
Saturday, July 22nd 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page VIMO DOMINA DRAMA, DAVID AND GOLIATH, HUGE SUCCESS La Proveedora son was Indulging in their time, the all powerful Goliath of Nahash could not have exer honoured practice of adding the Philistines, cised, we believe, mightier OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT apartments and upper floors The audience was overw. strides that those effected by to their literary structure, helming, numerically. As LOWER PRICES a his personator Mrs. Adassa The Mothers. Union of the prelude to the seventeen sce. Priysley. Mrs. Cranstan per.
St. Mark Church, held al nes of the play. Mrs. Gayle sonified Jessie, and David was First class Merchandise and best of Courtesy always ટ in the staging of the drama Thomas and Mrs. Malachin Mrs. Doris Gray. Tickling David and Goliath in the Walker contributed very re was the pomp and vain glory Please ask for anything in Grocery or other Parish Hall on the night of freshing vocal items. The of the Philistine giant, Go.
Articles of General dietry not readily sen.
the 11th. instant.
latter had to respond to an liath, as mimiced by Mrs.
It would seem that as soon encore, Mrs. Gray and Miss White, and great was the LA PROVEEDORA as the evening shadows feil Hanson were effective shame of his fall Harmonising LIMON CITY hundreds of our citizenry im with their duet. Mr. McCreati: thrillingly as Elders, Messplored the gentle shades to presided at the organ and Mr. engers, the Twelve Tribes and guide their footsteps to whece Gray accompanied with the fighting armies, were the AT HIS LIFE FIRST MILE POST they that violinthe colorful Gaynor, Han Posteptations was to represent Israel, Sa. changes which accompanied son, Mesdames Bryan, Bro.
The residence of our much branch of the respected citizens, Mr. and Balca Cornpany and his highly muel, Kish the Prophet, and the orations the following therton, Brown, Gray, Da.
Mrs. Oscar Bolaños, was the ectesmed wife. The birthday his Saul, who personators demonstrated vis, Clark, Bailey, Carnegie, scene of a cheary commemo prescrirs are said to have been annointed King of Israel, the mucli artistic taste: Mrs. A1. Westney and Cox. Mrs. Ewing rative event, last Monday af of choice and costly varieties. Twelve Tribes, Nahash the berta Heron, as Samuel the represented the affectionate ternoon in honour of Oscar, The Ailantic Voice hopes lit the Judges of Israel, the Prophet, was indeed the Star Jonathan. Junior, who had reached histle fricñid Oscar will grow in setting of the land of Zuph, of the Play; Mrs. Gayle life first inile stone. The li grace and strength and be Tyelve Tribes, Nahash the and Mrs. Evans sensatio. The play was a decided suc e honource is the grandson blessed with the best Ammonite and the triumph nally personified two of the cess in every respect and the there Mr. Julian Weston, the lever is.
of the Children of Israel over Judges of Israel. Old man maxim of credit is due Mrs.
the bands of evil doers. Kish was represented by Mes. Alberta Heron, the authon anic force of the local ssie and his son David, the Wade, with Miss Lawkins and playwright. Mr. Jos.
Shepherd Boy who with his as his son Saul, who was ano Thomas presided over the sing and five pebbles slew inted King. The powerful programme.
mancipation celebration We glean that the Baptists of one race and which this city will hold their should serve as a PATHFINDERS WHIPPED BY BROOKLYN PLAYERS OF CAHUITA stimulus yearly Emancipation Celebra for furinor advancement. As soon a we saw the pla Is seemed at the start, as per Marshal with was caught tion on the night of Monday The reminder is releaed yers of the Brooklyn Cricket if our Boys would have had and bowled by Sutton Williams the 31st instant. Special invi that the anniversary of the Team of Cahuita assembled an easy walk over, for up to 13, bowled Sutton; Jack tations have ben issued, it is Sunday School assiated on the city Oral, in readiness the fall of the sixth wicket son, not out man with to his said, to the fraternal and with the Denomination, will for the battle, a dread arose the visiting batsmen had only credit. There was bye other suciules a la means of be observed on Sunday and in our breast and o voice seem earned an aggregate of twen total 75.
augmenting the important Monday, the 6th, and 7th. Aued to whisper these men ty runs. The partnership of Miller opened for the commemoration, gust proximo. The youngs are giants and you shall be Temple and Tyndal ho Pathfinders and accumulated There is much merit in ters are calcudating, we are chastised by them and so it wever changed our opinion. 15 runs which included being acceded the opportuni told, on a generous public suo happened.
With 14 runs to his credit, the hit for four and another for ty of serving first hand know portport. It is hoped they will former was caught by Clar six runs. As each succeeding ledge regarding the history not be disappointed.
ke, bowied Sutton. Tyndall betman faced the tricky de batting was admirable, he siug liveries of Marshall and Wal ged ar ail comers and his to ker, the fear of defeat increas tal of thirty eight runs included. Hope was, however raised ed three hits and three six when Sutton went in fifth run boundaries. He unfortu position and although he only nately, murdered his wickets earned 12 runs, he did well on attempting to hit one ofi in taking the sting out the Skipper Dixon deliveries bowlong. Barton also punished PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR The analysis. Salomon! the bowlers before being gi run, bowled and caught Tven out at 10 runs Erskine; Walker 1, bowled The eleven wickets fell for Sutton caught Erskine; Myrie. an aggregate of 51 runs O, caught Walker bowled Erski Without a thought of raising ife; Temple 14, caught an isue of controversy we cam larke bowled Sutton: Myers not to mentioning that 1, stumped Dixon. It is hop much doubts existed regarding ed that this batsman, who some of the appeals for was disposed to be disorderly, os granted by umpire will repent at leisure. Tyndal, Palmer.
38, he murdered his wickets The homesters lost the Watson, bowled Dixon; match by a margin of 24 Smart O, bowled Dixon; Skip runs.
ot Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER REMEMBER NOTICE WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Address all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirementsto de ingeniería dirijase a ROIG BOX 9234 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 25 SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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