
Page 11 NIS PVMMAN Saturday, September 2nd. 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE SOCIEDAD ANONIMA AGRICOLA CONS IN THE METHODIST CIRCUIT TRUCTORA DE VEINTIOCHO MILLAS Many praisewoning komments hessed by u watchnight congre To the Officers and Members of the above named Society, you are hereby notified to attend the General Stockholders Meeting, which will be held at the usual meeting place at Madre de Dios, on the 17th September 1944, starting at 10 30 for the electing of new Officers and to receive the Report of the past year, and to adopt new plans for the improvement of the Society If you fail to attend you can send in your vote by a representative or by Proxy.
The representatives from the have bean heard with respect to gation. Among the special fea line churches wer Dr. the celebration, by the Method tures were the procession com Shaw for Siquirres; Mrs. Etkeles ists, of the Golden Jubilee of the prised of fifty persons, taken from Butler for Pacuarita; Mr. Muiri?
life of their denomination in Cos the five auxiliares of the church, for Cairo; Miss Smith for Eso ta Rica. Services were conduct d, each betring a lighted candle, as trada. Mr. Thorbourne for simultanteously, in all the chur they marched from the Mission Zent Chapel and Mr. Barretta ches of the Circuit on Friday the to the church along the side ais for the city church. The greetem 18th day of August, the exactle, while Mr. Sydney Stewart wallings from the Baptists were delly conmemorative date.
ked up the middle caisle to the ered by the Rev. Torderange The service effected at the ci platform Illuminathg indeed those from the SalvationwArmy ty church on Sunday the 2011. was the address on Lighth deli by Major Lneh. Mr. LHnAnguesita was of a highly spiritual charac vered by Mrs, Iris Williams, foll Gave the address for the Court ter. The Rev, Kenneth Strachan owed by the Te Deum, chrnted by the Rev. Holmes: 9:00 of San José was the preacher at by the choristérs, The sketch his The commemorativc torven the forenoon and evening servi tory was read by Mrs. Jessie came to a close on the Turgaus cts. An outstanding get to gether Wright, then digested by an ad night the 22nd with a dedication sit worship, in which all the auxilia dress by the author, Mr. Sydney service, Testimonies and Love ries of the church participated, Stewart Feast.
was held at three oʻclock in the of ternoon. The public celebration on the following ngiht was wit20 FARQUHARSON President WARD Gerente SCHARSCHMIDT Secretary.
LAS BRISAS FOR MEN v 30 SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SOUCITS INFORMATION RE CACAO 23 HAPPY LANDING MRS. ELLEN MACRAE DIES IN JAMAICA The most Popular Refreshment Parlour By a recent issue of one of the their last resting place in the Felt and Straw Hats.
located cozily in the City Market.
news organs of the Islands of Ja May Pen Cementery on the Shirts and Underwear You can best the warm temperature maica, we glean the information 16th. último, after the funeral THE LATEST, CHEAPEST and satisfy the appetite by making that the Grim Reaper has taken service had been conducted in NOMA SM IAS from this earthly sphere, Mrs, the East Queen Street Baptist AND BEST Your refreshing spot. Our table Menu Ellen Mė. Pae, the wife of our Church. She is survived by her Do your shopping at Speaks for itself. The very best esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Ja windower, and her sons and da THE PEOPLE HOUSE bonslager service is our PLEDGE mes. Mc. Rae of the Modern gthers. Ossie, Tully, Ivan, Inez, Drug Store.
Guy, Doris and Swinford of New is HYLMAN WALTERS. Proprietor York; Horace of Barranquilla, Co 350 sex 08 ais The gedevent took place in the lombia, and Mrs. Granville Flem city of Kingston, Jamaica, where ming of Kingston. To these arid Mrs. Mc. Pae had lived to the the other beeraved members of grand old age of eighty two the family, we tender our sincere The usual anniversary cele sco years. Her remains yere laid in condolence, bration, in connection with the CO OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Sunday School associated soal INOX with wod the Siquirres Methodist Church, Kindly allowing space in your meeting held some time ago and was observed on Sunday and Moo Weekly to have a talk with Mr. that according to the reports su.
day the 37th. and 28th. último. Foster regarding the Call to Ca mitted things were moving fovou IT IS THE LANDING. BOYS AND GIRLS Augmenting the Thanksgiving cao Farmers.
rably, but it would have served WHERE YOU WILL BE SERVED services, a three o clock ofterDear Foster speaking for such a nobler purpose had we noon Young People programme the Cacao Farmers of lower Es seen, in print, the matters dealt VARIETY OF FRESCOS, DELICIOUS PASTRIES, ICE was presented and presided over trella, we do appreciate, in sone with so we, the mon members, CREAMS AND FRUIT, SALAD ON SUNDAY NIGHTS by Dr. Shaw.
measure, your advice to joil the would be better able to cast in our MAKE THE LANDING YOUR COOL SPOT LOCATED On the following Monday eve Cacao Cooperation, but how can lot with the cooperation, ning, the Minister of the Circuit, we join a thing on wich we are NORTH OF LINDO ICE FACTORY Perhaps, through your instruthe Rev. Holmes, officiated. not sufficiently informed. No reOUR Ο Τ Te members of the denomina presentative of the concern has mentaly, Mr. Foster, a general Service with a smile l the while tion and their friends were again come our way to give the aligh understanding may be given us.
mede happy by the high enter test information regarding bene. Thanking you again, Mr. Edi BUTTLER Proprietress taining abilities of the Girls of hte, fits or other facilities derivable tor, for the space granted.
Estrada and Zent Leagues. They from the industry. Neither have Very truly, gave a concert of classical back We seen bye laws or rules govern BC. HART ing same.
som One of the Audience Through the medium of the Lincolnshire Farm.
OF MADRE DE DIOS press, we learn of the half yeşrly Pandora, Estrella, August 1944.
COSTA RICA The 25 Miles Cricket Oval Gayle, bowled Lindsay 1; SODA WATER was again occupied by the Bat. Mathews, bowled Lindsay 1; FACTORY tan and Victory Teams on the Jones, not out 9; extras Tozóth. ultimo. The homesters Ital: 49 runs.
FABRICA compiled 49 runs and were able VICTORY Lindsay, bow.
de Hielo y Refrescos The highly characteristic good will of to keep the visiting batsmen led Manley 0; Hall, stump Agencia Servecería Traube Limonenses and other endeared friends was down to the baker dozer of 13. led 2; Robinson, caught The respective scores are: generously extended to the Waiters of SesHall 2; Pererandą, bowled LIMON BATTAN. Riley, bowled Manley 1; Elston, bowled Man teo on the occasion of their special dance Lindsay 17; Manley, bowled ley Hall, bowled Jores 0: FLORIDA ICE AND staged in the Hall of the AssociaLindsay 1; Dobson, caught Barker, caught Jones 1; tion on the night of Monday the 28th. ulHall 1; Hall, bowled Robin Johnson, caught and bowled timo. We adopt this medium to express to son 0: Maxwell, bowled Ro Jones 0; Ramsaybowled 0; our invited guests and the community in binson 0, Leckie, caught Jhon Bryan, caught and bowled son 0; Bernard, caught Ken. Jones 4; W: Johnson, not out LA FLORIDA general our heartfelt gratitude.
tis 3; Graham, bowled Lind Total 13 runs.
say 1; Harrison, run out 3; Cricket Fan.
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