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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, July 15th 1944.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN are dead as on me to atcan President Roosevelt Accepts Fourth Nomination 100 Holiday Trains Armour of God out of 10 Britons go to war Last Thursday night Fran together with the rest of the As our forces clash with the klin Delano Rosevela deliver United Nations. There could More than one hundred peace enemy in what must inevitably If what the Nazis swed ed his acceptance speech of the be no better record or platform time passenger trains have been be the most vital battle in our nomination by the Democratic for any presidential candidate converted into ambulance trains history, we humbly pray for in 1944 are true Party of the United States for use overseas. Luxury tra strength to give our utmost in their candidate for the next NAZIS OR JUNKERS?
vel coaches that formerly cathe conflict Three years ago, in June 1921, constitutional term in the Whi rried holiday makers to Seasi For strength we need Hard Germ. leaflets were dropped te House. From the political An attempt on the life of de resorts are now operating trials lie before us. The stanover East Anglia This is what point of view it is only natu one. Adolph Hitler is really no a night and day service card of liberation has been rais they said: ral that the Democratic Party thing new. As a matter of fact lines behind the fighting fronts. ed, but it is not yet triumphant. Britain is no longer in a po should have chosen to re elect it seems strange that there ha Under direction of the Minis Our adversary is still to be likensition to secure her avenues of President Roosevelt for a fourthve not been more of them. That tro of War Transport conversioned to the roaring lion, seeking supply. The population of Britain has to do with about half term, because ever since tag ca. it should have happened just at of these trains has been design whom he may devour.
this moment merely power on Misrch indicate ed to make the best Each of us has armour 3rd.
possible for the ration the population of steadi that the Germans are running use of available labour, mate the struggle, the armour 1933, he has worked of Germany gets. Britain herself which St. Paul spoke when he can only support 40 per cent, ly and with marked success to true to form whenever defeat rials and workshop capacity.
improve the lot of the common and ruin is staring into their The trains, painter khaki, are called on us to take up the of her poulation from her own in overhauled in the man, while his international po faces. They did the same Workshops whole armour of God, that ye resources in spite of the the licies during the stormy years 1807 when Napoleon Bonapar »nd stripped of all unnecessary may be able to withstand in the tempts made to increase make room ior evil day, and, having done all amount of land under cultivabefore the war and prior to the te had liquidated the Prussian fåtments to stand. Let us gird ourselves tion: It the war is continued till treacherous Japanese attack at at Jena and Auerstaedt. Again tiers of beds fixed in the coawith the resolve to work and 1942, 60 per cent of the pop!
Pd rl Harbor were inequivoca in 1858 when the so called Ger ones.
pray for the cause in which we lation of Britain will starve, lly in favour of the nations fight ban libenal moveemnt tried to believe. To do otherwise is to ing for justice, liberty and inte break the power of their kings OPERATING THEATRE grity His Good Neighbour po and princelings And they stag Some cars are arranged to ta betray those who fight in that All this means that starvation in Britain is not to be stav licy towards all the other peoples ed another comedy revolution ke strecher cases. There are al great cause.
that, so administrative offices, a phar en off.
in the Western Hemisphere, in fin 1918 when they gaw At the most it which he was ably seconden but the game was up, and it is macy and an operating theatre be postponed, but whether star London Front The red cross on a white ground vation comes this year or at the ecretary of State Cordell Hull most unfortunate to have to beginning of next year doesn has made great strides in unit admit that the Allied Nations is painted on tops and sides of The men women and chil make a ha porth of differer.
ing the nations of the American really believed they could see the coaches before delivery to dren of London have sufferedve. Britain must starve decau the Army for war service.
Continent as proven by their a change of heart in the beast about half as many casualties se she is being cut off from The railway companies recen almost unanimous support What a mistake!
tly handed over to the Army from enemy action since the in ber supplies.
ven to the Great Republic of Is is not even surprising to four Redd Cross trains vasion of Normandy as have which the North when she was attack near that it was a Junker or had been equipped and would the American tarmies which stor ed by an aggressor nation. Sin Junkers who engineered the plot be maintained by the Red Cross med the beaches and the forts ce Pearl Harbour, President which was to remove tre Fueh and St. John. Each of these of Cherbourg, Roosevelt has directed the grea rer from the crag of Berchtesga trains hts eleven coaches accom Yet, Prime Minister ChurW are embarking on the test mobilization of man and wo dent They have always asassinat modating 300 patients. with kit chils report on the damage greatest programme of social man power the world was evered the men who failed to carry chen, messing quarters and other done by pilotless planes must seclrity ever seen. We are alseen, and if the United Nations out their own private plans. As offices. The cost of equipment be profoundly disheartening to ready in advance of all other at this time are gaining victory long as Hitler bugined for the four was 26, 400 and the German people who have countries, but social security is after victory on the world himself with building up the the maintenance is estimated at been told that this secret wea not of much use unless you battle fronts, they are in greit army and navy and pdaced them 2, 040 each a year.
pon was leaving London in can defend your country from measure due to the wholeheart into their traditional jobs at the ruins. Actually the casualties the enemy. It is not enough to ed way in which the People oi head of the war machine. he running well below the salute soldiers. It is up to all the United States elected to fightmas their man. As long as they Sayings worst months of the air blitz of us to see that we not only for the salvation of Humanity accumulated medals and crosses of 1940 41, London stood stan salute the soldier now, but from abject slavery on After nearly five years of chly then and her people now that we give him and our offiboth for trampling down helpless or toil and suffering, we must re appear angered rather than disicers a better place in the industrial and the battle nearly helpless nations. he peacefronts, From the point of view was their man As long as they which we entered the war and new that crusading impulse on mayed.
time. Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, of international politics the Pre British American policy still Minister of Production.
great puggernaut refused to met its darkest hour. We and sident assured the nation that is to aim at military targets.
function any longer because the our Allies are sure that within the next four years the Allies were smaching it to pie fight is against evil and for Although many German civilians United States would be callea are killed in the process, the go on about their daily work ces on all fronts the Moor world in which goodness and ho Allies are not using bombs as under this kind of upon to participate in the reor had done all he could and he nour may be the foundation of bombardganization of the world for pea had to go. That is typically Ger the life of men in every land leaders are resisting the a terror weapon. So far their ment requires something of the ce, and that, if elected, he de disciplined vālor we expect of man and should surprise nobo. The King.
would accept the responsibilities mands that the Germans be soldiers.
and do all in his power to solpaid back ten to one, er that The courage with which Bri However, the frustrated plot many a lot of good, bexause it ve the knotty problems the does mean somehing to the Uni will account for a number the Allies issue warnings to tain stood alone between June, of world will have to face specific towns and then wipe 1940 and June, 1941, did much when ted Nations, and we interpret the hereditary, professional the last shot has been them out if the Nazis keep on to win American sympathy and fired it in this way: THE GERMAN war mongers It will also relieve with theih blind bombing. The suport, Today as Allies. indeed in the present conflict. Having UNITY IS BREAKING DOWN the Allies of the sordid busl Allies have the power to do this some said this it is easily undesrtood UNDER THE HAMMER BLOWSness of sitting in judgment on but we are glad they have not. among the London victims Americans have been of why President Rosevelt added OF OUR VICTORIOUS AR some of them. But, after all is that he would not fight an elec MIES. It had to come anyhow, said and done, Germans We trust better ways will be the inhuman dodlebugs. the tion campaign in the ordinary but now we know that the pro Germans and was nt is Kipling devilish are found to blunt and destroy this sense of comradeship is even political sense.
development of the closer. New He considers knowledge of cess is definitely under way. who said somethinn about Sis robot. Meanwhile, himself the First Soldier Americans what English civilians are ta of The Nazis, who are in the maters under their skin? In the will wish to give all honor and king should redouble Ameri His Country, and as such he will jority and always hated the meantime the beast is corralled aid to the gallant folk who have can appreciation for their stanch carry on until the final vistory Junker, will get rid of a good but still may fight on for somr seen more than 10, 000 fellowsness and American efforts to is secured and then set out to few of their opponents. Himm eime. The signs are multiplying citizens kiled or wounded crown this achievement in send the men and materials with ler and his Gestapo will see to however, that the end is the conquest of a lasting peace that. The procedure will do Ger far off.
not three weeks. For the civilian which will help end the Nazi population of great city to drdam of terroristic conquest.
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