
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, August 12th. 1947.
mo TRANSFERRED NO NEW FIELD OF LABOUR Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR resemo We had the pleasure of gain; and Miss Erown is said saying au revoin. a week to have left the fondesi re.
ago, to Miss Loriel Brown collections with the residents farmer English Teacher at of that district, not only for Liverpool, who has been as. her educational activities but signed as shoolmistress to the for her general communal English Echool operated at nuvements. She takes this Old Harbour under the aus lopportunity of extending a pices of an Education Commifoad farewell to all who she ttee.
may not have been able to Liverpool lors has cer personally contact before tainly been Old Harbour Titaving Liverpool.
ces Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Market CALL TO CACAO FARMERS VE BACKACHE GOES The Editor to provide sufficient food for The Atlantic Voice the poor workiug Body.
Dear Sir: You, however, row have the REMEMBER Wlil you kindly grant me chace of adequately provide the favour of a little space in ing for yourselves and fami.
your valued Weckly to have lies, yet it inuci to be re.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES a talk with our people, gretted that you are still chiefly the Cacao Growers of allowing yourselves to be this Zone.
squeezed by those who have As it is rather difficult o no interest in your welfare.
get around to personally Sname on you! Harken to the speak with you my dear call of the Cacao Co operati.
friends, deen it best to do ve Association De not igno.
so by the medium of this re it. Give it your fulles news organ. Now we have support and you and you.
PERSONALIA BEFITTING CLIMAX domiciled in this country for families will be greatly bene.
There are very good reasons, start on June 16th. and with many years, and have faced fitted.
Our deepest sympathy goes for believing that the series the exception of a few nights, many stinging winters, with out to Mr. Fred Raymond of of lectures and illustrative when the lecturer was other severe groanings in the Thanks, Mr. Editor, Beverly, La Estrella, who left pictures presented in the Hall wise gaged, each meeting months of June and July each our city on Monday passen of the local Division of the had an overwhelming attend year with hardly any money Benjamín Foster ger train, a very sick man, Universal Negro In prove ance until the closing night far one of the hsopitals in ment Association, by Eyange on he 27th of the recently pas No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place San Jose. We hope he will list Rankin of the Sev.
Pasa a la pág. 11 for yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the early recover his good health. enth Day Adventist Denomi.
city Market nation, have triumphed for Siquirresis having the the principles which he repre pleasing presence of Mrs. Ly sents.
dia Rogers and children. We The Lectures had their desire for them the full hos.
pitality of the residents of MISCELLANEOUS that township.
It gratifies us to learn that ADVERTISEMENTS Mr. Smith of the Siquirres If you suffer frequently from backache operating Board has been pro.
you can be fairly certain that Kidney THOMPSON SUPPLY Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are moted Station Agent at Pe.
AND WORKSHOP two of the hardest worked organs in ralta, and that Mr. Nay. Everything in the mechani your body. They act as the smth has been selected to cal line cane be made, re body filters preventing imfill the vacancy in Siquirres. paired or supplied Assortpurities and poisons from escaping into the blood.
ments of Beds, Springs and Weak and sluggish kidneys cannot Again do we enjoy the pre. other useful equipment.
do this important job properly. Not sence of Major Lynch, who has Building until those kidneys are active again can you be certain of getting relief from aches returned from the Republic of Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward and pains.
Panama, where he went on an the Municipal Bath.
That is why De Witt Kidney and Bladder important mission connected Pills are prepared especially to act directly on the kidneys, Quick relief from backache follows with the work of the Salva GRANT AND CRAWFORD the first dose for that very reason. Within 24 tion Army, which he repre.
NEW HARLEM BAR hours of your first dose, De Witt Pills get sents in this country. We have AND RESTUARANT to the source of your trouble the kidneys.
You will have positive, visible proof of this not yet had the opportunity Opens Day and Nigth. Clean direct action.
of securing the information and Cozy Reservation. Good Once in the kidneys, the beneficial in purities are filtered out of the bloodstream.
gredients in De Witt Pills get to work. Your backache and joint pains quickly which we expect wi. makeNative and Foreign Liquors soothing inflammation, healing and restoring. vanish.
very interesting reading, re.
and experienced Mixers At the same time, a remarkable internal If you suffer with backache don be garding his trip, but hope to antiseptic clears the kidneys of all clogging content with half measures. Get at the Building.
impurities and poisonous matter. In a very real cause of the trouble with De Witt have it in time for our next LEONEL MONDOL few days your kidneys are helped back to Pills and enjoy quick relief from those week issue.
healthy activity again. Poisons and im weakening, nagging attacks.
East Indian Barber and Hair Culturist. All sanitary arran gements and general clean surroundings. In front of TIPOGRAFIA LA TRIBUNA FATOGRABADO the old Motive Power Nade specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all ferses of Kidney trouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere.
when kidneys are active again!
Antes de orde EVETENDAJOS OF IMPRENTA CONSULTE PRECICS en los Talleres de DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills COMCO Neves center Jasur ride TGOL SAN JOSÉ. COSTA RICA 1517 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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