
S01e13 Saturday, August 19th. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE!! TMATUZZ Page 11 ROYUK 2, 217 nos! HAPPY LANDING Bishops of Indies DER BUT an on last BISHOP HUGHES ADDRESSES CLERGY AND LAITY OF HIS DIOCESE!
30นรน The Deanery, Georgetown, cession of the Most Reve. time. My own heart is very COM British Guiana rend Edward Arthur Dunn. anxious, as think of the for. ង BI have taken the most care. midable task which con, IT IS THE LANDING. BOYS AND GIRLS SICO WHERE YOU WILL BE SERVED To the Glergy and Faithful ful advice possible from tho fronts us, especially in these sirow.
We sidiza Laity of the Diocese of Bri. se who know me bestand terribe days through which VARIETY OF FRESCOS, DELICIOUS PASTRIES, ICE tish Honduras: are therefore qualified to gi. we are passing. give you CREAMS AND FRUIT, SALAD ON SUNDAY NIGHTS ve me their guidance, and my promise that shall do sievol Sunt MAKE THE LANDING YOUR COOL SPOT LOCATED Greeting: have accepted the call. my very best to be worthy AKT The Archishop and the send to you this message of of the great trust which le NORTH OF LINDO ICE FACTORY POUR the Province of greeting, to assure you that to be reposed in me. know Ο Τ the West Indies have unani. have you all and the work that, humanly speaking, Service with a smile. the while mously elected me to the See for which you are responsi. can never hope to be ade.
of British Honduras, in suc ble, in my prayers at this quate. Yet, God, who calls, BUTTLER Proprietress will enable us, if we are fai thful and humble enough, to be led by Him. I, therefore, LAS BRISAS bespeak your most TRIBUTE TO DR. HILARIO CUEVILLAS earnest prayers on my behalf, espe. Dr. Hilario Cuevillas, who wate citizen. Dr. Cuevillas cially as approach the day had been the very efficient was most charming as of Consecration. To follow Chief Medical Officer of orator, and of the several The most Popular Refreshment Parlour Archbishop Dunn is itself a the city United Medical occasions on which we had located cozily in the City Market.
difficult task, and this ma and Sanitary Department, the pleasure of listening to You can best the warm temperature kes me realise how great as well as the local consul him, we stil treasure the and satisfy the appetite by making are my needs. shall need ting Physician of the Nort speeches he delivered at the much wisdom and good jndhern Railway Company, jefttime Limon celebrated the Your refreshing spot. Our table Menu gment, and true humility of Limon Monday sixtieth birth anniversary of Speaks for itself. The very best hearth and mind.
service is our PLEDGE passenger train preparato Mr. Franklin Roosevelt, ry to taking up his assign President of the United To the Clergy, in particu. in the Capital.
States of America, as also HYLMAN WALTERS. Proprietor lar, wish to say that have on the occasion of the despnet all my ministerial life the wheel of pro coration of Colonel Fulgenas a Parish Priest, and Igress has revolved favou cio Campos with the Badge pray that as the days go by rably for him and we ten of Merit accorded him by PRESENTATION OF WAR FILMS they may tic and understanding, and gratulations, we are, neverThough the much appre. films presented, on the who that they, together with the theless, exceedingly It is hoped that the fullest sorry measure of success will ciated generosity of Mr. Ja. le, two phases of the raging laity, may give me such mes Ernest of the Teatro warfare. the one maintai. port by thei rprayers sup. for his departure, as it de attend the Doctor in hisinew and prives our community of his position, while we assure Moderno, a sea of humanity ned with honour, the other their co operation as will were the guests of Mr. stained with cruelties and enable me to be a worthy Fasionati igervices as well as his family and self its diwarhighly appreciated as profe him that Limono extends to Bruce, the Press Attache of murders. We once again saw ther in God.
of his usefulness as a pri mest good wishes 694 the British Legation of San the traditional independent Jose, last Monday, night. spirit of the British and their May God bless you always, Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support The war films which were patrioti willingness to give Yours very faithfully we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink presented excelled all pre, their life blood in defence at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city vious dnes shewn in this po. of the Commonwealth rear. HUGHES. Market.
pular show. house. Their mo ed and maintained on the ral, their impressiveness and principles of Goldliness and colourfulness were paramo. human justice. serunt: Colonef Quesada, the Ka distinguished Director of the There was also presented, musi. and not. au cians, augmented by a nur the rule of the Nazis, the fo ber of vocalists supplied by ulest with which mankind Major Thomas of the Salva. has ever been faced. It goes tion Army unitedly render. on record that the Nazi con.
ed the Costarrican and Brit. quest in the meanett crusade PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR ish National (Anthems. Addi against God and humanity antional fragrance was spread most dangerous enemy: by the selections rendered by It sthe hope of all thas o the Band.
Mr. Bruce will find it possi In his address Mr. Bruce ble to pay another visit, at maintained his well known no too distant date, to our ci.
grace and effectiveness. The ty.
Limon Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER Bob in REMEMBER TO THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL This is to advise the public in general that my son, Josephus Walker Burgess is not au thorized to sell any live stock from my pro perty at 11 Miles (Swamp Mouth) or any other place where such animals may be found. Any sale effected by the same Josephus Walker Burgess will be unlawful and subject to the discipline of the laws of Costa Rica.
JOSEPH BURGESS JOHNSON SWAMP MOUTH August 2, 1944 WE PAY THE BEST PRICES da realities ana shpia 20 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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