
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, August 6th 1944 MISS FACEY THE BRIDE OF MR. HALL ANNOUNCEMENT were a WO was attractively gowned in blue position of Master of cere This serves to notify the public in generai The Methodist Church of organza on a high grade sa monies. Congratulations and that my life, Mrs. Mabel Daley, of this city, this city was again giaced. tin background. Her toque, eulogies were extended by having, during the past four years, estran on the evening of Thursday; globes and shoes blended in Mesdames George, Bla ged the domestic relation pertaining from a the 20th ultimo, with an every respect. She carried ke, Swarton, Misses and wife to her husband, I, therefore, do not hoid aštracive mid summer wedd. a bouquet of combination roV. Rall and Francis (a tot)
myself responsible for any debt or any ing. The contracting parties ses. Her outfit is said to be Mrs. Ruth Thomas rendered other business she may contract.
were Miss Linda Facey, daugh her own creation and accom a rich solo, so also did Miss ter of Mr. and Mrs. James plishment. Mr. Walford Gibbs Bailey. Additional con.
Focey of the Jamaica Town performed the duties of Best gats showered by THOMAS EDWARD DALEY Settlement, and Mr. Luther man, Messrs. Facey, Angus, Hall of Battan Commissary in The Reception was held in Blake, Splatt, MLimon, July 4th. 1944.
the Abaca region. The Bride, the banqueting hall of the Li Knight, Dobson, Gibb being mamber of the mon Lodge of the Grand Uni DaCosta, Reid, Ear Church and an ardent war.
ted Order or Odd Fellows. Mr le, McKenzie and Wal Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support ker in many of the Auxilia Gibbs, the Bestman, effect ker. Two song hits were co support us ries, the ceremony was high ed the opening remarks. The tributed by Messrs. Wal.
at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city ly flavoured by the rhanting Rev. Mr. Holmes pronouno. ker end Naysmth. The so Market.
of the choristers and the duet ed the Grace. The Misses Vcial and appetizing features Perfect Love. by Mrs.
Sennette and Ermina Kall ef. of the evening were on high. BIRTH ANNIVERSARY CHARMINGLY DIDTU AMANI Rosa Reid and Miss Bla fected the cutting of the Ca pedestals and a bloom of OTOS ke The Rev Mr. Holmes, Mike, the former triumphed. summer, obviously, to all the CELEBRATED arupi ka qilan nister of the Circuit officiat Mr Britton occupied the participants.
so 2090 ed pogo The Bride who was given On the night of Thursday his assign. On his request, away by her father, of last week the residence Mr. Jos. Thomas effected Tame charmingly attired in of Mr. and Mrs. Arturo tre opening remarks. Among Gown trimmed with lace Foote was on fire, but there the other partipants were LAS BRISAS and silver beads. The front was no need for the Fire Mr. and Mrs. Charles, of the gown was in princess Brigade or the use of the Mrs.
model, the waist line attach The most Popular Refreshment Parlour Allen, located cozily in the City Market.
only a conflagration of con Melbourne, Lambert, ed with belt adomed with tu bins and rinestones in clip You can best the warm temperature gratulations and eulogies, Moss and Campbell, and satisfy the appetite by making hordered with some of the Messrs. Barton, White shape the circular skirt fall with train. Her head dress most refreshing beverages, and Toppin.
Your refreshing spot. Our table Menu ice cream and other tooth THE ATLANTIC VOICE of satin rose, formed in Speaks for itself. The very best some dainties.
joins in tenderin its sincere ovol shape, and tulle were in service is our PLEDGE hormony. Roses or selected va good wishes to Mr. Foote.
The circling years having, rieties made up her bouquet on that date, brought Mr.
The thuin bearers wore white HYLMAN WALTERS. Proprietor Foote another birth anni RECENT DEATHS Georgette fashioned with la versary, he and his good wife provided the decked with satin The information rich has bows.
things and invited some of reached us that the folloThe bridal ensemble is the their friends and well wis wing pensons, who were artistic work of Mrs. Richard hers to make associated with this Zone, merry with BROWNE ABRAHAMS them. The event was died recently the San Juan George Miss Ermina Hall, sis celebrated in a unique manner.
de Dios Hospital, San Jose. ter of the groom acted Though the radio was Isabel Leiton Castro, Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar the air, and notwithstanding foremrly of 25 Miles at PERSONALIA Agentes it tuned in harmoniously, the age of 39 years, on the none of the MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL guests 21 st. ultimo. She was tempted to tread a neasure. daughter of Vicente Leiton We keartily welcome Mr.
Frente Unidad San aria The feast table and the and Anglina Castmo. Luther Johnson who, after social inlulgence around it Alice Robinson Morte, being, in the neighbouring First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets held sufficient stick to it who formerly resided in Si Republic of Panama for Apartado 362 Limón tiveness. Mr. Johnny James quirres and was 35 years lengthened period, arrived was Master of Ceremony of age. Her death took place last Monday by air transpor and efficiently accomplished on the 18th. ultimo.
tation. His return is said to be connected with the sad No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place passing of his parents while for yourself and son is Dixons Burber Shop West of the he was away.
city Market fire extinguisher, ofr it was Soyser, the emrises Persa an ce and KWA 23 as on were a a Notice Mrs. Ethlyn Clarke of 25 Miles was a recent visitor to our city. She attended the Fa cey Hall wedding reception on the night of the 20th.
were To Members of Cacao Cooperation Mixta)
Our prices for the following Products are CACAO, per quintal. 47. 00 colones COLOANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00. Colones COCOANUTS, per hundred. 23. 00 Colones All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager Exceedingly pleased we to have had our popular Limonense, Mr. Vivien Skip.
ton, with us for a short whi le during the week in course.
He is still stationed on the West Coast and came down to see hi parents, relatives and numerous friends wish him continued good pros pects.
10 THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL This is to advise the public in general that my son, Josephus Walker Burgess is not au thorized to sell any live stock from my pro perty at 11 Miles (Swamp Mouth) or any other place where such animals may be found. Any sale effected by the same Josephus Walker Burgess will be unlawful and subject to the discipline of the laws of Costa Rica.
we Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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