
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 22nd. 194: His First Step on a Christian Career one Beckford built furniture ar e on a were UMZ BACKACHE GOES when kidneys are active again!
SYDNEY BECKFORD CABINET MAKING another. The thughts of AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP Among the babes baptized of Miss Birch. Mr Hazel other great grannie, Mrs last Sunday in the Cathedral was rather humorous, and men, Ricketts, were well represer Not only for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our Chairs lie comfort; while technique of the worknian. was the recent gift of a son ticned his exectation of ed by Mr. Jos. Thoma ship guarantees strength and dural:lity.
to Mr. and Mr. Vincent Hart, day joining the rank of father The young father extended BE WISE. remember every ein of and o grandson of Mr. and hood. Mr. Brown spoke the appreciation and pleasur Mrs Eddie Hart, as well as on family ties. Grandfather of his wife and self to.
the great grand of Mrs. Sa Mr Eddia Hart spoke touchin who had honoured the ever remains a prize in office or home.
rah Ricketts and Mrs. Cathegly on the appreciation and with their presence and Due so the scarcity of Shellac we are giving a brilliant War finish.
rine Delpratt Brown. The God hearty welcame of the added pressions of comfort and che parents were don Raul Velaz member of their family. Mr. Among the participants oth SEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE quez of the Cacao o operati Moore based his re than those already mentior, 4th. Street at entrance to Gamez va and Miss Iris Birch of Fur marks on the parental obliga ed, were Mesdamos Lumber Yard.
niture Central.
tions to train the child in the Brotherton, Earle. Sp.
WINXHUMATLAR At a later hour in the after correct and proper way. Mr.
Mr and Mr. Barring noon, the social feature of the Stanley Blake eulogised the son the Misses Rogers With the Methodists the eventful ocasion took place high accomplishment of Hazel, Taylor, Ca in the attractive residence of young couple. Mrs. Daisy Bla bell CC. Johnson and the parents. Don Raul, the ke remarks referred to the Alfonso and Vernal The Atlantic Voice is in ment by the reproduction of God father, presided as Mas newly born heritage of talent Mrs. Eccleston, Miss reclpt of the information the splendid entertainment ter of Ceremonies. His and medium of uplift Mr. Nelson and Miss Maxw that the Mid summer session they staged here recently.
open comments Edwin Campbell touched The Atlantic Voice of the Methodist Circuit will We are confident our friends ing remarks and the duties of God Parents. Lloyd Vincent Hart J, his be observed in the Siquirres in that section of our provin. were idemonstrations of Amusingly Mr. Cdifford Church of Tuesday the 25th. ce will extend them a glad high caliber an dmarked pregreatest blessings the instant. On the same night welcome and a bully atten. eminence. Congratulatory and Taylor remarked that the members of the Girls dance. The play, The New eulogistic expressions young parents had done COSTA RI noble deed in securing League o fthis city will afford Minister arrives. will be sure efectively tendered by Miss SODA WA the people of Siquirres and to hold the audience spell Elena Douglas, who spoke in boy as their first born, Miss FACTOR her Iris Williams expressed vicinity a few hours of enjoy bound.
the official language, Mr.
FABRICA Duncan expressed the joys pleasure and assurance, thoug de Hielo y not from personal experienAgencia Servecería ce, that children are a grand LIMON blessing to parents. Miss Lu cille Johnson spoke similarly FLORIDA ICE On request, Mr. Brotherton FARM CO.
spoge on behalf of the great grandmother, Mrs. Delpratt LA FLORIDH.
and proved himself a wonder MADERAS ful diviner of the thoughts of Fábrica de Hielo If you suffer frequently from backache you can be fairly certain that Kidney Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are two of the hardest worked organs in HOTEL HISPANC AMERICA your body. They act as the body filters preventing imCity of Limon purities and poisons from escaping into the blood.
Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
Weak and sluggish kidneys cannot do this important job properly. Not Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms until those kidneys are active again can you be certain of getting relief from aches Special Dining Room Service and pains. WELL SYOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE That is why De Witt Kidney and Bladder AND FOREIGN LIQUORS Pills are prepared especially to act directly on the kidneys. Quick relief from backache follows the first dose for that very reason. Within 24 ERNEST CECIL LEWIS hours of your first dose, De Witt Pills get to the source of your trouble the kidneys.
You will have positive, visible proof of this direct action.
Once in the kidneys, the beneficial in purities are filtered out of the bloodstream.
gredients in De Witt Pills set to work. Your backache and joint pains quickly soothing inflammation, healing and restoring, vanish.
At the same time, a remarkable internal If you suffer with backache don be antiseptic clears the kidneys of all clogging content with half measures. Get at the impurities and poisonous matter. In a very real cause of the trouble with De Witt The many friends and well respected throughout the Co.
few days your kidneys are helped back to Pills and enjoy quick relief from those wishers of Miss Adelfa Ogli. mmunity in which he liveu, healthy activity again. Poisons and im weakening, nagging attacks.
vie of the Cusapin Indian as well as in other sections of Mission, Bocas del Toro, will the Panamanian Republic.
regret to hear of the loss she During his sixty five years, has sustained by the death of he filled many important offi.
her beloved father during ces in the Bocas del Toro di.
Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all forms of Kidney trouble. Of chwists and storekeepers everywhere.
the past week. The deceased vision of the and also was well known, loved and with the Government. In re, cent years, and up to the time of his last illness, he was Custom House Adminis.
Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back trator in Almirante. He is de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: survived by several children Thin hill must be paid at our office before Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month and grand children, to all of de los primeros 10 días de cada mes whom The Atlantic Voice ten Be so gcou as to comply with this request and do not ders its sincerest condolence, Le rogamos recorda: esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena otlige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo wc:sid much regret to take.
but specially to his son in law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Alphonse and Miss Adelfa. so well known to us.
OBITUARY DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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