
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 22nd. 1944 PUNTURIOZIT WIE Personalia ro ۱۳ AMBITION ANNOUNCEMENT sincerely regret the in(By. Genevieve. by study. Some years ago This serves to notify the public in generai forma is that our highly there were. understand, se.
regard a fellow citizen, that my life, Mrs. Mabel Daley, of this city What is Ambition? It is the veral English Evening ClasOscar Rae, met an acci intense desire to excel. It ses and social clubs operating having, during the past four years, estrandent at his home some days that which incites one to go in this city. Only one, if any ged the domestic relation pertaining from a ago, which caused bim such ahead. Youths of Limon. Do exists today. None seem to wife to her husband, I, therefore, do not hoid injur. es es to have necessitat you possess this noble quali hunger or thirst after know.
myself responsible for any debt or any ed his going to the Capital ty? think so. Why, then, do ledge, though its need is so other business she may contract.
for speciul medical treat you not display it? It certain manifest at this time.
ment, We extend him our pro ly does not appear as if you Of all the impediments THOMAS EDWARD DALEY found sympathy with the ho are trying to go ahead. which beset our pathway pe he will soom be able It is noticed that as our lack of education looms the throw off the effects of the young male Limonenses largest and cannot be over Limon, July 4th. 1944.
unfortunate occurrence.
reach the age of adolescence come except by the dynamite they discontinue their educa of intellectual efforts. ArisTHE APRROACHING MOCK TRIAL The numerous friends of tional activities and peek totle tells us education is Mr Robert de la Bastide and jobs. The girls go in for dress an ornament to prosperity The following assurance, down by our host of friends his family will be glad to learn making, but before they are and a refuge in adversity.
in connection with the appro and sycpathisers. No matter that Mrs. de la Bastide is fully qualitied in this, they The ambitious man looks up.
aching Mock Trial, to be pro your age, your business or favourably recovering from begfin to plan for marriage ward, espies a better position sented in the Hall of the St.
your profession, the whole as the ultimata of their life and is eager to secure it, but the mai» surgical treatment Mark Parish on the nigh enhancing drama of the Mock she shotlly underwent in one is this ambition? say NO as the first tread of the lad.
of Monday the 24th. instant, Trial will be significant, ad. of ihe sick institutions in Ambition causes one to wish der of ascent is knowledge has been released by the mirable and far reaching. San Jose. The Atlantic Voice advance, but how can this be through it only can his sucspohsors, the Management prelude, worthy of the occa wishes her a speedy and com done without the necessary cess be achieved.
the Philharmonic Choir. sion, will be presented.
knowledge and qualifications, plete tocorery. Our effort is a part of the In view of the above, and whcih can only be acquired (to be continued. Fund gathering Drive in con all we have otherwise heard, Miss, Federica Tho tson junction with the Festival of we are sure all who attend daughior of Mrs. Wilhelmina the Parisk. Other Units have the function will be adequa Barnett, who recently graduat WEEKLY SAILINGS done their parts in advance tely compensated. The ad ed as a Nurse from the San if us, but we of the Philhar. mission charge of One Colon Juan de Dios Hospital in San From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARmonic Choir are cognizant or. 00) should not be a pre Jose, ha, left for the United BOUR COLORADO BAR PANAMA the fact we will not be let ventive in the least degree.
States of America to further her studies and qualification, ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT in the line a forw in which For particulars, see or communicate with The old Fashioned Bazaar she intends to dedicate her li BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents Modernism was not willing Tunctior fe. We hope she obtains the to give way to old Fashionista The Management adopt this ontest surcesses in all her Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of last Monday, when the heavy medium to express their sin pursuits.
Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON Tain drops bad no compas. cere gratitude to each and sion onthe already water every one who so graciously MISCELLANEOUS soaked lawn o fthe St. Mark contributed in one form No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place Church and created a number another to the activities con ADVERTISEMENTS for yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the of small duck ponds on it. nected with the Bazaar. They city Market Under the circumstance, the also beg to advise all donors Tianaging personnel of the that the gifts, other than cash THOMPSON SUPPLY AND WORKSHOP BROWNE ABRAHAMS ty bad no other alternative. ceeds handed over to the Everything in the mechani cal line cane be made, re than to cancel their propo. Church authority for the pur Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar ed Old Fashioned Bazaar pose for which the solicita.
paired or supplied Assort.
No other date has yet been tions were effected.
ments of Beds, Springs and Agentes fixed for the holding of the other useful equipment.
MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL Building.
Frente Unidad San aria NO 89 Fifth Avenue toward MCARTHUR BASEBALLERS VICTORIOUS the Municipal Bath.
First Aid Anticeptie. Alkaline Tablets The General McArthur a score of nine runs against GRANT AND CRAWFORD Apartado 362 Limón Baseballers met the Reed six.
NEW HARLEM BAR players, the champions of the The McArthurs Senior Tear, AND RESTUARANT Junior Division of the Natio is listed to play the GoldsWe arent advertising. we are appealing. Please give us a Opens Day and Nigth. Clean bal League, in an encounter miths on the 30th of the pre and Cozy Reservation. Good benefit, Eat at LA MAGNOLIA Dixons little place ast Sunday morning in San sent month. An interesting Native and Foreign Liquors West of the City Market.
fose, and defeated them with game is anticipated.
and experienced Mixers Building. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LIMON CACAO LEONEL MONDOL LAS BRISAS East Indian Barber and Hair Culturist. All sanitary arran gements and general clean The most Popular Refreshment Parlour surroundings. In front All members of the Cacao Co operation of located cozily in the City Market.
the old Motive Power this Atlantic Zone are hereby notified to at You can best the warm temperature Clubhouse.
tend the half yearly meeting of the Co opeand satisfy the appetite by making HAPPY iation which will be convened at 00 LIQUID FOUNTAIN Your refreshing spot. Our table Menu TONIGHT SATURDAY 15th.
In the heart of the Abaca Speaks for itself. The very best in the local Hall of the Universal Negro District at Twenty Five Mi service is our PLEDGE les Richly cooked and highly Improvement Association.
flovoured meals Everything HYLMAN WALTERS. Proprietor in the line of refreshing RAUL VELAZQUEZ, Drinks prepared to meet General Manager.
your taste.
of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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