
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, August 19th. 1944 UNDIT of Army The Headed the 21st. ultima and died on West of the City Market.
de mo CABINETA um RECENT DEATHS Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos DEEPLY GRATEFUL Hoa NOTICE We are informed that the undermentioned persons, who Had it been possible we would willingly have used a b 10 sa Address all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos were, associated wit this means more worthy than this of mene words to do justice ineering Requirement to de ingeniría dirijase a part of the Republe died, recently, in the San Juan de to the gratitude that is mellowed in our very souls for our ROIG Dios Hospital, San Jose.
neighbours, friends and numerous well wishers, who extended BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 Ismael Burke Williams, 69 us such affectionate attention and terder care during our SAN JOSE years old and formeriy this city. It is said he entered recent illness and incapacit tion. Never will such hospitality the institution on the 28th be blotted from our memory.
THE SPLENDIDLY STAGED March last ana died on the 31st. ultimo.
ELOCUTION CONTEST Cristina Campos Zunga, Charles and Evelyn Carnegie.
who once resided at Roxana The effort launched by Master Gray for St. on the Old Line, and was of the children and others Mark and Miss Margorie the age of 50 years. Slie was We arent advertising. we are appealing. Please give us a associated with the St. Tyrell, a Tot, for the Sal admitted into the hosnical in benefit, Eat at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixons little place Mark Sunday School, vation Army.
which brought together were Harold 2nd. instant.
such a presentative audien Smith and McCatty, Felipe Grant Gords. 77 ce and widely talented par and doña La de Mon years old anu fermer. y of ticipants for the Elocutiontero of our Secondary Com Parismina in the old Line re.
THE PIONEER CABINET AND GENERAL contest, staged in the Pa plimentary School. Miss. Mcgion. He died on the 3rd.
CARPENTER SHOP OF THIS CITY rish Hall on the evening of Kenzie was awarded first instant.
the 1st. instant, was a splen Prize and Master Gray the EVERYTHING BEAUTIFULLY AND STRONGLY dia success.
BUILT FOR Miss with Under the guidance of her token of merit while HOME AND OFFICE the Director, Mr. Days Master Gray received his CELEBRATION High grade Shellac Polish with a mirror finish specialized in ley, and with Mr. Lesterine from Miss Rickets of the the design and construction of Coffins.
presiding at ehorgan, the Salvation Army. Miss Mark Every aspect connected lasses rendered, in the form land was the recipient of a with the celeciation of the 4th. Street. Entrance to Gamez o fa curtain raiser, several beautiful bouquet of ro anniversary ophe Sunday Lumber Yard.
choruses, duets, solos and ses. La his own name and School associated with the recitations.
on behalf of his associates Baptist Denomination in this SYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor Mr. Harold Smith fervently city was effected, in the ac.
Www The Contest was elevating, tributed the elocutionists customed high standard. The in all respects, and the and laid special emphasis intercessions for the cortiru.
youthful talent acquitted on the wonilerful delivery, ed, prosperity of this nursery themselves with much charm and memory of the Tot of the Church were interve. Conforming to the iteias The sermon was delivered and grace. The Burial of from the Salvation Army, ven with the services on listed on the Programme of by the Rector, the Rev. Moses. was the poem se as a tangible expression of Sunday, and on Monday e:en. the Festival of the St Marh James Evans, and he stressed lected for recital, Miss Lona their appreciation, the Jud g ibe Young People ir rs Parish, the Thanksgizing Ser the need for the effective cu.
McKenzie championed on ges and others subscribed ciations and songs, perform. vice took place in the Church operation of the Churches in behalf of the Baptist Sun to a Purse which resulteded their assigns in a cost on the night of Sunday the the general activities of our day School, Miss Mark in her receiving a tidy fi commendable joanner. The 13th. instant. The sacred ed daily life, as in the educatio.
land for the Methodists, nancial gift.
choristers braced the youngs fice held a capacity congre. nal and econonic demands ters in splendid style gation and the procession, in and the application of our No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place which was identified the re, social improvements.
for yourself and son is Dixons Burber Shop West of the The attendance at each of presentatves of all the Auxi. He expressed his gratitude city Market ru the services ret, bly liaries, with their banners, to all who had contributed to TTLE enhancing.
was truly impressive. the success achieved.
Second. Mrs. Daysley pre SUNDAY SCHOOL THANKSGIVING SERVICE IN ST. MÁRK was BO Notice Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO para The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao To Members of Cacao Cooperation Mixta)
Our prices for the following Products are COCOANUTS, per hundrei. 23. 00 Colones CACAO, per quintal. 47. 00 colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal. 55. 00 Colonies RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER bort so We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense of the Cacao Co operation RAUL VELAZQUEZ Manager OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE MOS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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