p. 12


Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, August 12th. 1944.
to Britain looks Ahead Australia feeds Allied. Sepoy wins a Allied Commanders In France Robot bombs are destroying troops His Majesty the King has apago one one knows how many build.
proved the award of the Vic, The burden placed upon Amings in England, together with erican food production by the Naik, Nand Singh, Eleventh toria Cross to Sepoy, Acting the lives of the people in those vast demands of both our own Sikh Regiment, Indian Army, buildings.
New ruing lie in armed forces and those of our Naik Singh exploit was one of smoke and dust beside the his Allies has been immeasurably extraordinary gallantry and de toric rubblc of 1940 and 1941, lightened by Australia con termination tribution United Nations There re new bereavements. Life fighting forces in the Southwest One night during March a and death in bomb alley Pacific under the so called re.
platoon of Japanese about forty these days are full of horror. verse lendlease program. Under strong infiltrated into our posi.
tions covering the main ManOne effect is to strengthen the this program, fully 95 of the daw Butkiidaung road in Bur.
British aesire to get on with the ficod supply for allied fighting war. But there is another effect will come from Australia, accordmen in the area under question ma. They were heavily armed with medium and light machine which shows the stability of ing to the latest word through guns and a grenade thrower and šuBritish and one might as well official channels, meaning that ottained a dominating position covering the road by digging say democratic. civilization there will be practically no foxholes and underground While houses are being knocked drain on American supplies trenches on the precipitous down, the British are planning the Fiftzenth Report to Con from this theatre of the war. In sides of the ravine.
new ones The City Corporation gress on iend lease operations, 1fzik Nand Singh led a pia which rules the old inner City is revealed that up to the first toin that was ordered to recap in London is looking ahead of the year the following quanture the position at all costs. He set off with his section up a twenty. five years and to an ex been received under the recitities of Antipodes food have knife edged ridge under heavy penditure of 600, 000, 000. Widrifle and machinegun fire, He procal lend lease arrangement: en plans are being made for gen 250, 000, 000 pounds of beef and was wounded in the thigh about eral rehousing, perhaps exceed other meats; almost 34, 000, 000 half way up but clambered a. HISTORIC WAR CONFERENCE is shown taking place in this pioture.
ing in scope the combined pub dozen eggs; 170, 000, 000 pounds head of his men and arrived alone at the first enemy trench. Britain General Montgomery, commanding the Allied armies in Normandy, lic and private program which of fresh fruits and vegetables; This he captured single handed is having his first meeting on French soil with his invasion army commander, America Lt. General Omar Bradley. They are poring over maps is a field as produced more than 2, 600, 000 27, 000, 000 pounds of butter, by a masterly display of bayonet 55, 000, 000 pounds of sugar and dwelling units within the first the American, British and Canadian troops fight their way relentlessly for.
ward within gun range of the decade and a half after the end vegetables and other canned 100, 000, 000 pounds of canned work, He then crawled forward alone oli World War gre goods New Industry In order to meet this commit. nade burst a yard from his head Storming the Fortress Gulliver found the scientists Programmes in Dots ment, Australiac currently and he was again wounded in On July 14, 1789, the people of Laputa distilling sunbeams probably achieving the largest the face and shoulder but he and Dashes per capita food production of carried on and captured the sec. of France struck a blow for li from cucuberms. no less am SUGTO eny of the United Nations. The ond trench again at the point of berty by storming the Bastille azing new industry is being devsacrifice real the the bayonet. By this time, the the fortress prison which had eloped in Scotland, to derive Australian The soldier in the desert, the population is making by reducing greater part of his section had become a symbol of the tyrannycent years seaweed has bee chemicals from seaweed. In re Indian fighting with our forc its own food needs through a been either killed or wonded and found to have extensive poten ces in the Burmese jungle, the strict rationing of meats, butter had still failed to reach him. Un against which they fought.
To day, one hundred and fiftialities in relation to the mak.
Britisher in South Africa and and the almost complete denial daunted, Nand Singh dragged the lonely farmer in Australia of other foods. During the cur. himself to a third trench where ty five years later, the people ing of textiles, transparent paper, he killed all the occupants with of France are again struggling plastics, foodstuffs, sizing mate.
rent year bi look to the BBC for a link the fighting forces will nearly his bayonet, making a total bag to uphoid their three fold stand. rial. surgical, medical and den of seven Japs.
tal materials.
with Britain, but it cannot be 400, 000, 000 worth of food, Scottish Sea, ard, Liberty, Equality Frater.
Buccessfully forged unless these weed Research Association is be.
The result of the capture of the three trenches was that the nity.
No longer do they standing formed to look into the pos.
listeners, can be told in ad advance what programmes they Voices by Mail rest of the platoon were able to alone; theirs is the cause of all sibilities of this new industry in reach the top of the hill and the free nations. The forces of the Scotland, vnder the eyes of the will be able to hear.
British soldiers will soon be whole position was captured. Allies, thundering against the Ministry of Supply and the Before the war, a publication mailing home small records of Scottish Council on Industry.
enemy three European called the Overseas Weekly their own voices. Recording First Aid for a sick The Development Commissioners a fronts, are hastening on the day will give pound for pound Bulletin containing information machines about the size of a World of final liberation.
grants to the Association up to about programmes for nearly portable phonograph, and 300, a maximum of pounds 25, 000 five weeks, was issued, and thig000 five inch records are ready In Europe alone there are beWhen the men and women of. 100, 000. The Engineering was sent to newspapers in the to go.
tween 21, 000, 000 and 80, 000, The records cost only Division will maintain and deve Paris forced the Bastille they Empire and USA.
000 homeless or displaced per.
lop a ship specially equipped for one cent to produce. film did more than release its wretch the survey and collection of deep sons.
technician invented them. Each ed prisoners. They proved that sea weeds.
Morse Message Began machine has a hand telephone There are 1, 800, 000 French With the curtailment of air, attached to avoid microphone men in Germany; it is estimated the will of the common people Sayings mgil and other transport facil. fright.
that to move them out will take can prevail against the might of Pverseas recreation ities at the outbreak of war, centers wili take on the job of We have great faith in our 24 trains a day, every day, for a dictator. The democracies aro vpholding this belief as they allied troops, and in the guid.
new methods were adopted to handling the recordings. renearly three months.
ensure that overseas listeners cord made the difference be from the Japanese, at least 84.
When occupied China is freed press on to the final battle; le ing genius of General Montgo.
us ensuro that our united efforts mery.
If we supply these were kept fully informed about tween life and death to a wound.
BBC programmes.
000, 000 people will be in need shall make it a lasting victory. troops with the equipment they ed soldier in a hospital in Italy, desire and with the best possible The morse message was started who received his mother voice cf relief.
contained protold in a pamphlet called Help weapons believe that the war To get occupied Europe back gramme dates and times, and by mail.
54 ing the People to Help Them will end much sooner than any.
could be picked up all over formation grew, so that the to its pre war state of self sul selves. published for the Unit. one could possibly have forceast ficiency It has been estimated the world. It took an hour and eable service was extended and ed Nations Information Organic year ago. Mr. Brendan a half to transmit, and was re took the form of a cabled ver.
that 100, 000 tons of seeds will sation by HM Stationery Office, Bracken, Minister of Informa.
have to be imported during the ceived at various points and dis.
sion of the English Radio and available, price 4d. at any tion.
tributed to first half year after liberation, radio magazines, Times, page branch of HMSO or any book The first duty of a post war rewspapers and broadcasting In addition to those sent seller Government will be to make Help And Self Help organizations in the areas con about programmes in English, It tells how the United Na provision for men and women cerned, cables para sentiment languages These are only a few of the tions Relief and Rehabilitation who returned from the battle.
such Hindustani, dealing tasks which await the United Administration. UNRRA was fronts by finding work for them, Cabled Version with programmes in the BBC Nations as the occupied territo formed, and how it is constituted setting them up in business, or Eastern Service, or in Spanish ries of Europe and Asia are and organxed to help restore giving them sufficient to live on With the opening of new ser and Portuguese giving details of freed. How they will go about war shattered countries to until conditions improve. vices, the demand for more in the Latin American Service. these tazks and many others is health and strength.
Mr. Emr nuel Shinwell, MP.
This message as Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    DemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyInvasionItalyWorld War

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