
INTERNAL SHORTS THE PIONEER CABINET AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP OF THIS CITY Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 2nd. 1944 VIIMA MITIR TIMMT wand 43 NEW MEMBERS FOR ST. MARK CHURCH The Central Price Control Com On the evening of Monday the candidates on the important facmittee has approved the selling 21st. ultimo there was witnessed, tors treating on the Rite. While EVERYTHING BEAUTIFULLY AND STRONGLY of sugar of second class quality at an unusually large congrega all knelt, the hymn Come Holy BUILT FOR twenty five cents the pound, in tion in the St. Mark Church, Ghost our souls inspire was lon, in hall retail establishments throught on the occasion of the service sung. His Lordship then effected HOME AND OFFICE the Republic specially convened for the admi the confirmation and offered nistering of the Rite of Confir prayer. In his sermon he referHigh grade Shellac Polish with a mirror finish specialized in the design and construction of Coffins. number of naturalised Cos mation.
red to the seven fold gifts of the tarricans of Polish origiu, who Forty three persons. twenty Holy Ghost and impressed on 4th. Street. Entrance to Gamez have large financial interests in one males and twenty two fem. the newly made members that Lumber Yard.
the country, are said to be forales were presented by the they now possessed something mulating plans for the establesRector and confirmed by the Rt. they did not previously, and that SYDNEY BECKFORD. Propietor ment of a Commercial Banking Rev. Hughes, Bishop of the they should regularly read their Institution in San José with a Diocese of Honduras with Cer bible and attend church, ever paid up capital of three million tral America. In an exceedingly bearing in mind that they are impressive and instructive man members of Christ body.
The Costa Rica Banana Compa ner His Lordship addressed the ny, has, We understand, been gran ted permission, by the CompeCharges Reasonable Precios Módicos tent Authority to employ women The unior. of spirit and pur ral square with the number 25 at nights in their Abaca Indus NOTICE pose faithfully observed in weal in silver colour.
Some of the try, though to not later than mid and woe has evidently been the most delicious dainties and refre night Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos source of the sublime felicity of shing drinks were served. The ineering Requirement to de ingeniría dirijase a our highly regarded citizens, Mr. Rev. Frs. John and Hubert were and Mrs. Potasse Louis, who ar in attendance. The first named rived at the twenty fifth anni graced the table. Among the BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 versary of their marriage on the other guests were Mesdames SAN JOSE 22nd. ultimo.
Bernard, Henry, Rose, Comerciante detallista Dobson, Reid, and daughter On the a Miss. VinMR. AND MRS. POTASSE LOUIS CELEBRATE colones.
BABY GIRL BORN TO MR. AND MRS. high Mass was celebrated in ou9 cent Hart, Miss Mills, Mr. Tit Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale.
DUDLEY PINNOCK Cathedral in thanksgivig to God zie Grant, Mr. Mitchell and ría, Materiales de Ferrete, for having so graciously blessed Mr. Robinson.
ría y Eléctricos, todo se en.
While the proverbial Stork was are reported doing splendidly. the contracting parties. The Rev.
cuentra en este effecting one of his constitutional Fr. John was the Celebrant with THE ATLANTIS VOICE exestablecimiento.
visits in our community on Tues Our good friend, Mr. David the full choir participating. On tends its congrats to Mr. and day of last week, he left a special Pinnock of Rio Seco, in the Es the following Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Louis and wishes for them neral instructress of the Chilpackage containing a baby girl in tralla region, is the very pround their residence provided the setmany more wedding conmemo dren of Mary and the First Com the care of Mrs. Dudley Pinnock grandfather of the welcomed tirg for the social feature of the rative dates. Mrs. Louis is the ge munion Children of the Cathe.
in the maternity ward of the lo tgift. Our congrats to mother, fa anniversary. Flowers, with their aral Parish.
cal hospital Mother and babe ther and grand dad, fragance, were in abundance; and in a central position on one No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for of the walls of the reception hall, El comandante de la legión de veteranos yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Market was artistically displayed a flo.
elogia a las naciones americanas Ġet quick relief from RHEUMATISM Perú, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Guatemala y México, El viaje a dichos países fué emprendido por Atherton para transmitir el mensaje de reconocimiento del pueblo de los Estados Unidos a las repúblicas del continente por su cooperación en 16 la causa aliada su regreso a los Estados Unidos visitó más de veinte ciudades, en las que pronunció conferencias y discursos sobre sus impresiones de viaje.
En una reunión de la Legión de Veteranos celebrada en San Francisco, Atherton bosquejó la ayuda que prestan las otras repúblicas del continente, poniendo de manifiesto que las Naciones Rheumatism, pain in joints and Unidas no habrían podido alcanmuscles are due to the formation zar los triunfos logrados hasta ahora sobre el enemigo si les huof sharp crystals from excess uric biera faltado tan intima coope.
99 acid which weak kidneys have ración.
allowed to escape into the system. La rapidez con que avanzamos The kidneys should be filtering this en Normandía, declaró, excess uric acid (and all other poisons and depende de los productos de Warren Atherton petróleo que hemos podido proimpurities) out of the bloodstream. That veer a nuestras fuerzas en esa is why, at the first twinges of Rheumatism, SAN FRANCISCO. Warren región. El treinta por ciento de you słyuld take special steps to satisfy contain is getting to work clearing away Atherton, Comandante de la esos productos ha sido suminisyourself that the kidneys are working impurities and poisons.
Legión de Veteranos de los Es trado por la América del Sur, y properly.
Within a few days the kidneys are once tados Unidos, a su regreso de un hay que pensar en que ese De Witt Pills have been specially premore at work trapping poisons and imviaje de 23. 000 kilómetros por la treinta por ciento puede signifias pared to act directly on weak, sluggish, purities in the bloodstream and expelling América central y del sur, Ka car la diferencia entre el triunfo elogiado altamente a las repúbli y el fracaso.
them from the system by Nature marvellous clogged kidneys. They soothe inflamcas americanas por su colabora La política del buen vecino, mechanism.
Ymation, heal, strengthen and restore them.
ción en el esfuerzo de guerra de bajo la cual las repúblicas ameYou haye visible proof of the direct action That is why De Witt Pills prove so las Naciones Unidas.
ricanas han cooperado de maof De Witt Pills within 24 hours of taking wonderfully effective in relieving RheuAtherton, jefe de una sociedad nera tan notable tanto en la paz the first dose. You know for certain that matism. They go at once to the root of compuesta por más de dos mi como en la guerra, según asethe wonderful internal antiseptic they the trouble the kidneys themselves.
llones de veteranos de las fuer Igura Atherton, tiene la adhesión zas expedicionarias de los Esta más cabal de la Legión de. Vetedos Unidos en la guerra pasada, ranos. En un discurso pronunhizo hincapié en la cuantía y la ciado en la capital de México naturaleza de la ayuda que pres poco antes de retornar a los tan las repúblicas americanas a Estados Unidos declaró que la esta causa. Sus manifestacio Legión dedicará toda su influennes se basan en lo que tuvo laſcia presente y futura al apoyo Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Pains and all oportunidad de palpar durante de esa política para que perdure of Kidney Trouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere, su largo viaje por el Brasil, el y quede consagrada con todas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Uruguay, la Argentina, Chile, llas fuerzas del corazón. DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills


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