
EDUCA slight Mistake was con BEFITTING CLIMAX.
Saturday, August 12 th 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 11 sur 76 BEE. HIVE RALLY AT ST. MARY CHURCH EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE Port Limon Costa Rica Thanks to the Rev. in the St. Mary Church, been told regarding the inJames Evans and Mr. Des Siquirres, on the night of tellectual qualifications of TO THE RESIDENTS AND PROPRIEMonday the.
the pleasing opportunity of indeed proved a lucky who are powerfully aiding TORS OF THE CENTRAL REGION OF LIMON witnessing and listening to seven for us, since we can the splendid efforts of Mr.
the magnificent Rally des now say, in all sincerity, Des Landes, the Catechist This Educational Committee has already, with the approval ignated Bee Hive. held that the half had nev of the Church, and at the of the Secretary of Publie Education, solicited a voluntary Schosame time earning distin lastie Congubation, for the purpose of securing the funds needed tion for themselves. We to cancel the heavy mortgage on the building of the General THE PIONEER CABINET AND GENERAL much regret the space Tomas Guardia School of this City (Boys School. This Mortgage at was established many years ago in favour of the Credit Morigaour disposal does not permit ge Company of Costa Rica for the sum of Sixteen thousand sine CARPENTER SHOP OF THIS CITY our rendering greater hohundred and sevently Colones (C 16, 970. 00. and the quotas of rour to the participants. legal interest, which have to be paid quarterly, have become EVERYTHING BEAUTIFULLY AND STRONGLY cipants.
grevious in consequence of the reduced receipts at the disposition BUILT FOR of the Educational Committee.
We were first charmed In conformity with the provisions of the Articles 59 and Go the HOME AND OFFICE with the singular off of the Educational Code, all the inhabitants of the Central Region opening chorus. There is of Limon, as also those outside, who destres to be suful neighHigh grade Shellac Polish with a mirror finish specialized in music in the air, with Miss bours and are charitably disposed, were asked to subscribe to the design and construction of Coffins.
Franklin at the organ, In a the VOLUNTARY FUND with the view of getting the above mentioned sum. Should the voluntary contributions be found striking and yet sincere inadequate to cover the required sum the OBLIGATORY SCHOLO4th. Street Entrance to Gamez manner, the humble writer LASTIC DETAIL will be proceeded with within filteen Lumber Yard.
was then introduced as days from the first of the present month of August, taking into Chairman by the very eneraccount the fixed quota which must be paid in lieu of the voluntary subscription that should have been donated. Voluntary subs SYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor getic Mr. Des Landes. The criptions were payable between July 19th, and Saturday, 5th.
DIT DEZ duet Drink to me only August, of the year in course.
with thine eyes was harmoniously rendered by the EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE. LIMON AUGUST 1944 Misses Chisholm and CAPAS DE MANGAS CARLOS MORA AGUILAR. FULGENCIO CAMPOS SEGURA Lewis. The youngsters in rePresident Secretary citations were the Misses ESCLAVINA ENTERA y Juleta, Florence, Dolores, ENRIQUE LAPRADE Vice President GENERO AHULADO McLaren, Masters Antonio and George. The dialogue Le ofrece de la mejor calidad, el tributed by the Misses EloiViene de la pág. 10 We wish Evagelist Rankin ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ se, Lucita, Eula and Master sed month with the subject continued grace and strength Leslie. Enchantingly did the The Highest Form of Wor. to maintain his labours for les render the duet Srena ship, no From an impartial the spiritual betterment of his (916597 de. The magnitude of Miss source, we have gathered that fellow creatures. McVane voice was the lectures and illustrative HOTEL HISPANO AMERICANO FUERZAS YANKIS IRRUM heard in her song My charts have heightened the PIERON EN NANTES FRENTE AL MAR. CIUDAD DE LIMON Task. Mrs. Knight had interest of those who attend.
to respond to an encore for ed.
It is understood that a Cuarteles supremos de los alia CORO Muy bien situado her impressively rendered rather befitting programme dos, Normandia, 11, tp EI comunicado aliado de, hoy infor solo The Heavens are tell. was evidenced on the night of ma que tropas yanquis, en Fran Cuartos Frescos y Confortables ing. She was later heard, Moriday 31st. ultimo, as a cli cia han irrumpido en Nantes y OFRECEMOS: Comidas Especiales, Etc.
interestingly, in the solo max to the services conducted Angeres, en el río Loire y han circundado la base de submari His wonderful Name. The in the LOS LICORES QUE NECESITE nos de Lorient et toddy colo Sundown, by Mrs.
ENTRE NUESTRO MAGNIFICO SURTIDO DE LICORES Williams, earned prolonged m2 cheers. would be true, DEL PAIS EXTRANJEROS HOTEL HISPANG AMERICA ojedine was the effective contribuNE tion bet by Chisholm, 80WS City of Limon ERNEST CECIL LEWIS while that by Miss CharBeautiofully situated in front the Sea o PROPIETARIO les was The dearest spot on earth. Miss FranAiry, Cool, Comfortable Rooms klin and Mrs. Alma Howell Special Dining Room Service were the instrumental acA WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE nop MUL. EN OL companists. Mr. George AiAND FOREIGN LIQUORS to kens assisted on the violin. bomu FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC In the Rally, Mrs.
ERNEST CECIL LEWIS NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR Walcott featured 165109 SwimProprietor.
Burris, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
mers asd Drifters, Mrs. TVA Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash Brooks, Courage; MOLLAHI WA Mrs.
and Dentrifice.
Ethlyn Shedeen, John Bun HAU COM ALKALINE TABLETS yan and the Bilgrim ProWEZ Coisis IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND gress, which earned her second honours. Mrs.
agis MAPPY LANDING Pennant b99420 was tops with you IT IS THE LANNING. BOYS AND GIRLS Booker Washington. Mrs. Sohlnia WHERE YOU WILL BE SERVED MA TA RAL Lindsay waxed warm in OG BOH the name of Washington VARIETY OF FRESCOS, DELICIOUS PASTRIES, ICE, good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, Carver. Miss Muir ascenCREAMS AND FRUIT, SALAD ON SUNDAY NIGHTS as ITA D1 TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
ded the summit of oratorial MAKE THE LANDING YOUR COOL SPOT LOCATED AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS emminence. on behalf of Mr.
stond. oibus Winston Churchill, which PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
wat svi. NORTH OF LINDO ICE FACTORY was crowned with the singOUR мотто SAN JOSE ing of Rule Britannia.
odservice with a smile the while minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after With highly appropriate EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS expressions Mr. Des Landes BUTTLER. Proprietress tendered the Thanks.
Miss Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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