
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, August 6th 1944.
TRITTUR REBECCA WILLIAMS In never fadin memory of our dearly beloved mother and wife who left us one sad year ago. August 7th. 1943, Limón Trading Company You left behind some aching hearts That loved you most sincere That never can or never will Forget you Mother dear, PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Husband and Daughter (adoption) Florence and Beryl CARD OF THANKS Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Ada Sawyers and Daughter extend through this medium their highest appreciation and thanks to those friends and sympathizers who sent tokens of condolence and assisted th the funeral of their beleved Husband and Father REMEMBER BENJAMIN SAWYERS WE PAY THE BEST PRICES who departed this life on July 9th. 1944 CONTO WITH THE METHODISTS GREETINGS FROM MR. AND MRS. ROLANDO PUGH FLORIDA ICE AND Ġet quick relief ADVERTISEMENTS RHEUMATISM We are in receipt of the Allis, the scripture. lesson information that the Quar read by Mr. Terence Hine terly Meeting of the Metho and the Message propounCOSTA RICA dist Circuit, conducted ded by Mr. Fairclough SODA WATER the Siquirres Church on the of Estrada. Miss WooFACTORY night of the 25th of the (lery presided at the organ.
FABRICA past month, was both ma The Rev. Holmes de Hielo y Refrescos terially and spiritually suc was the Celebrant for the To our dear friends in Cos we adopt this medium to ex, Agencia Servecería Traube cessful.
Communion. All who attenLIMON ta Rica, from whom we are tend our heart felt greetings.
The service was led by ded the rich entertainment It may seem a very late Mr. Shaw, while pra presented by the Girls Lea separated by the wide ocean to date to address you and yer was offered by Mr. Pasa a la pág. 11 but ever joined in the spirit, express, with puny words, the FARM CO.
great depth of gratitude and thanks we owe each and every one for the demonstra.
LA FLORIDA MADERAS tions of appreciation, esteem Fábrica de Hielo and friendship, with yaur presence and gifts, large and from small, on the occasion of our MISCELLANEOUS marriage in the city of Li.
mon. The first anniversary of the happy union was offect.
ed on Monday the 31st. of July this year, and we comme. THOMPSON SUPPLY morated the date with much AND WORKSHOP joy in our hearts; we also Everything in the mechanipictured cnew the magnifi. cal line cane be made, re cent scene to which you So paired or supplied AssortRheumatism, pain in joints and marvellously contributed. Ma ments of Beds, Springs and muscles are due to the formation of sharp crystals from excess uric we be pardoned for specially other useful equipment, Building.
acid which weak kidneys have mentioning our dear Mr. Les allowed to escape into the system.
NO 89 Fifth Avenue toward lie Angus, who, we trust, has The kidneys should be filtering this excess uric acid (and all other poisons and completely recovered from his the Municipal Bath.
impurities) out of the bloodstream. That recent ill health also Mesda.
is why, at the first twinges of Rheumatism, GRANT AND CRAWFORD you should take special steps to satisfy contain is getting to work clearing away mes Rivers, Butler, NEW HARLEM BAR yourself that the kidneys are working impurities and poisons.
McFarlane, Collins, AND RESTUARANT properly.
Within a few days the kidneys are once Murray, James and the ge Opens Day and Nigth. Clean De Witt Pills have been specially pre more at work. trapping poisons and innial Editor of the Atlantic pared to act directly on weak, sluggish, purities in the bloodstream and expelling and Cozy Reservation. Good clogged kidneys. They soothe infam them from the system by Nature marvellous Voice, Mr. Jos. Thomas. Native and Foreign Liquors mation, heal, strengthen and restore them. mechanism.
Again, wie implore you to You have visible proof of the direct action That is why De Witt Pills prove so and experienced Mixers of De Witt Pills within 24 hours of taking wonderfully effective in relieving Rheuaccept our heartiest gratitude the first dose. You know for certain that matism. They go at once to the root of with the assurance that we Building.
the wonderful internal antiseptic they the trouble the kidneys themselves.
place ourselves at your servi.
LEONEL MONDOL ces, at all times in the city East Indian Barber and Hair of Panamá, Republic of Pana Culturist. All sanitary arran ma, gements and general clean surroundings. In front Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all the old Motive Power forms of Kidney frouble doOferchemists aanda storeleeepers everywher zano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerig de Cultura Juventud Costa Rica.
Rolands and Ina Pugh.
Clubhouse, DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills of


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