p. 12


My FO 16 Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, August 6th 1944 ze H2 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Flying Bombs Fail To Divert Our Air Attacks ste unlit by BOUT the us of TOJO OUT Light That Still Burns The political earthquake that We should be unwise to allow has been rocking Japan eyer On July China entered the since the defeat of a Japanese the appearance of flying bombs fleet off the Philippines eighth year of her resistance and craft over England to put the to Japanese aggression. For us picture of the air war out the American tonguest of Saiof in the west the tide of war has focus. The German flying bomb pan has now engulfed Tojo ebbed and flowed swiftly, our for less a portent. It is capable of quite unprecedented in a country suddenness. But for China the is not even a phenomenon, far whole Cabinet of Infamy. It is tunes changing with dramatic in which the significance of all being beaten. The methods by war for many years has official acts is hidden from the been which it is being dealt with are slow and dragging, the future people behind phrases of obviously not to be announced the hopes of early in advance. Interception restyped politeness to announce by a resignation of the Cabinet on and her allies.
victory which now sustain Britain Alied fighters has brought down many of these missiles be the ground that it has failed to In this the eighth year of achieve its objective. and to fore they reached populous war, China knows too, that the apologize for its failures to the areas, patience demanded of her so long country and the fighting front.
Bringing this secret weapon must be stretched still further.
But that is how the first an. She knows that until the Nazis into use after a year of promises nouncement of Tojo resignation in the west are utterly defeated has not even caused as much read. And though this official the United Nations cannot throw diversion of the Allied air effort as the Germans may have hoped, censura was later withdrawn, in their whole weight into the Far still is the modern The launching sites in the Pas equivalent East and bring help to her sorely of a more ancient de Calais have been under air Japenese tried people.
kombardment for nearly custom of commanding culprits to commit hara kiri.
whole of the year since the DARKENED PICTURE But it would be a mistake Cerinars began to threaten SERGEANT Lynch, OF JAMAICA: WINS to assume that the Tojo regime For her position at the present NERS TROPHY. Sergeant Lynch, is serving as an air gunner with it. They are under attack was ousted ba now. The flying bombs with the He is 23 and volunteered for service in the it plunged them time is serious. The Japan into war or covered its Chinese in 1942 and, during his training in Canada in the folloselves are being attacked by 136 havo ben shaken by their recent wing year, won the Air Gunners trophy for obtaining the highflag with infamy. It was ousted fighters of the Air Defence of defeats in Hunan and the capture est percentage of his course. On his first operational flight over because it was unable to reap the enemy territory he shot down a Ju. 88. Before he joined the Great Britain which were fruits of its treachery. The ap.
of Changsha.
RAF Sergeeant Lynch was an occupation clerk in the Labour withheld from close support pcintment of another Inside Free China, inflation Department office.
of the armies on the bettlefields General procteds at an alarming and another Admiral to form a rate, 80 that they could give cover Cold Storage in new Cabinet as loads of banknotes are fiown Mules On War Service in to the bases in England and to cooperation siows that the military weekly in across the Himalayas.
will Trinidad shipping in the English Channel The continue to run the country, and necessities of life are in Mules are the most useful The Imperial College Whether they had to meet the character of these men short supply, and until China and important animals in the is Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad bombers of flying bombs, they proof that there will be is reopened to trade with the British Army today. They vary is developing a nutrition la were already allocated to home outside world, there is little considerably in size and type, dimir:ution of Japan war boratory to delve into research defence.
hope of improvement. It effort.
is but a job can be found for all.
probrems of nutrition in the TSG becoming more and more Early in the war, the campaign West Indies. This college has WONO MILITARY EFFECT difficult to feed and clothe the in East Africa showed that, in been in existence since 1921.
Font it failed to influence For General Koiso, a member the soldiers of the line, let alone spite o. mechanisation, pack o fthe Marchuria Gang and long It extends its interests to other air war in those indirect ways, supply them with the known as the Tiger of Korea. equip. animals were still needed. This agricultural areas as its exfect on the war as a whole ment to make effective military experience was repeated in Sy. to local problems in Trinidad.
has always been a rabid exponent is negligible. Lives have been action possible.
ria and Tunisia, and more of Japanese expansion even at Despite the war, which has lost and property destroyed; but the risk of conflict with the Uni recently in Sicily and Italy, caused a grave personnel shorta people in Southern England can Against this dark picture can where mules are being used on led States. And Admiral Yonai research has gone ahead cee nothing but wantonness in be set the new stirring of energy a large scale. Vehicles and tanks with broad emphasis on though enjoying a reputation as the this cestruction. No military in politicai Chungking, and the may flounder in the mud but problems of cold storage a liberal because he opposed for intention or effect is to be determination to make the light animals render yeoman service citrus fruits and fish.
an outright alliance with the discerned. The contrast between Axis, was Navy Minister when of democracy, which once seem in these conditions, the wild aiming of brickbats ed to flicker, burn more brightly.
the Japanese sank the Panay and the planned air campaigns, Censorship is easing, and CARRY AMMUNITION and always insisted on Japanese both tactical Chief role of the mule is as a and strategic, committee is studying comination of China and the ways and means of introducing more pack transport anirnal. The which are being pursued by the The Shells western Pacific. If anything, Allied Air Force, is striking. On democratic methods of Govern loads they carry on pack saddles The humble bone is a most they will seek to mobilize the the tactical side alone, some rcent.
vary from 150 to 380 lbs. versatile fellow, for he provide.
Japanese people for even grea useful work is being done in depending on the size of the a npmber of things which ter sacrifices, anitaal Mountain Artillery pack vitai to our war effort. Grease the systematic attacks on Ger.
man air bases in France. Their which Pro mortars and effect is largely to neutralise the help of the Newspaper specially heavy such products as glycerine ans ai reinforcements brought by prietors Association it was arrang The recent statement by Bri loads and so require the best lubricating oil are made, the enemy into the battle area ed by Army Welfare Services tain War Office that a Con and strongest types of short. Explosive which forms th in France.
that the national, daily, and tingent of fighting troops, made legged mules, such as the North firing charge of cartridges ant Sunday papers would be suup of men from the West Indian American or Spanish type. shells is made from glycerine in Engineers and Signals use Then comes glue, with a thousan ties to allow at least one paper the immediate future to active slightly smaller equipment and one uses; and cattle ar to ten men. They are distributed theatre of operations, has been mules for entrenching tools, pcultry feed, and fertiliser Newspapers for the troops free to the troops. special received with enthusiasm. This barbed wire, radio sets, etc. which, if they do not actuall are considered as a necessar Newspaper Distribution Unit must not be interpreted as In Pack Transport Companies, make armaments, at least hai, my mental ration. Long in ad was created to take deivery of policy of segregation in the small mules are used to carry to maintain the strength of th vance of Day special plans we bulk supplies, to divide them British Army. West Indians are supplies such as food, water, men and women who make ar re therefore made to ensure that into packages of ten assorted at present serving in various petrol and ammunition, while use weapons.
troops taking part in the invasion papers and to ensure their British Regiments. and are others of a stouter type ara would be adequately supplied shipment across the Channel as getting along admirably with employed by Medical Services men on specially constructe with daily the spedly as possible.
their English cousins, to evacuate sick and wounded carriers.
no as well a Chop Bones Help To Fire are West Indian Contingent batteries carry small howitzers. is first extracted from Newspaperes for the ppliec daily in sufficient quanti colonies, would be drafted Troops a ARBETRIE papers. With Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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