
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Pone con the limelightia now Bíblico The test of the sincerity of an individual lies o not in his beautiful generalities, but, rather, in Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 that which he is willing to do regarding the problems at his front door.
YEAR IX LIMON, AUGUST 6th. 1944 NO 433 VIA ALLIED OFFENSIVE PROCEEDS EFFECTIVELY ON EUROPEAN VOICE FROM THE ATLANTIC BATTLE FRONTS London advice states reached the zone of Doldelig steadily moving toward Flo We have just spent a very delightful season of that military disasters of the Brittany, 22 kilometers south rence, despite the ferocious re refreshing at the Ministerial Conference in San Jose greatest magnitude face the east of the port of St. Malo sistence of the Nazis. The under the joint auspices of the Latin America and Cen Germans on four of the Rus It is believed the Germans ha New Zealanders har reached tral American Missions. These Missionary organizations battle fronts. No less ve initiated the evacutaion of a point six miles distant from operating throughout Latin America felt the time ripe a 350 thousand of their their submarines and person the port, while the Indians we for co operation and co ordination of the work.
en are reported trapped in nel from the big bases at re about three. It is announc Christian Missions to day in Latin America have e Baltic States, and their St. Nazaire and Lorient. ed that the Allied are assumed great proportions. The conference though not. As of escape by sea is The British forces are an centrating large numbers of as pretentius in numbers as the Congress held some ng cut off by the Soviet nounced to have secured fur troops, tanks and ships along years ago; yet in some respects covered a wider range and maritime units. ther gains in their offensive certain points off the Italian and was productive of much good by its bold bid for Varsovia, the Capital or in the Caumont area and to coast for a possible new in. certain rights pertaining to its activities. Two outstand.
cland, is now the object of be throwing the weight of vasion.
ing young men the Revs. Kenneth Strachan and William ssault by the troops of Ge, their combat eastward toward later release stated that Taylor. representatives of the Latin America and Cen.
neral Rokossovsky, who are the direct line to Paris. patrols of the Eghth Army had tral American Missions respectively were very much in being ably assisted, it is said In Italy the Eighth Army entered Florence.
The former stood out as a missionary.
by the Polish guerrilla war.
statesman and possessing in no small degree the organ.
riors, within the city. Himm.
CACAO CO OPERATIVA MEMBERS izing ability inherited from his great mother.
ler, the new Nazi Commander He made an excellent chairman. The latter shone in Chief, is supposed to have HEARTILY WELCOMED as a Bible expositor and evangelist. Of course. other rushed reinforcement for the missionaries also contributed largely and ably to the detence of the oity, its fail The large numbers of the discovery during the past six programme among whom may be mentioned the is howeved, expected at any members of the Cacao months.
veteran in point of service, not age. the great radio moment, Cooperative Association, The meetings were held in preacher the Rev. Rogelio Archilla of the Seminary, Rev.
who visited our city on the local Hall of the Along the Vistula south of Saturday and Sunday, the Association, and from all Kenneth Hood and Prof. Headington both of the Se.
Varsovia, the Germans are 15th and 16 th. instant, we. we have gathered the reports minary. Among the national pastors, we heard Señor making a desperae, but belie re heartily welcomed. They submitted by the General Ma Vicente Artavia, Señor Guillermo Torres and Sr. José ved, ineffective, effort to sa come from many of the Line nager and his Associates we Angel Solano. We missed hearing our good friend Sr.
ve their last line of natural towns, the Zent and Estrella re highly satisfactory in every Angel Benavides. The national pastors did credit to the defence in Poland.
Regions as well as from the respects. This should serve a Bible Seminary in which they were trained. On listening The Soviets are reported ad coastal towns of Cahuita and as means of stirring greater to some of the ablest of them one had to exclaim: what vancing in East Prussia along old Harbour, in response to interest in the industry. The hath God wrought. For the writer, the high light of a front of eighty seven miles the call of their General Ma Atlantic Voice extends its sin the Conference was on the Friday evening when we between Niemen and Augus. nager, don Raul Velazquez, cere congratulations to the gathered around the Lord Supper. The address was coyow. Other forces, operating who desired to give an account Menagement and all concern given by the Venerable Dr. Harry Strachan. He took in Poland, have arrived to of his stewardship regarding ed, with the hope their efforts the Spanish word for supper which is CENA as his within eighty, miles off Cra the operations of the basis and dealt with it acrostically. He very strikingly great will continue to secure the sow, the second largest city best results.
emphasized the first and last letters A in hetic in that country.
CENA, stressing Communion and Abnegation. In On the Western European the address we had simplicity in profundity and clarity front, the North Americans EXPECTED VISIT BL ANGLICAN BISHOP in spiritualy. He really took us into the Presence of the have been making signal gains Master. His patriarchal like figure and commanding in their advance inland. An The very pleasing news has in eddition to the Rev. presence lent colour, to the occasion and gave an im.
advice last Thursday stated been receive that we are to ha James Evans, Rural Dean of pressive dignity to the Message. We felt a holy awe they had captured Rennes. ve a visit by the Ri. Rev. Costa Rica and Panama, the pervading us.
the Capital of Brittany, and Hughes, the newly installed Sr. Mark Parish and the Mis Throughout the week the delegates were hospitably an important transport point. Bishop of Honduras of the sions along the Lines are said entertained at the dinner hour in the large and commo.
Another motorized colum had Central American Diocese. obe greatly enthused with re dious hall of the Bible Institute. It was a thing of beauty hall of this gard to the expected arri.
to enjoy such hospitality. To Dr. Mrs. Harry Stra.
val of His Lordship in San Jo chan, the Founders and Directors of this fine plant all MUL EN. OL credit is due. One cannot close this fragmentary sketch se on the 8th instant and in tribute to the indefatigable labours FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC this city on the 14th. He will without Harry 84, without whom the work could of Mrs.
NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR be accorded a reception in the Parish Hall on the evening of never have assumed its prseent proportions. This is un.
Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
iversally conceded. the 15th.
This Mission, which started with Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash three insignificant rooms and Five Dollars, is to day His Lordship is slated to con and Dentrifice.
duct services on Sunday the doing a big thing in the evangelization of the past mis.
sion field of Colombia Latin America. What the China ALKALINE TABLETS 20th. administer the Rite of Inland Mission is doing in China and the Sudan Interior IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND Confirmation on the following Mission for Africa these people are seeking to accom PLEASANT OF TASTE.
evening (21st) and leave for plish for the unevangelized in Latin America. They are Almirante on the 23rd. MA TA RAL The Atlantic Voice adopts undoubtedly contributing a chapter to the unifinished records of the Book of the Acts. We thank them for a this medium to extend His good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, week, of refreshing, and pray that they will continue to Lordship a sincere welcome.
be divinely led er moor fen, o er crag and torrent, TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
till the night is gone.
95 AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS TIENE INTERES en com May they enjoy an abundance of light at eventide PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
prar una propiadad o for they have wrought well.
SAN JOSE negocio? En los AVIJA BEZ minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after SOS DE OCASION pueda EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS que halle lo que No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for busca. Pagina yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Market Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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