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EMPIRE MEDAL niversary of Belgium national In the Mons district of cernment at war can invariably CAPTAIN LAMMANS, day, Supreme Allied Headquar cupied Belgium, the local com be construed as indicating that M, a member of the recent Because Corporal Joseph ters paid tribute to the work mittees of a patriotic associa the war is going badly for that Parliamentary Delegation to the Henry Madden who, according of resistance groups in Beltion have sent an ultimatum to government. It was true of Bri West Indies, in an address befo to his mother, couldn kills gium, all municipal authorities ap tain in 1940 when the Cham re the me abers of the Royal Em chicken. saved injured Resistance groups in Bel. pointed by the Nazis, saying: berlain Government resigned, pire Society, URGED THE companion life one cold night gium, ran the SHAEF commu. Resign or get ready to die. But the tide of war has turned NEED FOR FEDERATION OF last winter by amputating his This society secret news or and it is Berlin niqué, since the Allied landand Tokyo ALL THE BRITISH COLONIES legs with his pocket knife and ings, have been engaged in the gan states that the traitors are which provide news on aN THE CARIBEAN.
aplying a tourniquet, he was systematic destruction of rail. resigning abjectly, and adds. more spectacular scale. of in Thte Deiegation, he said, fo awarded the British Empire Me ways, road bridges, telecom we ask all our committees to ner crises caused by the pres und everywhere in those Colo dal in the King Birthday Ho.
munications, railway turntables launch further campaign sure of unsuccessful war, nies a deep loyalty among all nours recently: The award, it is and signalling apparatus, thro throughout the country against month ago, under the head classes to the Crown, and a de believed, marked the first time ughout the entire country. Re the collaborating burgomasing Saipan Frightens Japan, termination to find their politi that a coloured canadian has sults obtained have been highters and aldermen, with the this News. Letter underlin cal future within the British Com been given this decoration, in ly satisfactory. The Belgian slogan: We give you one ed the warning put out by the monwealth. There was, however, this war.
network of rail and road com month.
Chief of the Naval Press Sec a latent fear that the leasing of Another first is being cremunications has been largely tion of the Japanese Imperial bases to the for ninety dited to the Madden family. Ha disrupted, and this contributed Headquarters. nine years might have meant arry, the 18 lear old son of Cor substantially to delaying the UNDERGROUND If the enemy succeeds in transfer of sovereignty. But the poral Joseph, plays the band og movement of enemy reinforce. ARMIES EMERGE building a powerful air base in Delegation had assured them that ja local regiment stationed ments to the battle area.
Saipan, said this spokesman, British subjects were not for Quebec. He is the first and only, The speedy transformation of the effect on our sea and air sale. transfer, or barter, coloured and kilted bagpipe BRITAIN ROLE IN the French underground resis supremacy in the Western Pa.
Comprehensive plans had been player in that area.
tance movement into the Frenchcific will be extremely great. prepared by the Stockdale Com The incident which brought JAPAN DEFEAT Forces of the Interior groupSaipan, main Japanese base mission for improved hospital Corporal Madden the British Em. ing some 500, 000 men, under in the Merianas, has fallen and educational facilities, new pire Medal occurred when The British Government is the command of General Koenig to the resolute attack by sea, water supplies, and other forms truck on which the corporal was considering what controls it will hero of Bir Hakeim, is an in Jair and land of the forces, of social service. But progress riding with other soldier was be necessary to retain after Ger dication of how, as soon as mi despite an attempt by the Ja had been hampered by the shor struck by a train in Ontario many is defeated, so that Pri litary circumstances permit, panese fleet to relieve the is tage of imported materials and One soldier was killed and four me Minister Churchill pledge the underground movements of land garrison.
lack of technical staff, others seriously wounded. Eye to fight the war against Japan all the occupied countries will Shortly after the fall of Sal. My outstanding impression witnesses credited Madden with with as much vigour as that in emerge into the open to rein. pan, the Tojo Cabinet resign of the West Indies. Captain Ga saying the life of one soldier Europe can be honoured to the force the activites of liberati led and as if the connection be mmans said, was the necessity whose legs were almost severed, full, it was explanned in the Houing ermies from the outside.
ween the two facts was not for federation. cannot see how when he amputated the limbs ser of Commons on July 14, by In many Departments of sufficiently evident, a Tokyo such questions as secondary in with his pocket knife and apHerbert Morrison, Home Secre Franoe, Forces of the Interior despatch to the German Newsdustries, sea and air communic? plied a tour niquet.
have, engaged German divi. Agency admitted: There is no tions, improvements in adminis Doctor later said that We are engaged in one war, sions. These hostilities are ad means of concealing that the trative and technical services, the operation could not have not two. said Mr. Morrison em ditional to the continued sabo loss of Sapæin has had the most and a unified currency can be been better performed.
phatically, and there should be tage which was so successfully far, reaching repercussions in solved except on a federation Born in the United States no mistakes about that because conducted before, especially in Japan.
basis. The main obstacle seemed Corporal Madden later moved it might lead to misunderstand the months preceding the Al Defeat in battle for the Ja to be inter island jealousy. with his parents to the West in ing abroad. The Japanese war lied invasion. Two hundred de panese means loss of face? There were fewer people in dies. He was educated in Bermay be long or short but we railments, 400 locomotives and whith can affect national mo all the British West Indies than muda and has been employed may be certain it will be tough. 2, 000 trucks destroyed, 450 rale in a way difficult for wes lived in London south of the Tha by both the Canadian National We are determined to fight attacks on factories. these tern minds to grasp. The new mes, and yet they had seven and Canadian Pacific Railway.
that war through as part of this were part of the sabotage ac Japanese government under Gen governors and seven separate le war, side by side with our count for the two months be eral Kuniaki Koiso seems duegislatures. The hard pressed Bri 101, 000, 000 BOOKS great Dominions, the United fore Day.
shortly for some face loging tish taxpayer is helping the States and other Allies, to the But now it is not only hamp. of its own.
West Indies by direct subsidiez EXAMINED utmost of our ability and with lered production and transport After 17 days concentrated under the Colonial Welfare and all our hearts. There can be no that the Germans have to fear bombardment by sea and air Development Act, and also indi 101, 000, 000 books collected question of letting our Ameri from the French People. An units. Pacific forces of the rectly by the sugar preference. in the National Book Recovery can Allies, the Australians or army is there to menace and landed on Guam and are mak In return, it was only reasona and Salvage Campaign organ New Zealanders down, or shirk destroy isolated divisions faring steady progress with ble to expect the Colonies to lized by the Ministry of Supply, com ing our full share of the bur.
to the rear of the invasion paratively light losses.
promote federation, as by doing have passed through the hands dens of the conflict.
Guam, a former American so they would help their of over 12, 500 scrutineers If the Japanese element of outposi, lies 130 miles south of economic prosperity.
and women volunteers the war continues longer than nel near Culoz, sixty miles Saipan and 1, 450 miles east of We could not solve our pro having expert knowledge of the European, the Government east of Lyon, blocking traffic the Philippines. It was attack blems merely by doling out cons booksin order to ensure that cannot be any party to any pro toward both the Swiss anded by the Japanese four days titutions. We must do far more no book of cultural, or antiquaposal that would interfere with Italian frontiers After two dy. after tre treacherous blow then we had done in the pagt torian value goes to the pulping the effective prosecution of the namite attacks, the Nazis had Pearl Harbour. With Saipan and create a sense of co operation of and struggle against the barbarism repaired the tunnel in a hurry Guam in Allied hands, major between curselves and the Colo rare editions of books have of the East which is no less a and got trains moving last week attacks for the recovery of the nial people of the West Indies thus been preserved for menace than that of the Nazis toward national archives.
in Europe.
border, and Modane, on the home islands will become prac.
eventually become Italian border, but on Monday ticable, great British Dominion in the about by the efflux of time, TUNNEL another part of the tunnel was further headache for Koi Caribbean.
but that policy was foredoom blown up. At the same time so is the knowledge that The Colonial Office apparented to failure. strong lead AGAIN DESTROYED the Pyrimont Viaduct on the New Gcinea 45, 000 Jap troops ly hoped that this would come from Britain at this moment For the third time in same line near Seyssel, ten mil survivors of the original for.
would have a far greater chance month, French patriots have les south of Culoz was destroy, ce of 60, 000 that were cut off llandia and Aitape last April, of success than many people blested the Credo railroad tuned.
by the Allied landings at Ho face complete annihilation, realised. own men 351010 on tho rd Bellegarde, on the Swiss Philippines or against Japan He hoped that the West Indies on a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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