
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE. Saturday, August 19th. 1944 La Proveedora can FAREWELL LETTER OF ASSISTANT BISHOP OF ANGLICAN DIOCESE BROWNE ABRAHAMS My dear Friends: Bishop should like to have ment to me, as have tried The time has come for me had the chance of bidding to work the Diocese, to break my official connec personal farewell to all my both weithin the Diocesan boVenta de Mercaderías. Depósito de Azúcar tion with the Diocese, which friends in the Republies. fundaries and in England and Agentes has lasted for five and a half am thankful that Bishop the think that the MUL EN OL y MA TA RAL years. am sorry it is not po Hughes has decided to take affection have received Frente Unidad Sani aria ssible for me to make anot. up his new work at the ear from all will be the happiest me her tour of the southern part liest possible moment. mory shell carry away with me First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets of the diocese, where have know you will give him the and which wlil endure long travelled so frequently du affection and loyalty which after have left the shores of Apartado 362 Limón ring my time as Assistant has been such an encourage Central America, You will constantely be iu by prayers, and hope Puesto Fuera de Combate shall be able to continue my friendshiop with very many of the clergy and lay work.
OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT ers in the Diocese. You rely upon me to do all that LOWER PRICES can in the future for this portion of Christ Vineyard.
First class Merchandise and best of in which have been privi Courtesy always leged for a time to work.
Please ask for anything in Grocery or other May God blessing rest a.
Articles of General dietry not readily sen.
bundantly upon the Bishop, Clergy and Lay Folk in this new era of Diocesan life that is just about to open.
LA PROVEEDORA With my love and blessing LIMON CITY Your affectionate friend DOUGLAS WILSON, Bishopthorpe, Belize.
SUCCESSFULLY og FORGES HIS EDUCATIONAL CAREER ST. MARK CHURCH Un tanque Nazi, tipo Tigre, envuelto en llamas es destruído Servise, Sunday, en la calle de un pueblo francés mientras tropas de los Estados Unidos esperan que salgan sus tripulantes.
We had the privilege of the Examining Inspector, August 20th.
reading the recent mid Master Guillermo has ear a. Holy Communion.
summer classifications bear ned high ratings in most of a. Sung Mass, CeleA NOTE FROM MATINA ing o nthe educational ac his subjects, with special dis brant the Bishop. Preacher On Sunday, a fortnight ago, life. We cannot sit quietly.
tivities of our young citi tinctions for excellent con. the Rector.
our peaceful distric of Matina and allow such an act to pass zen, Master Guillermo Sin duct and notable advanice p. Young People was placed in a state of bewil, without exposure. Should we clair Rodriguez, the grand in music. He was also prai The Bishop. p. Festal derment, when several rounds do so, we know not what may son of Mr. and Mrs. Her sed for punctuality. It is Evensong with Procession of gun shots were discharged be done in the future. We bert Rodriguez, who is pur hoped he will continue to Preacher the Bishop. in the most surprising manner are hoping for the needed suing his studies in San Jo keep his lamp trimmed and Monday, August 21st.
Accompanied by some of remedy and the protection o!
brightly burning, 30 Confirmation. the high ranking employees of human lives.
According to the notes of The Bishop the Abaca Industry the Ageat An Eye Witness of Police of 25 Miles invaded our township without consult STALINITES ing with the local au.
thority and an innor from cent boy was attacked on If you think you are right a charge of being in posse. and can give your reasons, Jssion of the missing canine. do not worry about what peo It was on this suspicion that ple will think. Do what your the shots were fired at the head and conscience dictate.
One can readily imagine If you cannot say correctly the terror and excitement what you think, you cannot among our people. There think correctly.
were many eye witnesses to Many are proud because Rheumatism, pain in joints and the occurrence. In fear and they are brave, but bravery muscles are due to the formation of sharp crystals from excess uric trembling the boy had to run without knowledge of milita.
acid which weak kidneys have for the preservation of his ry technique means nothing.
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Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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