
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Core Since work and its results excercise a large influence on our lives, those responsible for the ditor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 conduct of industry, both management and operatives, should ensure that this inſiuence is YEAR IX LIMON, AUGUST 19th. 1944. Nº 435 beneficial to the community of workers and their families.
ANOTHER WAR FRONT OPENED BY INVASION OF SOUTH FRANCE ZUL VI quan The most complete success have been encountered so far Pursuing their successful has been tobtained by the The advane is moving in three advance toward the French HELP FOR THE POOR AND NEEDY AMONG US Allied forces who invaded directions toward Paris, by Capital, the North American the south of France last way of the Valley of the Army have captured the Tuesday, Landings were leRhone, toward the north of important cities of Char. Mr. Campbell of the Cuba Creek disported made between Nice Italy and also toward the im tres and Dreux; the latter trict in the region of Zent has effected a very and Toulon. Other large num portant position of Bordeaux. being about thirty odd mii as philanthropic offer with respect to the nany bers of troops are being di. large force of parachu. distant from Paris. Other poor and needy of our citizenry.
sembarked at other points tists were also anded behind forces have also occupied the At this time of writing, the the Nazi defence systems: famed city of Orleans, locat.
He has left the sum of five colones in our advance inward cover a these have now, we are told, ed 112 miles from the Cap.
frontage of about 80 miles, contacted with the other in the British in the year 1428 care with the statement Every time come to over an area of nearly 400 advance toward the French and delivered by the celebrat the city, the needs of the poor beggars along square kilometers.
Little merican Army jave captured ed Joan of Arc caised the the streets strike me forcibly, and think it is enemy opposition is id to vaders.
Maid of Orleans.
time something be done to provide a place It is innofficially reported where those who are able can contribute to ONCE AGAIN THE PENSHURST TRAM LINE that Allied troops have lanu. their subsistence, either by foodstuff or in cash, ed at Durazzo in Albania. desire to start such a fund with these FIVE The cry has been long and It does seem as if this is COLONES.
loud, but, according to what quite inconsistent with that oi we are told, the bars and lending your water hose to Other charitably disposed persons of out hammers of the trackmen help put out the conflagration community are, we know, similarly inclined, if continue the very unsymps in the neighbour dwelling some institution or individual will initiate a theitc work of taking up the rather it would seem an aid move for the establishment of such a center.
much talked about tram lines to the devowering flames. The It is a fact that some adequate effort is requirat Penshurst and replacing isolation of this region from ed in order to ameliorate the very unfortunate them with an unservice abie our city is a matter of much condition which exists for many among us who type.
concern; and calles for the This will seriourly interfc. speediest attention. We ga.
can no longer earn their livelihood. Let us rem.
re with the activities of the ther a delegation left last ember that there often comes a time in our earcutivators of that and the Wednesday to personally thly careers when life, narrows to a mortal distdjoining regions, we are present the seriousness of the appointment.
assured. It will also be a situation before the Chief hard blow to the budding Magistrate of the Republic. There is always evidenced a marked wilbanana business and the crip It is hoped the necessary re, GENERAL PATTON lingness to extend our charity to sufferers in pling of our food supplies. lief will be forthcoming. who guides the advance distant parts. let us therefore not overlook toward Paris those who are a part of our community. As we WAR HAPPENINGS IN ITALY AND RUSSIA mentioned in our weekly Thought a few issues ago the test of the sincerity of an indiFearing the disembarkation sources of all classes of food.
vidual lies not in his beautitful generalities, but of additional Alied forces, the stuffs.
rather, in that which he is willing to do regardGermans are reported to have Fierce fighting proceeds in ing the problems at his front door.
ordered the evacuaticn of the the several sectors of the Bal.
SVRம ற upper part of the western tic and Polish battle fronts.
Sufferings and much need abound around coast of Italy to as far as the with the Russians still forcing us. There are many in need of their daily bread, French Riviera their way westward. Naz: Rome release mentions attempt to pierce the Soviet in need of help. Let us hope the splendid initiathat German tanks have inline in the region of Warsaw tive of our good Limonense, Mr. Campbell, will tiated a reign of terror against was frustrated with much lisg lead to the establishment of that charitable the civilians in the south of to the Germans.
center he so much desires Deeds live and the Florence; a number of their Extraordinary large and humblest are often the most lasting.
were killed. Nothwithstand powerfully equipped Soviet ng this the sufferings of the forces, aided by hundredn of ADMIRAL HERWITT Viresidents of the city are airplanes are believes to have who commanded the Allied Stand by us lest we fall support us with your united being relieved, we are tolů, arrived at the frontier of East fleet in the invasion of strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIA by the arrival from Allied Prussia.
South France Dixon little place West of the city Market.
El champaña de los Ginger Ales ce of the British Sovereigns London advice reveals This is to advise all the residents in the Central Canton of Limon, as also those outside, who are possessed of pro.
perty, that this Junta has extended to the 31st. of the current month the time for the payment of the VOLUN.
TARY SCHOLASTIC CONTRIBUTION. After this date the Junta specially in charge of the CONTRIBUTIONS will proceed to impose the Obligatory quotas against those who may not have contributed. 60 CTS.
was damaged recently, by Na.
zi robot bombs The palace was, it will be remembered, somewhat se.
riusly hit during the 1940 Blitz.
DEPOSITO EN LIMON: FELIX DEL BARCO EDUCATIOANAL COMMITTEE OF THE CENTRAL CANTON LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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