
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE ITZA come one sive con as most zone WIN He who lives according to nature will suffer nothing from the delusions of hope or importuni Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199ties of desire. He will receive and reject with equalibity of temper, and act or suffer as the YEAR IX LIMON, JULY 22nd. 1944 No. 432 reasin of things shall aternately prescribe.
GIGANTIC OPERATIONS BY SOVIET ARMIES ON ALL FRONTS. The appeal with respect The Russians are con railway line, of vital import into five countries and fore.
ducting what has been to the enemy has been out. ed the retirement of the Ger to the new higiene order described the Another offensive has been mans toward their home te.
gigantic offensive yet un launched by the Third Soviet rritory. It has been stated The long economic crisis having given rise to such dertaken against the Ger Army against the remaining that if the Russians maintain a serious feeling of hoelessness among our peole mans. The operations have German salient on Russian te the speed of their present that our anxiety for their general good is greatly placed them within a few ni rritory east of Lithuania. advance they should arrive les of Lemberg also on Po. This unprecedented offen, in Berlin in about five weeks augmented, whenever we become aware of the lish territory held by the Na. sive, which covers a frontage laté advice states the introduction of anything likely to increase their zis since 1939, while another of 1, 200 kilometers, running Russians are distant about hardships and prejudicially afect their dietry army has intensified activi. from Lake Ladoga to Lem 12 kilometers off the frontier Our every day normal requirements are insaties against Lithuania on a berg, has carried the fight of East Prussia.
tiable the days of plenty have completely gi frontage of seventy kilome.
ven way to a staie of chronic carcity, which dai ters.
Simultaneously, the First The War in Normandy ly delves deeper and deeper into our economic situation. No longer is it a rarity to observe emp Army of White Russia, under Marshal Konstantin Rokosso Intense fighting is report rish.
ty beef stalls nour city market. If amelioration ed in progress in the General Montgomery reports vsky, moves against Brest is to be effected, if the wave of depresion is to have east of Caen, where the Ger that 60, 000 Germans Litovsk and is bombarding be checked, the genuine co operation of all is in the Nazi fortifications in the mans are offering greater re been taken prisoners by the dispensable.
proximity of the great fort. sistance. Notwithstanding this British forces alone, and that The Vialistock Brest Litovsk the British Second Army un the estimated total Nazi ca der Lieutenant General Misualties are 156. 000 which, We are seriously inclined to the opinion that es Bebpsey have occupied added to those inflicted by our land would be less subjected to epidemics or Our Banana Troarn an important highway the North Americans, aggre communicable sicknesses if the accustomed intersection located eleven ki gate more than 200, 000.
Industry ocean travel, with all its accompanying health res lometers east of Caen. num trictions, had not had, through force of internaber of other places were also Following on the taking tional circumstances, to give way to aerial trans From all we have gathered captured on the way to Troarn of the enemy stronghold of marked improvement and along with hundres of Nazi sol Saint Lo, the North portation.
Amerimuch progress is under way diers.
cans, under General Bradley, We no not, for a single moment, overlook with our Banana industry. Other British troops, operat are reported to have register the right of the Public Health Authorities to ta Cultivators are said to be con ing southwest of Caen, have ed a number of importont ke such measures as will rid our city of the things ditoning their plantations and registered important gains gains which considerably withey consider harmful to our general health con edquately coping with the which have enabled them to dens the area of their opera ditions. We do not, however, believe that the requirements of our widely launch their assault against tions. The Germans have keeping of chickens in open spaces or yards, whe regarded Mr. Effenson, Vimont which lies on the prin been compelled to give way who is personally endeavour cipal highway leading to re nature plays well her parf, shuuld be deemed Pa in many sectors.
ing at a great financial outlay an accessory to the spreading of disease. So to do much more for this NAZIS BEING BADLY HIT IN ITALY along as flies, mosquitoes, rats and other pests Zone than the man on the freely ply their activities, we will never be imnune street may imagine.
The vitally important port tast retreating Nazis from these visitations.
of Lionra has been taken by These victories are regardEach succeeding shipment We appeal to those in authority to apply the troops of Genl Clark af. ed as of outstanding imporof Bananas takes an upward ter some of the fiercest fight tance, as they open the the recently promulgated prohibitive order more trend. There is listed for intensive assault in the spirit than in the latter, and thereby per this week shipment about ing in hte Italian zones Anco ror fourteen thousand stems.
na the enemy stronghold on against the German Gothic mit our people to continue the keeping of their fowls in the many out of the way places, where We glean there are other the Adritic has also been cap Line.
important proyects in the mak tured by the polish troops atac British troops of the Eighth the animals largely help their owners to meet ing by Messrs. Effenson ed to the Eighth British Ar Army have crosed the river their abnormal living expenses.
Ltd. but as Rome was not my.
Arno and captured Montevar built in a day, we have got to An inndense quantity of chi, 15 miles west at Arezzo.
bide our time, the meanwhile wor material and a large In a rapid advance the men MUL EN. OL tendering our gratefuiness number of prisoners were ta of the Fifth have also reach FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC for that which is being acom ken with Ancona. The Poelsed the Arno and seized the NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR plished are said to be pursuing the position in the near vicinity conects with the great high Burris, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
way leading from Piso to Flo Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash rence. The capture cuts off and Dentrifice.
DE SE SU TRAGO CON the Germans located south ALKALINE TABLETS of the river. The North Ame IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND ricans also dominate certain PLEASANT OF TASTE.
oitions in the near CANADA vicinity of the city of Leghorn. MA TA RAL DRY good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, JOSE ACHION NG.
TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale.
ría, Materiales de Ferrete.
ría y Eléctricos, todo se minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after DEPOSITO EN LIMON: cuentra en EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS FELIX DEL BARCO establecimiento.
way an El champaña de los Ginger Ales Comerciante detallista en este Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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