
Saturday, September 2nd. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Page VINTA RUAREZ WORID BEST ANTI MALARIA INSECTICIDE 11d 6, 870 acres; The new expancultivation, in that. HOTEL HISPANC AMERICA son progremme will, it is stated, City of Limon Pyrethrum, a pretty daisy like claimed to be reached about th increase this acrtage by more Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
flower, is regarded by hygienists time the flower fully opens. The than 600 per cent during warand medical scientists as one of plant blooms practically all the time. Japan, Yugoeslavia and Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms the deadliest we pons against in year round, and is plucked when Erazil are also import nt produSpecial Dining Room Service sects that spread malaria ani ripe. After harvesting, the flowers Cers. The United States of Ame WELL SYOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE other diseases among human be: are dried, andbaled for shipment. rica produces a small amount.
AND FOREIGN LIQUORS ings. The Director of the Malaria The British Government has Institute in Indiais id to have They are then ground into powo agreed to purchase Kenya entiERNEST CECIL LEWIS long advocated malaria control der or dissolved into an extract re production up to the end of Proprietor.
by the destruction of adult mos containing concentrated pyrethrin 1947. The price to growers during quitoes by using pyrethrum in Kenya, British East Africa the current year is fixed at one spray, which entemologists have leads in the production of the shilling and three penee pet.
SO plant. In 1938 the area, under pound.
JO TO PRACTICE DEMOCRACY proved is the best insecticide.
It is thought that the Powder (Translated from one of the San Jose dailies) made from the pyrethrum flower Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support was introduced into Europe from we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink The chiefs of the Norther. Northern Railroad Company the ucasus, where it grew wild at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city gave, for the first time in the who gave, last Monday, the and was first used by tribesmen.
history of the Railwoad of the chance to a worker of colour, The poison, so dsadly to insects is North, the control of the engine, Tom Wray, to handle, as en contained in the flower head, and number 2, to a worker of colour. gineer, the engire Nº which the maximum prethrin contest is Effectively Tom Wray, engineer and Limon. This is the first time of colour operated the train in the history of the Northern last Monday in the traffic Pe Railroad in which the opportu.
nity has been given a worker LOWER PRICES It is rightful that we of the of colour to take control of one 20th century accustom oursel of the engines of the Company to ING CLUB TO STAGE ves to live under rules clearly make the run in the mentioned First class Merchandise and best of democratic, in which there is ro direction. We greatly congraCourtesy always disitoicnt Ebailktrwemo: tulate the Chiefs of the office of DRAMA Please ask for anything in Grocery or other distinction of race of any class; the Railroad, as well as the work specially when, in the actual er Wray for the triumph obtain Articles of General dietry not readily seni fight for the liberty of the world, ed andl for his attainment to the The Atlantic Voice learns, with there are dying on the battle democratic standard by which much pleasure, that the st Mar Dis 2916 fields of Asia, Africa and Eu the fight being pursued is ac tha Sewing Club, one of the usetaswimon LA PROVEEDORA rope, elements of all nations. tually on all the battle fields of ful auxiliaries of the Cathedra)
LIMON CITY of all political creeds and of all the world.
Parish, will stage a Drama entit races. The brains to regulate all THE ATLANTIC VOICE is led Over the unknown seas op the courtries of the world are very grateful to our former well the night of Tuesday the 26th, ins ready to guide us by that pure regu:ded Limorgense, Mr. Ste. tant, in the Hall of the Day school.
Despejando los Caminos and sir. cere pathway of demo phen Clarke of the San Jose De.
cratic life. For instande, the tective Bureau, for having We shall gladly keep our reacream of our early affirmation, brought us the clipping in the cers reminded of this anticipated HJSA is the attitude of the Chief of ed and for his attainment to the high class entertainment, sponso the transportation Office of the official language.
red for a worthy cause.
La Proveedora Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER En el norte de Francia la población civil ayuda a destruir los obstáculos de rieles colocados por los nazis en retirada con la idea de retardar el avance de las fuerzas de los Estados Unidos que, cuando llegaron a la región, hallaron la labor casi terminada.
DEN WEEKLY SAILINGS REMEMBER WE PAY THR BEST PRICES From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARBOUR. CCLORADO BAR. PANAMA ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT For particulars, see or communicate with BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents Post Office Box 144 or at their Office on the lower floor of Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON ventos


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