
key formerly severed diplo.
At Estrada on Monday 14 th. instant under matic and commerd al rela.
We were a rather privileg. to Mrs. Jack Baun Effenson, auspices of Cacao Co operative tions with Germany. num.
ed party, a week ago, to a who is said to be visiting in ber of Germans, have been transaction in connection with Cleveland, Ohio, to the new Central American Ba cordially ask her to visit Costa Swell Day and Night Picnic will be stag placed under arrest, it was also statea.
nana Company, Lta, when, to Rica, the most charming and ed with a sensational Band of Music in ill certain requirements, Mr. beautiful of the Central Ame attendance to furnish the latest.
Representatives of the Gov Jack Baun Effenson was ask rican Republics, and to assure ernment of Finland are sup.
ed if he were a married man. her that its world renowned posed to have arrived in Hits in Sanding and other feet exercises Stockhoim for the purpose of In a voice that cheered, he hospitaly awaits her.
replied Yes, have the This disere is enhanced in negotiating a peace pact with RAUL VELAZQUEZ Russia.
most beautiful wife your eyes a somewhat twofold manner, Manager could ever behold, and am to add to the comfort and The Germans have intensi.
WONDE fied their Robot attacks on just yearning for her. happiness of Mr. Effenson, In wonderment of England. Last Thursday seven these who is coing so much for this words, the parties who heard Zone, and also as evidence of hit by the them unanimously, voted to the harmonizing effect of his extend an open invitation deeply impressive statement.
DESE SU TRAGO CON hospitals were ON THE CRICKET FIELD El champaña de los Ginger Ales MR. FRED SHEEHY Brom.
THE PASSING OF MR. BENJAMIN SAWYERS tom top scorer with 21 runs CANADA DRY Among the excursionists, total 80 runs. He was caught by Ellis off who arived here on Sunday a SPORTSMANJ. Mac Hammond. Richards 0, fortnight ago, were the pla Lean runs, Di caught Sutton bowled by Ellis yers of the Sportman Cricket xon. Mapomeg caught: Howell 8, bowled Stewart Club of Cairo, to fulfil their Barton of Clarke, Mul Hanson runs and Alien 60 CTS.
engagement with the Path lings to scorers with 36, bowl 4, were also bowled by Ste finder Selection. The matched by Dixon. Brombley 10, wart. Forbes was not out DEPOSITO EN LIMON: FELIX 7, with One run. Byes gave 4DEL BARCO was praise worthily contested bowled Dixon, Morris and the visitors took home bowled Dixon. Smith, one total :22.
the Bacon by having scored hit for 4, bowled Dixon Alfonse Henry scored for 122 runs in reply to the 80 Forbes, the slugger of the the homesters, an dthe game sccumulated by the homes. team, earned 35 runs It affords the Atlantic Voi ed employment with the which wsa umpired by Moore bat included thee s and one of and Lawrence.
ce a special pleasure to ex. Steamship Department of the ters. The city Selection ted first and though they tend a welcome to Mr. Fred United Fruit Company margin Sheehy, who, after an absen Mr. Sheehy has long endear lost the gome by a of 42 runs, we consider they ce of several months in the led himself to all classes of HOTEL HISPANC AMERICA United States of America, has our citizenry. Again we hear did well, in view of the dis play effected by the players babier City of Limon returned to this city and resum til bid him welcome.
from Cairo Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
We arent advertising. we are appealing. Please give us a THE PLAY Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms benefit, Eat at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixons little place PATHFINDERS. Mi.
West of the City Market.
Special Dining Room Service Her 17 runs, bowled WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE bley caught.
RASMIAND FOREIGN LIQUORS The district of New Castle Loyal Phoenix Lodge of the caught by Forbes off Mul ERNEST CECIL LEWIS lings. Escoe, bowled Mul in the Estrella region has Independent United Order Proprietor.
suffered an almost, irrepara of Mechanics. His remains lings. Clarke 0, bowled ble loss by the death of were accorded the Order Brombley. Sutton 7, bowled Mr. Benjamin Sawyers, a funeral ceremonies in the Mullings. Skipper Dixon ta.
WITH THE fortnight ago.
The services in conjunckes by Forbes of Brombley Lodge Hall and terminated Mul Viene de la pág. 10 tion with the Golden Jubi During his life career, at the grave by Messrs. for Ellis 4, bowled gue of this city are said to lee of Methodism in this Mr. Sawyers always de Pearson, Jos. Hart lings caught Morris. Wal and have been the recipients of ephere, will commence ker 6, bowled and caught by at nonstrated a quiet, loving others.
disposition, and was Brombley. Stewart 0, bow much literary food. Miss I, all the churches of the Cirever ready to extend his led by Mullings. After scor Smith of Estrada accomplis cuit on the 18th. principasym. The deceased is survived hed the musical settingsly at Pacuarita, and the ing4, Clarke was dismis pathy to his fellow creatu by his widow, Mrs. Ada which were entwined with crowning features in the sed Escoe runs, the drama The New res. He was a native of the Sawyers and a daughter. To Island of Jamaica. He was these sorrowing ones bowled by Brombley, Mi city church on Sunday and rister. Arrives an ardent fraternal worker, extend our profound condoHammond 2, not out Extras Monday, the 20th, and 21st.
21 being associated with thellence.
SUNDAY SCHOOL THE PIONEER CABINET AND GENERAL HAPPY LANDING ANNIVERSARY CARPENTER SHOP OF THIS CITY IT IS THE LANDING. BOYS AND GIRLS Tomorrow, Sunday the WHERE YOU WILL BE SERVED 6th. will register another EVERYTHING BEAUTIFULLY AND STRONGLY BUILT FOR anniversary for the Sunday VARIETY OF FRESCOS, DELICIOUS PASTRIES, ICE School associated with the CREAMS AND FRUIT, SALAD ON SUNDAY NIGHTS HOME AND OFFICE Baptist Denomination in MAKE THE LANDING YOUR COOL SPOT LOCATED this city. The important High grade Shellac Polish with a mirror finish specialized in event will be commemora the design and construction of Coffins, NORTH OF LINDO ICE FACTORY ted by being entwined with OUR MOTTO the regular services, on Sun4th. Street. Entrance to Gamez Service with a smile a. the while day, and on the following Lumber Yard.
night (Monday) the Young BUTTLER. Proprietress People will present the enSYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor WE USIMIZ tertaining features.
the music we Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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