battleship float represenern France must appear as vethe West Indian ting the British Commonwealth of Nations in the Parade held in there are still to be seen so cal.
ry slow going and in a way dis led crack divisions of Hitler the immediate future to active Colonies, would be drafted in this city, lost Sunday, as part of the Drive to augment Costa Ri.
ca contribution to the Allied Waf Relief Fund.
appointing because of the lack and type, meaning ſa of spectacular advances by the theatres of operations, has been Messrs. Newton, Atherly, Reid, Samuels, Cox, natical party members and real Allied forces. We advise them received with enthusiasm. This Chas. Roden, Reid, Lawrence, Shippey and Jos. Thomas to hold their horses for a little German generals, and not only Nazis. Secondly, the number of must not be interpreted as a Thanks are also extended to all others who in some way ou while, since there are very defi those of the frontline variety are policy of segregation in the Brithe other aided this very worthy Cause.
nite strategic reasons for this tish Army. West Indians are at surrendering, being captured or apparent calm. The fighting is dle with their troops. Close to present serving in various Bri.
Japan disastrous very hard indeed, and there is Fighting in Burma forty of them have vanished in tish Regiments and are getting no doubt that at the present this way from the German army, along admirably with their En Shipping Difficulties moment both the British An eyewitness account from and American troops are hampered and that indicates clearly that glish cousins, Bumna reads: have just retur they are despairing of the final At the beginning of the war, Japan is to day importing ned from the forward areas ir by the relatively narrow space result of the war, that their regi when West Indians were arriv less from her Pacific conquered Kaladan Valley in Burma, where at their disposal 10 develop opements are not obeying them any ing in the United Kingdom in territories than a year ago. Her West Africans have gone into rations, and, secondly, the Ger longer or that they have been large numbers to join the army shipping situation is now despe action under amazing and almost mans under Rommel are doing ortiered to stand up and fight it a suggestion was made to form rate. Although she has access to incredible difficulties and the their utmost to prevent the out to the finish where they are a West Indian Regiment. This an abundance of food and raw report bring is one of courage, Alies from extending their holdbecause Germany cannot afford proposal did not receive encour materials overseas, she cannot endurance, and continuing sucings. The enemy knows as well to cede any more ground to the agement from Colonial Officials, transport them to Japan. Great cess. The West Africans have as we do that if he cannot hold victorious Abies because the bat who pointed out that it might drives have been undertaken by met and killed their first Japaour armies on this narrow front, tle has ceased to be for the For easily lead to segregation in the her to carry some traffic he will never be able to do it by nese. Initial clashes have been tess of Europe and rages around Briitsh Army, which was the road and rail whereby to re highly succesful. That is the once the United Nations are able to land more troops on the bea. There are other ominous signs strictly German territory now. last thing they wanted to see. lease shipping for overseas tran first and most encouraging ches and through the port of In the early stages of World sport, New roads are being builtpoint. But that is not the whole Cherbourg, which is now being that the Nazi armour is crack War I, there was no small re and existing ones improved. This story. To make contact with the ing, namely, reports have It that gret among West Indians who vo is a most significant revelation enemy our troops made one of rehabilitated.
It is a known fact, that the ranks of the German armies of litheir offer to serve abroad was ping problem.
the already dangerously thinned luntarily wanted to serve, when of the acuteness of Japan ship the most strenuous marches have ever Germans witnessed. went being gradually forced back, and that Rommel and the Balcans are being com. could best render aid by helping occupation in Norway, Denmark refused on the ground that they with them part of way, returning Allied naval and air opera only to write this despatch at has been obliged to throw into bed for new levees, and that of to defend their own shores, They tions are estimated to have redu jungle headquarters. The feate battle some of his strategie fers are being made to the milof endurance, combined with the infantry and armour reserves in lions of foreign workers who we were not discouraged by this ced Japanese shipping from order to stem the Allied tidere forced to go to Germany and decision, for every ship proceed 7, 500, 000 gross tons to about. newly acquired skju of these sola That means in other words, that work in the war industries tong to Britain carried West In 5, 000, 000 gross tons. These fi tiers, will never be fully known the German general is actually themselves can dian recruits in large numbers gures exclude oil tankers; but only the men join the army, now that the An.
weakening his available effecti to join Kitchener Army. the shortage of tankers has be tell how they felt as, alone glo American air offensive has in small parties, they moved ves at the beginning of a battle, destroyed the majority of Within the course of a year come so acute that Japan is now the the final outcome of which is when danger in the West In converting some of her best forward mile after mile through great armament plants and their dense tropical jungle, taking bound to spell his own doom services are not longer required dies had passed the following freighters into tankers, During with them their ensential sup.
While the AMied armies are be.
in their former capacity.
announcement appeared in the the war Japan has built some plies and equipment.
coming stronger with every day London Gazette (October 25th 1, 750, 000 tons of wooden vessels that passes, his own forces are Observers who have had the drawing on their reserves now opportunity to see the German 1915. His Majesty the King of about 250 tons, but these, coastal vessels Two trawlers had and thus he will not have any army of 1918 and who are look. has been graciously pleased to like the are wholly left when the Big Push begins. ing at it again in 1944 declare approve of the formation of a being transferred, busy time We again remind our readers of that there is a striking similari, Corps from Contingents of the unsuited for long voyages throinhabitants of the West India Iugh seas swept by typhoons and the tactics employed by Genera) ty between the rank and file toThis is the record of, two Montgomery at El Alamein, in wards the end of the first world Islands to be entitled The Bri hurricanes.
Captain Hiraide, Japanese na trawlers, HMS Inchcolm October and November of 1042, war and those who are waging tish West Indies Regiment.
when he forced Rommel to frit the last ditch fight today. The Eleven battalions were raised val spokesman, is on record as HMS Mull: that Japan and served with distinction in saying pre war Each convoyed 2, 000 ships ter away his best troops, Allien and uninterrupted series of when the British were really successes and the lack of air pro Palestine, France and Italy, in shipping total of 7, 500, 000 tons since war began, of which only ready to apply their full pressu tection against the undisputable addition to the (privately fi is only one fifth of the merchant one was lost.
It is estimated te to the job in hand, the Ger superiority of the enemy air nanced) Trinidad Merchants and fleet required.
mans were unable to hold the that Japan is having to devote up squadrons over the Luftwaffe Planters Contingent and the advance and much less to is rapidly softening the Germans Barbados Citizens Contingent. at least 3, 500, 000 tons of her If anything since has been done stop it. This is exactly what is in the field. On the domestic In the present war history is shipping to the task of supplying to transport this glut to the indus happening on the Normandy front it is only the iron sway repeating itself. Immediately and reinforcing her military for starving Japanese war Front, but with the aggravation of the Gestapo and the fear of after the declaration of hostili ces overseas. This leaves her tries it can only have been a tha. the Nazis are now hard reprisajs which is keeping the ties the West India Committee with only 1, 500, 000 available the expense of abandoning is.
pressed on three different fronts civil population from mutinying received many enquiries from for exploiting her conquests. lands in the central Pacific. It and cannot shift reinforcements against the Nazi domination. West Indians both in the United The Japanese press and radio is more likely however, that the from one to the other without, Last but by no means least, the Kingdom and in the Colonies as has admitted that goods have acumulation of cargoes and the weakening them all beyond re Fuehrer himself delivered him to how they could best be of been riling up in her newly abandonment of the Central Pa pair.
sell of a speech a few days ago service. Since then men and won empire in the South at the cific are both due to the lacks There are very definite signs which clearly showed that he women from the Bahamas, Bar rate of millions of tons annually. of merchant shipping, the life that the powerful Nazi war ma himself is only continuing the bados, Bermuda, British Guiana, blood of any overseas empire chine is beginning to crumble right because be is well aware British Honduras, Jamaica, The and from Trinidad have left Japan has been maintaining under the relentless pressu that his regimen could not sur Leeward and Windward Islands, their homes to serve in the over ambitious military commit.
re and rising power of the Uvive defeat. Since we, the Allies, United Kingdom. Some travel ments eather than importing nited Nations. Firstly, it has agree with this, the time is not have an opportunity to build a led at their own expense, some raw materials for her war pobeen noted. on ali frónts. that far off when the last Svastica new one on the ruins of the one under Government schemes, but tential and now it is too late to the number of very young sol flag will have disappeared from destroyed by boundless Nazi am all with the same motive and switch over ten diers between 16 and 19 years this world and Humanity wimbition.
the same determination policy.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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