
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE WE ZAILE MINUS When we consult only our own policy, and endeavour to find a shorter way to good by over Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 leaping the settled boundaries of right and wrong, we cannot by happy even by success VEAR IX LIMON, SEPTEMBER 2nd. 1944 NO 437because we cannot escape the consciousness of our mistake.
GERMANS UNABLE TO CHECK ALLIED ADVANCE TOWARD THEIR HOMELAND FOUNDATION OF CENTRAL AMERICAN Notwithstanding their deter. will shortly be in full thing in order of General Eisenhower.
BANANA WELL LAID nined efforts in the a rious Bellgium, where the patriots. The soul of France will, we sighting areas in France, the are fully prepared to start op are told, be przed of the ene.
Nazis have been unable to erations and only await the my forces in a few days.
It is a time age saying, but the principle is check the victorious advances ever new, that if the foundation of an edifice of the Allied Forces toward be well laid, the structure will, apart from abtheir home territory SOVIETS PURSUE SUCCESSES IN normal conditions, with stand its tests.
North American troups are reported in St. Dizier, the ca.
We mention the above in order to release BALKAN AREA the information that it is a medium of genuine ternmost point reached in the Allied advance. Other forces After capturing the vastly Cairo, Egypt, to negotiate an satisfaction to have the assurance that the Cen ove to the north and south important petroleum region armsitice with the Allied Na.
tral American Banana Company has been fulRheims, while thBritish of Ploesti in Rumania the So tions.
ly established, in accordance with the laws of ve captured the strategic viets pushed their advance to He Russians are, ca to ha our Republic, and that its Managing Personition of Amiens an dfirmly ward the Capital, Pucarest, ve completely defea :ed the nel are men possessed of the highest integrity lished themselves on the which was reported occupied germans in their last, frantie and unimpaired business achievements.
easte. bank on the ver Som last Thursday.
resistance and to have cros.
me. The enemy trorps have The Company has pledged to do business sed the frontier of Est Prus.
evacuated the city of Ruen.
Other forces effected a ra. sia.
with all the producers of this valuable fruit in The First North American pid movement ioward the Bul Withe the loss of their sup this zone, and is entirely independent of any army is said to have reachegarian frontier and bad cap. plies of oil from Rumania, it other Banana Company operating in this coun point than ten, miles from tured a large number of po. is the opinion in military cirl try or abroad.
he Belgian frontier, and 60 pulated districts. Four repre. cles that the germans will be Present day happenings indicate that an era om that of the Raich. sentatives of ihe Bulgarian unable to Keep their fight of prosperity is approaching for those of the government have arrived in aging for three more Months.
cultivators who have concluded contracts with The force operating ir sou.
thern France, under the com the Company. We have been yearning for such mand of General Patch, are NAZIS QUIT GOTHIC LINE IN ITALY an opportunity, and as the evolution of the approaching the years has brought it, let those who can cultiposition of Lyons toward whi Unable to withstand the defence in Italy.
vate more and better fruit give their fullest cosh the defeated 10th: German intense offensive launched The port of Pessaro on the operation to those who are displaying so much army flees. In the extreme by the British and Polish di Adriatic, the German east interest in southeast, other North Ame. visions of the Eighth Army, Jern stronghold, has been ta.
rican forces are advancing on during the carlier days of the ken by the Polish trops, while EROS DE ne, which was later report. week in course, the Germans other Allied forces have con FOURTH FRENCH REPUBLIC cupied have been forced to quit tacted enemy troops after Following on the capture of portant matter of a Constitution xpected that fighting their famed Gothic Line of crossing the river Fogglia.
Paris by the Allied Nations and for the projected fourth Republic.
911 1912 the signal victories obtained on General De Gaulle is desirous of all the other battle fronts, a new effecting general elections provisional government for Francarly as possible in order that th ce has been formed under the people may be in a position to presidency of General Charles de from their own government.
1050 Gaulle.
From Washington it that it has been virtually deeiO est meeting of the Council of ded to permit France to join the Resistance will, it is said, tako United States, England, Rusia and place shortly, in Paris, for the China in their future world conpurpose of discussing the im ferences, OF BANANAS; THE SIGNING OF GRAN EXCURSION LIMON APPLY TO OUR OFFICE: SITUATED: No pierda esta oportunidad de divertirse en el bello Puerto y también oír la famosa OrFRONT OF PARK VARGAS IN THE CITY OF questa de Profesores de Color en los Bailes Populares.
e important ur welfare.
as 09239 OF THE ATLANTIC ZONE is stated EHRMAN, JUEGOS DE BEISBOL, CRICKET FUTBOL El iren sale de San José a las 11 a. dal 15 de Setiembre y regresa de Puerto Lima a la p. del 17 de Setiembre.
Niños menores de diez años no pagan, siempre que no ocupen asiento.
Empresarios: LEWIS ARBUROLA.
782 W22 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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