
Saturday, August 12 th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page YELLO 12 Remme Caribbean Packing Co.
my Ver CACAO AT THE CITY BAPTIST CHURCH The 106th anniversary of extensive travels in Americ: the Emancipation was sageiv and Europe, in addition to commemorated i: the City years of study, the Pastor Baptist Church on Monday voluminous kao vledge re.
evening, the 31e ultimo. garding the worla greatest The colourfully regaled men of African descent, as members of the several fra, also of the histories of other ternal societies, as well as the races, revealed to those who components of the Limon heard him, that there are Branch of the Jamaica Burial more things in Peaven and Scheme Society produced a the earth than are dreamt of splendid photographie view Pastor Forde iterally took Band of Music headed the his congregation along the five combined Lodges in the banks of the Nito in notable march from their Hall to the Egypt. ancient Abysinia, Church and the return. and then brought their minds back to the Cross of Christ An appreciable portion of where he pictured the mar the histories connected with vellous acconiplishment of the important event were Simon of Cyrene.
appropriately pre rounded by There is reason to believe the Rev. Forde, and effecthe large congregation ieft tively augmented by Messi greatly satisfieci with the ge.
Jos. Thomas and neral proceedings. The cho.
Barrett, the guest speakers risters ably contributed to the By actual contact, through service.
The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE SITT 33:7777 CRICKET AT CAHUITA DREW LARGE NUMBER OF SPECTATORS very stirring same of of 86 runs as under. by: a WINNING We the BROWNE ABRAHAMS to make any addition, the Cricket Bryan, caught Walker, former being caught Venta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar Cahuita on the 30th. ultimo, 6; Montegue, caught Tyn Tyndal and the latter bowAgentes between players of the dal 0; Smith, bowled led by Marshall. Smith MUL EN OL MA TA RAL Unity Club of Old Harbour Miller, 3; Noble, taken added and was caught by Frente Unidad San aria Brooklyn by Walker, 3; Step Miller. Downer was Club. The toss for batting henson, top scorer with 16, the not out bat with runs.
First Aid Anticeptic Alkaline Tablets was won by the visitors, but bowled by Marshall; Extras gave Total 35. At Apartado 362 Limón was waved in favour of the Ellis, bowled Miller, 1; the close of the match homesters, who earned a He also took the wickets of splendid social evening was total of ninety eight runs, IM. Mitchell for Barton spent.
in the following manner. and Myrie were unable Cricket Fan DEATH CLAIMS MISS FELIPA ADELPHIA OGLIVIE Walker, caught Stephenson, 0; Jackson, Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support eat and drink ixon little place West of the city divine injunction that the al. her great spirit to its rightful Myers, 1; Cognizant as we are of the gion of angels have guided caught Bryan, 6; My we shall be knocked out. Please support us rie, bowled Stephenson, 0; at LA MAGNOLIA Market.
mond tree shall flourish, that assign. She is survived by Smith, caught Barton, the grass hoppers shall be a many brothers and sisters, 4; Temple earned 12 burden and desire shall fail, among whom are Mrs. Alphon runs two run hits, then FOR SALE because man goes to his long se and another in Jamaica. fell in the hands of SCO home and the mourners move to these and the other fflict Smith. Tyndal, bowled about the streets, yet in our ed ones the Atlantic Vcice Myire, 16; The bowlers at a very low Price human weakness we cannot pours out its deepest sym were greatly harrassed by COTTAGE OF TWO APARTMENTS oti put aside our griaf for the al pathy.
wooden structure with Zine Roof hard hitting of Minotte most sudden passing into eter Kitchen and good yard ller, who was top scorer An Abundant Water Supply nity of Miss Felipa Adelphia THE GOLDEN JUBILEE with 38; he was stumped Oglivie of the Cusapin Indian by Myrio, who also bowlLocated at Cuba Crek near the Railroad 1900 Mission a personage so well ed Cumbs for After APPLR Thorbourne, Proprietor known and widely esteemed earning runs Taylor in our community and the nouncements, a period of joy. was also stumped by ATACADAS YA LAS DEFEN. dun y Chartres, Chartres, hermo Republic in general. Wide ous fellowship is approaching Myrie who then bowled SAS EXTERNAS DE PARIS for the Methodists.
sa ciudad de catedrales, solo dig, spread was the sorrow when, Marshell before he had ta 74 kilómetros de la capiat the 2nd.
of the 50th been able to score. Wi fuerzas expedicionarias aliadás. lumna vanqui está aceivándose de Cuarteles supremos de las francesa. Entre tanto, otra coinstant, reached this city of her death anniversary since Methodism Iliams was the not qut man 11, Up. Infórmase que fuer: Orleans, en una maniobra in the hospital at Almirante. was establishel in this coun: with 10 runs to his credit. zas blindadas yanquis en Fran rianqueo que amenaza condivi: Miss Oglivie was on her way try will, we learn, start on the Byes added 5, Total 98.
cia están sondeando las defensas vir a Francia en dos. Orleans es to Limon, and while awaiting 18th. of the present month In their reply the exteriores de Paris, en Chateu tá situada al suroeste de Paris.
Unity at all the churches through players accumulated a total transportation became serious ly ill and was rushed to the out the Circuit, the main ser.
WEEKLY SAILINGS institution where she succumb vice being at Pacuarita. Spe.
ed just about twenty days aft cialodservances will take FOR MEN er the death of her father.
place at the city church on From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARMiss Oglivie was a creature, Sunday and Monday the 20th BOUR COLORADO BAR. PANAMA of heroic blood, and possess.
and 21st.
Felt and Straw Hats.
to odbye Shirts and Underwear ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ed of a strong christian char The adherents of the Deno For particulars, see or communicate with acter. She was an ardent mis mination adopt this medium THE LATEST, CHEAPEST sionary worker, and for twen to extend a cordial invitation BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents ty one years ministered to the to the general public to all AND BEST Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of Indians of the Cusapin Mis the services which will be con Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE sion. Her earthly task has end ducted in connection with the Do your shopping at AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON 387.
ed, and it our hope that a le Golden Jubilee.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE The celebration o on news سيسي Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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